
Nioh Samurai Of Legend Trophy Guide

NIOH Samurai of Legend trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Samurai of Legend
Completed all missions.

Here is the complete Nioh Samurai Of Legend Trophy Guide. There are a lot of missions to complete in NIOH. The missions are broken down into categories throughout the game, which are main missions, sub missions, twilight missions and the dojo missions. the Twilight missions which are much harder versions of some standard missions in the game and only appear sporadically at the rate of 2 every 24 hours (real time). All of these missions can be completed on Way of the Samurai which will help.

I recommend going through the game, completing The Queen’s Eyes (final mission) then levelling up on Way of the Strong then coming back to mop up any remaining / harder / twilight missions you have outstanding on Way of the Samurai. As for the dojo missions, these will require you top use every weapon in the game to increase their proficiency (in-game skill levels, which raise over time) as well as levelling your Dexterity skill for your Ninjitsu as well as your Magic skill for your Onmyo Magic. I will give you a brief guide on how to get through every mission below as you’ll come to them in game starting with the Regions which are:


You also need to complete the following:


Complete every mission to unlock the Samurai of Legend Trophy.

Kyushu Region

Kyushu region is the first main region in the game and holds a total of 10 missions with the map being accessible once you have completed the following missions:

  1. The Man with the Guardian Spirit.
  2. Isle of Demons.

With both of these main missions complete you will then be through the tutorial section of the game where you can access the rest of the missions in the region as you progress through the game.

Check out the complete Nioh Kyushu Region Missions for a brief rundown as well as a let’s play video for each and every mission in the Kyushu Region.

Chugoku Region

Chugoku region is the second main region and contains 2 main missions and 7 sub missions for you to complete.

Check out the complete Nioh Chugoku Region Missions for an overview of what’s required as well as let’s play videos for all 9 missions in the Chugoku Region.

Kinki Region

Kinki region is the third main region and contains 3 main missions and 9 sub missions for you to complete.

Check out the complete Nioh Kinki Region Missions for an quick breakdown of what you need to do as well as a let’s play video for all 12 missions in the Kinki Region.

Tokai Region

Tokai region is the fourth main region in Nioh and holds 3 main missions and 12 sub missions you need to complete.

Check out the complete Nioh Tokai Region Missions for a look at how to complete every mission including let’s play videos for all 15 missions in the Tokai Region.

Sekigahara Region

Sekigahara region is the fifth main region in Nioh and holds 3 main missions and 6 sub missions you need to complete.

Check out the complete Nioh Sekigahara Region Missions for a brief description on what it is you need to do as well as let’s play videos for all 9 missions in the Sekigahara Region.

Omi Region

Omi region is the sixth and final main region in Nioh and holds 4 main missions and 11 sub missions you need to complete.

Check out the complete Nioh Omi Region Missions for a lookover what you need to do as well as full let’s play videos which will help you complete all 15 missions in the Omi Region.

Dojo Missions

Many of the Dojo missions will require certain levels of weapon proficiency, to see how much proficiency you have for a given weapon, press Touchpad, go to the Status tab, press R1 to get to the Additional Stats page then look to the bottom section to see your current proficiencies. In total, there are 18 Dojo Missions for you to complete all of which get harder as you progress and require a greater understanding of how certain mechanics work in Nioh especially Ninjitsu and Onmyo.

Check out the complete Nioh Dojo Missions for how to run through all 18 missions as well as let’s play videos for all of the 18 Dojo Missions.

Twilight Missions

Before a Twilight mission becomes available, you will need to complete a certain mission in the game. The Twilight missions are essentially much harder versions of the missions you will needed to have completed to unlock them with mixed up enemy placements and a much tougher version of the boss and change at the rate of 2 per day and can be found in the bottom left of a map screen.

Check out the complete Nioh Twilight Missions for how to complete all 9 Twilight Missions including let’s play videos to help you through the challenges you’ll face.

Once you have completed every mission in Nioh, your Trophy will then unlock.

That’s the Nioh Samurai of Legend Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you complete all missions.
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