
Nioh DLC Pack 1 Dragon Of The North Oshu Guide Trophy Guide

NIOH Oshu Guide trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Oshu Guide
Collected all Kodama in the Tohoku region.

Here is the Nioh DLC Pack 1 Dragon Of The North Oshu Guide Trophy Guide. There are 25 Kodama to collect throughout the Tohoku Region that are found throughout 3 separate missions in the game. Finding all Kodama in the Region will boost the amount of Elixirs you can carry which will help massively given the difficulty of this DLC. The Kodama can be found at the following missions / locations throughout the Tohoku Region:


Find all of the Kodama throughout the Tohoku Region to unlock your Trophy:

Yokai Country

Level 150 Main Mission, 10 Kodama.

  • First Kodama:
    From the start of the mission, go up the stairs, take the second left to see the Kodama against the back wall.
  • Second Kodama:
    Go through the mission until you come to the area with the Red Kappa in the water. Behind the first large tree, directly in front of where you enter the area in the water will be the Kodama.
  • Third Kodama:
    Proceed through the mission where the Rokurokubi enemies are with the Giant Tree that has a thick rope wrapped around it. Behind this tree in the corner is the Kodama.
  • Fourth Kodama:
    From the Third Kodamas’ location go down taking the first left. At the end of the path is a tree you can knock down. Just behind this tree is the Kodama.
  • Fifth Kodama:
    Once you have collected the Fourth Kodama, kick the tree down then drop down into the water. Defeat the Red Kappa down here to be able to find the Kodama to the left side of the large central rock.
  • Sixth Kodama:
    Continue through the mission to the third shrine just across the bridge. From the shrine, go left to the end of the path, smash through the crates to find the Kodama in the corner.
  • Seventh Kodama:
    Head through the mission to where the 2 Watchtowers are on your right then head into the first building on your left. Smash through the urns in the top left corner of the building to find the Kodama.
  • Eighth Kodama:
    From the Seventh Kodamas’ location, go around behind the left Watchtower (as you come out of the building), climb the ladder, cross the walkway then carefully drop down to the left at the end onto a small ledge with several smashable crates. Smash through the crates to find the Kodama in the corner.
  • Ninth Kodama:
    Make your way through, up and across the area with the ladders and the narrow wooden walkways, go to the platform where the Namahage will spawn and you have a Soldier with a Hand Cannon on the adjacent platform up the ladder in front of a small building with a black chest inside.
    Just to the right side of the small building next to the ladder you just climbed up in the corner behind some smashable crates is the Kodama.
  • Tenth Kodama:
    Go through the building with the Karakasa Umbrella and the Nahamage where the small stables are. Once out of the building, there will be a set of double wooden doors you can unlock. Just to the left in the corner of the area are a 2 large smashable crates, smash through them to find the Kodama.

The One-Eyed Dragon's Castle

Level 165 Main Mission, 6 Kodama.

  • First Kodama:
    From the start of the mission, go up and around pass the red exploding barrels, continue pass the 2 Namahage yokai then go direct left behind the battlement, follow the path around staying against the left wall to find the Kodama at the top of the small ramp.
  • Second Kodama:
    Proceed through to where the Snowclops sends 2 snow boulders down at you, at the bottom of the hill is a small fence, behind some smashable crates is the Kodama.
  • Third Kodama:
    From the Snowclops that sends 2 snow boulders down to you, go through take the first right, to find a Namahage, defeat it then look to the right of the smashable urns to find the Kodama.
  • Fourth Kodama:
    Proceed through the mission to the second shrine then head up the ramps, go forward and into the first right opening, climb the ladder at the back, near the Namahage then go round to the right to find the Kodama behind a smashable crate.
  • Fifth Kodama:
    Continue through the mission to the third shrine then once there, turn around and go through the building that will now be to your left, inside will be a Ninja and a Rokurokubi. Stay on the ground floor and exit through the back, go right then left up the stairs, go left pass the Namahage then right up a slope. Deafeat the 2 Rokurokubi then smash through the crates to your left to find the Kodama.
  • Sixth Kodama:
    Proceed through the mission defeating Katakura Shigenaga and acquiring the Dragon Insignia Key, once through the doors after the Shigenage boss fight that lead you through to the next area. Go forward onto the balcony then take a right then left into a small garden area with a Soldier that will blow an alarm horn if you give them a chance to bringing every yokai and Soldier in the immediate area to your position. To your left once in this small garden will be the Kodama.

A Gilded Deception

Level 160 Sub Mission, 9 Kodama.

  • First Kodama:
    From the start of the mission, go forward and up the stairs, take out the Namahage yokai then before opening the wooden doors, go left through the snowy field to find the Kodama in the far right corner.
  • Second Kodama:
    Proceed through the first building then head around the balcony, take a right up the hill take a left up the slope to the small ledge. If the Flying Bolt and One-eyed Imp yokai spawn then you’ve gone to far. Just behind the tree on the ledge will be the Kodama.
  • Third Kodama:
    From the Second Kodamas’ location, head down to the waters edge, carefully make your way onto the ice and go right to the corner next to the ledge and the water will be the Kodama.
  • Fourth Kodama:
    Proceed through the mission to the path containing a Snowclops to your left and a Rokurokubi in the distance on a wooden bridge. Go to the small building that contains a black chest next to the Snowclops that spawns, go to the left side of the building to find the Kodama against the rocks.
  • Fifth Kodama:
    Cross the bridge mentioned in the Fourth Kodamas’ location pass the Rokurokubi and take a right. There will be 2 Karakasa Umbrellas and a Flying Bolt in this area so proceed through with caution. Once they’re take care of, go into the second building on the left, smash through the urns to the right of the black chest to find the Kodama.
  • Sixth Kodama:
    Go to the right of the buildings from the Fifth Kodamas’ location, head up the ramp to the bell then carefully drop down to the right of the platform to the ice below. Head right then cross the ice to the land opposite, look to the left to find the Kodama in front of the icy rocks.
  • Seventh Kodama:
    Continue through the mission going pass the small Temple with the moat around it. Go through then take a left pass the Namahage to find the Kodama against the left side of the fallen tree.
  • Eighth Kodama:
    From the Seventh Kodamas’ location, go back up the way you came taking the first left then look to the left behind a tree to find the Kodama.
  • Ninth Kodama:
    Just before you go through the wooden doors to the final area of the mission, look to your right to find the Kodama next to the lantern.

That’s all 25 Kodama in the Tohoku Region, collect them all to unlock your Trophy.

That’s the Nioh DLC Pack 1 Dragon Of the North Oshu Guide Trophy Guide I hope it helps you collect all Kodama in the Tohoku Region.




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4 years ago

Amazing thank you for this!!!