Nioh Twilight Missions
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
NIOH directory.
Here we will go over all of the Nioh Twilight Missions. The Twilight missions are essentially much harder versions of the missions you will needed to have completed to unlock them with mixed up enemy placements and a much tougher version of the boss. You will have 9 Twilight Missions to complete in the base game and before a Twilight mission becomes available, you will need to complete a certain mission in the game with the later ones getting extremely challenging at lower levels. Twilight Missions will only appear on the bottom left of your map screen and change at the rate of 2 every 24 hours (real time).
There are a lot of missions to complete in NIOH. The missions are broken down into categories throughout the game, which are main missions, sub missions, twilight missions and the dojo missions. All of these missions can be completed on Way of the Samurai which will help and if you need any other Nioh missions, check out the Samurai of Legend trophy guide for how to complete every mission in the game.
I recommend going through the game, completing The Queen’s Eyes (final mission) then levelling up on Way of the Strong then coming back to mop up any remaining / harder / twilight missions you have outstanding on Way of the Samurai. I will give you a brief guide on how to get through every Twilight Mission as well as a Let’s Play video for every mission showing you what you need to do to complete that given mission. The 9 Twilight Missions are as follows:
The Blessed Village
Level 15.
You will need to complete the, Isle of Demons, level 5 main mission in the Kyushu Region to unlock this Twilight mission.
An Ominous Cavern
Level 20.
Complete the, Deep in the Shadows level 12 main mission in the Kyushu Region to unlock this Twilight mission.
The Squirming Sprite
Level 30.
Ensure you have completed the, The Spirit Stone Slumbers level 19 main mission in the Kyushu Region to unlock this Twilight mission.
Foreboding Seas
Level 49.
First, complete the, The Ocean Roars Again level 38 main mission in the Chugoku Region to unlock this Twilight mission.
The Best And The Worst
Level 75.
Head through the game completing the, The Demon of Mount Hiei level 62 main mission in the Kinki Region to unlock this Twilight mission.
The Bleeding Spider Lily
Level 90.
Firstly complete the, Memories of Death-lilies level 78 main mission in the Tokai Region to unlock this Twilight mission.
Where Dark Forces Gather
Level 100.
Complete the level 70 sub mission, Greater Demon Hunting found in the Tokai Region to unlock this Twilight mission.
Bearer Of Ill Tidings
Level 125.
Make sure you have completed the, The Watcher in Darkness level 115 sub mission in the Sekigahara Region to unlock this Twilight mission.
Evil In The Ether
Level 145.
You will first need to have completed the, A Defiled Holy Mountain level 120 main mission in the Omi Region before this Twilight mission will unlock.
That’s how to complete all 9 Twilight Missions. If you need to complete any other missions in Nioh, feel free to check out the Samurai of Legend trophy guide.
That’s how to complete all of the Nioh Twilight Missions . I hope the guide helped you through all of them and figure out what it is you need to do.
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