Nioh Kyushu Region Missions
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
NIOH directory.
Here we will go over all of the Nioh Kyushu Region Missions. Kyushu region is the first main region in the game with the map being accessible once you have completed the following missions:
With both of these main missions complete you will then be through the tutorial section of the game where you can access the rest of the missions in the region as you progress through the game. There are a lot of missions to complete in NIOH. The missions are broken down into categories throughout the game, which are main missions, sub missions, twilight missions and the dojo missions. the Twilight missions which are much harder versions of some standard missions in the game and only appear sporadically at the rate of 2 every 24 hours (real time).
All of these missions can be completed on Way of the Samurai which will help and if you need any other Nioh missions, check out the Samurai of Legend trophy guide for how to complete every mission in the game. I recommend going through the game, completing The Queen’s Eyes (final mission) then levelling up on Way of the Strong then coming back to mop up any remaining / harder / twilight missions you have outstanding on Way of the Samurai. I will give you a brief guide on how to get through every mission in the Kyushu region as well as a Let’s Play video for every mission showing you what you need to do to complete that given mission. The 10 Kyushu Region missions are as follows:
The Man With The Guardian Spirit
Main Mission, level 1.
This is the tutorial mission in NIOH, head through the area using the glowing shrines as checkpoints. Take Derrick down to 50% health then defeat his Yokai form to complete the mission.
Isle Of Demons
Main Mission, level 5.
Head through the first area to the building with the Yoki to get the Key to Residence, head through the village to the large ship in port. Before going to the ship, head up the ramp opening the gate leading to the second shrine. Go back to the ship, take out Onryoki to complete the mission.
Deep In The Shadows
Main Mission, level 12.
Go through the caves taking care not to get hit off the cliffs by the bats. When you’re pass the second shrine, you will have a series of powerful of yokai to get through on your way to Hino-Enma boss fight. Hino-Enma utilises paralysis so dodge at the last second when she’s in the air. Kill her to complete the mission.
The Spirit Stone Slumbers
Main Mission, level 19.
Head through the first half of the mission to tackle the Nue, taking care when it roars as you’ll have 3 lightning strikes to dodge, take it down then head through to the crypts. Go up and around from the shrine near the Sentries to activate the Shade Eyes contraption, head through the doors which will now open. Defeat Tachibana Muneshige to complete the mission.
Death To Bandits
Sub Mission, level 10.
Proceed through the village to the final building, take out the overgrown Soldier to complete the mission.
Wreathed In Flame
Sub Mission, level 13.
There are 3 Wheelmonks to be found in this mission. Defeat them all to complete the mission.
Finders' Keepers
Sub Mission, level 15.
There are several yokai and 1 Kappa in this area which you need to defeat, Sloth (Onmyo Magic talisman) will help if the Kappa is to fast for you or corner and kill it. Either way, defeat the Kappa to complete this mission.
Kanbei And The Overlord
Sub Mission, level 18.
Head up through the area to where the Skeleton Warriors, Oni-bi and Yoki spawn, head up the ramp to face a revenant, defeat it to acquire the Boss Room Key. Go through the wooden door and kill the Biwa-boku Boku to complete the mission.
A Request From Ginchiyo
Sub Mission, level 21.
You will need to make your way through the mission searching through the 7 chests to find the Old Charm item, some of the chests will have a Mujina (3 stripes will be on the chest, you will need to defeat the Mujina with Gestures or combat). The Old Charm can drop from any chest, collect it to complete the mission.
An Inivitation From The Warrior Of The West
Sub Mission, level 27.
You will be in a one on one fight against a very powerful, Tachibana Muneshige. Drop him to complete the mission.
That’s how to complete all 10 missions in the Kyushu region. If you need to complete any other missions in Nioh, feel free to check out the Samurai of Legend trophy guide.
That’s how to complete all of the Nioh Kyushu Region Missions in Nioh. I hope the guide helped you through all of them and figure out what it is you need to do.
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