Nioh DLC Pack 2 Defiant Honor Battlefield Guide Trophy Guide

Battlefield Guide
Collected all Kodama in the “Siege of Osaka (Winter)” chapter.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
NIOH directory.
Here is the Nioh DLC Pack 2 Defiant Honor Battlefield Guide Trophy Guide. There are 25 Kodama to collect throughout the Siege of Osaka (Winter) Region that are found throughout 3 separate missions in the game. Finding all Kodama in the Region will boost the amount of Elixirs you can carry which will help massively given the difficulty of this DLC. The Kodama can be found at the following missions / locations throughout the Region:
Collect all 25 Kodama throughout the Siege of Osaka (Winter) Region to unlock your Trophy.
The Siege of Osaka (Winter)
Level 180 Main Mission, 10 Kodama.
- First Kodama:
From the start of the mission, head forward down into the trench, speak with the NPC to receive x2 Giant Cannonballs (not essential but makes collecting most of the Kodama a lot easier), then head right through the trench, take out the Soldiers and use the cannon to stop the fire arrow volleys. From here, drop down the ladder then go right to find the Kodama in the corner against the sandbags. - Second Kodama:
Proceed through the mission to where the Namahage spawns just by a wooden bridge, you will be able to see the second shrine in the distance. Defeat the Nahamage then look to the right of where it spawned to see some sandbags, against the left edge of the sandbags will be the Kodama. - Third Kodama:
Had to the second cannon and use it to get rid of the arrow volleys for this area, once done, head down the ramp from the cannon taking a right into the trench, at the end of the path will be the Kodama. - Fourth Kodama:
From the Third Kodamas’ location, head across the battlefield to the left of the second cannon, drop down off the end, go to the right then next to the fence in the left corner will be the Kodama. - Fifth Kodama:
Continue through the mission after you drop down into the trench with the Dwellers and the large Skeleton Warrior with the Axe, go up the ladder and look to your left to find the Kodama just to the right of a small fallen tree just before you can drop off the small ledge. To the right of the Kodama on a corpse will be the third Giant Cannonball if you are struggling with the arrow volleys. - Sixth Kodama:
From the Fifth Kodamas’ location go right directly underneath the third cannon to find the Kodama in the corner. - Seventh Kodama:
Proceed through the mission to the village going behind the building in the back, directly around the building stay left to find a fence and a smashable crate, smash through it to find the Kodama. - Eighth Kodama:
From the Seventh Kodamas’ location go into the building on your right to find a Nurikabe as part of the back wall. Get pass it using either Gestures or combat then climb the ladder to your left, on the platform will be the Kodama. - Ninth Kodama:
Come out of the building with the Nurikabe, take a right then first left, go behind the building to find the Kodama. - Tenth Kodama:
Go to the second to last building on the left before dropping down to face Sarutobi Sasuke, the one that has a tree fallen down onto its left side, in this building behind some smashable crates will be the Kodama.
Scion Of Virtue
Level 200 Main Mission, 6 Kodama.
- First Kodama:
From the start of the mission, go through the caves to just before the open cavern where the Namahage will spawn, before going to the cavern, take a left through 2 smashable crates into a small alcove to find the Kodama. - Second Kodama:
Proceed through the mission to the third area pass the Brave with the Dual Swords then climb the watchtower, go left to find the wooden door, then carefully drop down to the left to the roof tiles below to find the Kodama. - Third Kodama:
From the Second Kodamas’ location, head back up the watchtower this time going right to find the Kodama at the end next to a stack of logs. - Fourth Kodama:
Just before you go down the well to continue the mission from the Second and Third Kodamas’ locations, go round to the right around the building to the end of the path where you will find the Kodama. - Fifth Kodama:
Continue through the mission until you’re back outside from the second cave section, go pass the smashed watchtower when you first come back outside then look to your right to see 2 red exploding barrels. Smash through the barrels and ensure you defeat all enemies in the local area where you can then collect the Kodama. - Sixth Kodama:
Proceed through the mission passing the final Brave to get to the boss door, before going through to face Sanada Yukimura, go right, follow the path around to find the Kodama.
Dance Of The Yokai
Level 190 Sub Mission, 9 Kodama.
- First Kodama:
From the start of the mission go up and around to where you can place the first Twin Fox Orb into an altar, where there will be 2 Mages a Fox Spirit and a large Skeleton Warrior with an Axe. Open the wooden doors on the building to the left of then altar then look to your right to find the Kodama. - Second Kodama:
Come out of the building where you found the First Kodama, take a left then to the right of the staircase to find the Kodama in the corner. - Third Kodama:
Continue through the mission through the stairs where the large Fox Spirit spawns, once back outside, go down the stairs and take the second right, follow the path where you get blocked by a statue. From here, look to the right to find the Kodama. - Fourth Kodama:
From the Third Kodamas’ location, go back on yourself, take a left then follow the path around to the fallen tree trunk bridge where a large Fox Spirit will spawn. Cross the bridge taking care of the fire Oni-bi that will spawn, go right then right again to find the Kodama at the end of the short path. - Fifth Kodama:
From the Fourth Kodama, go up the stairs, follow the path around to the left, go down the stairs then go forward staying against the right wall. Go pass the second shrine to the far end of the section to find the Kodama. - Sixth Kodama:
Go to the second shrine, looking at it, take a left up the stairs, pass the Karasu Tengu where you will then find a Nurikabe against the back wall. Get pass it using either Gestures or combat, go up the second flight of stairs to get the second flat platform with more stairs going up. Look to the left behind the 2nd red pillar on your left to find the Kodama. - Seventh Kodama:
Continue through the mission to the open area where the Mages, Fox Spirit and One-eyed Oni enemies are, head through to the staircase leading down, take the first right to where a Mage and a Wheelmonk are, defeat them both to find the Kodama. - Eighth Kodama:
At the bottom of the staircase from the Seventh Kodama, go around to the right behind some small huts, in between the huts will be the Kodama. - Ninth Kodama:
Defeat every yokai / Mage / Fox Spirit in the penultimate area of the level where you will be able to acquire the Gate Tower Key from the corpse. Go to the right of the area from the corpse with the Key to find the Kodama against a lanterns’ base.
Collect all 25 Kodama in the Siege of Osaka (Winter) Region to unlock your Trophy.
That’s the Nioh DLC Pack 2 Defiant Honor Battlefield Guide Trophy Guide I hope it helps you collect all Kodama in the Siege of Osaka (Winter) Mission.