
Nioh DLC Pack 3 Bloodsheds End Bringer Of Peace Trophy Guide

NIOH Bringer of Peace trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Bringer of Peace
Completed all “Siege of Osaka (Summer)” missions.

Here is the Nioh DLC Pack 3 Bloodshed’s End Bringer Of Peace trophy guide which will help you complete all “Siege of Osaka (Summer) missions”. There are a fair few missions to complete in the Siege of Osaka (Summer) Region, all of which will unlock as you complete the unlocked missions as they become available. In addition to the main and sub missions, you will also need to complete 1 Twilight Mission, the Twilight Mission, Unyielding Hellfire will unlock once you complete the, The Sanada’s Resolve, level 217 main mission. The missions you will need to complete and a brief overview of how to do so are as follows:

The Sanada's Resolve

Level 217 Main Mission.
Proceed up and through the mission going pass the NPCs that spawn to the top where you will face off against Sanada Yukimura a very powerful fire based boss who utilises heavy hitting combos. Take him down to complete the mission.

Resentment Unleashed

Level 227 Main Mission.
Head through the mission taking out the yokai in order to proceed through to the Onmaroki boss fight. This thing can be a pain to fight given the long range and power behind its attacks. Bring a fire based living weapon and take it down to complete the mission.

The Last Samurai

Level 242 Main Mission.
This is a long, painful mission and one that is befitting the final main mission in Nioh, you will be facing off against armies of yokai, several very powerful NPCs and a plethora of bosses as you make your way through the mission. The final boss, Nine-Tailed Fox is an incredibly powerful fire based Guardian Spirit who can end you in a second. Bring a water based living weapon along to have a slightly easier time of it. Defeat Nine-Tailed Fox to complete the mission.

The Loyalty Of Demons

Level 220 Sub Mission.
Head through the mission to the final area, defeat all of the yokai that spawn then finally defeat the Onryoki to complete the mission.

Raid On The Hirano River

Level 225 Sub Mission.
Proceed through the mission taking out the Soldiers and Ninja, at the end of the mission you will need to take on and defeat the Mysterious Samurai to complete the mission.

Courage And Wisdom

Level 230 Sub Mission.
There will be a large number of high level yokai throughout this mission including Karasu Tengu, Namahage, enhanced Yoki and NPC enemies as well as plenty more besides, at the end, you will need to fight and take down Onryoki to complete the mission.

A Warrior Of Keen Judgement

Level 233 Sub Mission.
Continue through the mission taking out the yokai as you go, check any of the 3 chests found throughout the level until you find the Joganseiyo, finding it will then complete the mission.

Guardian In The Shadows

Level 237 Sub Mission.
Potentially a difficult mission, thankfully Fuku is along for the ride making things a lot more manageable, take care of the Hand Cannon wielding Ninja throughout the level, make your way through the mission. Take a right near the end through the building where you need to open the wooden doors, follow the path down to face a Nue who is seriously powerful, take it down to complete the mission.

The Grand Tournament

Level 255 Sub Mission.
You have to fight through 100+ enemies including several bosses with no shrines available in order to complete the mission.

The Fare For The Afterlife

Level 260 Sub Mission.
You need to push through a series of powerful NPCs then face off against Sarutobi Sasuke then Sanada Yukimura who is wind based in this mission, defeat them all to complete the mission.

The Master Ninja

Level 265 Sub Mission.
Face off against Ryu Hyabusa, the legendary Ninja, a sword / kusarigama wielding Ninjitsu master. Take him down to complete the mission.

Everlasting Duty

Level 270, Sub Mission.
You need to take down both Toyotomi Hideyori and the Nine-Tailed Fox, get Toyotimi out of the way first allowing you a one on one with the Nine-Tailed Fox, bring a water based living weapon to inflict decent damage. Defeat them both to complete the mission.

Unyielding Hellfire

Level 235 Twilight Mission.
To unlock this Twilight Mission, you need to have firstly completed the, The Sanada’s Resolve, level 227 main mission, complete the Twilight mission which is a harder version with greatly enhanced enemies. Complete every mission listed above in the Siege of Osaka (Summer) Region to unlock your Trophy.

That’s the Nioh DLC Pack 3 Bloodsheds End Bringer Of Peace trophy guide complete I hope it helped you complete all “Siege of Osaka (Summer)” missions.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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