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Outriders Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Outriders Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC.
  • Trophies: 44: Platinum: 1, Gold: 4, Silver: 7, Bronze: 32.
  • Release Date: 01-Apr-2021.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: There are no online trophies as such, however, you will need an online connection in order to play Outriders.
  • Difficulty Rating: 4/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 100+ Hours.

You have a lot of work to do in order to complete the trophy list for Outriders. Choose any of the 4 classes then proceed through the main story dismantling unwanted gear as you go rather than selling it as you’ll need a lot of mods / leather which you receive for dismantling for a few of the trophies.

Outriders The Vanguard Of Humanity trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

“The Vanguard of Humanity”
Obtain all Trophies.

Outriders Awoken to a Nightmare trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Awoken to a Nightmare
Awake to the new, dark era of Enoch’s history.

Once you have completed taken down Maxwell in the Tempest story mission, you will unlock your Trophy during the cutscenes (which can be skipped).

Outriders In Rode A Hero trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

In Rode A Hero
Kill Gauss at the Solar Tower.

Gauss is a Captain you can find by speaking with the Audrey Storm, an NPC with a yellow exclamation marker above her head during the Reunion mission. Watch out for the Snipers then go through to the building and defeat Gauss to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Wavelengths and Wishes trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Wavelengths and Wishes
Uncover the direction of the signal’s source.

Make your way through the Frequency quest taking out the enemies as you go, once you have sent the cable car up to Zahedi go through the cutscenes (can be skipped) to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders One Way Ride trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

One Way Ride
Prepare your truck to enter the Forest.

Collect the 3 Lithium Batteries throughout the quarry then after the cutscenes, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Malpractice trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Put an end to Scurlock.

Proceed through the story to the Judgement quest then complete the Fight your way out of the Stronghold objective to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Breaking the Seal trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Breaking the Seal
Open the Gate leading out of the Forest.

Proceed through the courtyard taking out every enemy as you go, once you are at the large gate at the back of the area, a cutscene will start and you’ll unlock your trophy.

Outriders Fatherhood Ain't Easy, Boss trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fatherhood Ain’t Easy, Boss
Defeat Yagak in Utargak.

Yagak is a tough opponent, even on the lower World Tiers, ensure you go in with some powerful gear to stand a better chance, watch out for his swinging attacks as they can 1 or 2 shot you easily. You can always go off and level up some more then come back when you’re stronger, either way, once you have taken Yagak down, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Descent to Fury trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Descent to Fury
Unravel the Ferals’ origins.

During the Sacrifice mission, once you have successfully defended the entrance to the Obelisk, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders One Last Chance trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

One Last Chance
Bring down the Drop Pods.

Once you have completed the main story, you will unlock this Trophy.

Outriders Patron of the Past trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Patron of the Past
Complete the Historian questline.

The Historian questline will open up fairly on in the game, and will be marked on the map with a book symbol. You will need to visit Madame Beauvoir in Rift Town to turn in the Historian quests where she will reward you with some fairly powerful gear. Complete the quests marked as Historian to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Hand of Death trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hand of Death
Complete the Wanted questline.

The Wanted questline will open up as you make your way through the story and will be marked on the map as a crosshair symbol. Your Wanted kills will need to be turned in to Ujio at the Saloon in Trench Town where you will be rewarded with some powerful gear. Complete every quest marked as Wanted to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Big Game Hunter trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Big Game Hunter
Complete the Hunter questline.

Continue through the story to unlock the Hunter questline. The Hunter quests are marked with a claw symbol. Every Hunt you defeat will need to be turned in with Noah Dembele who can be found in the Saloon in Trench Town who will then reward you with some very powerful gear. Complete all of the Hunter quests to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders The Burdens We Bear trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Burdens We Bear
Complete “The Outrider’s Legacy”.

The Outriders Legacy is a side quest you can find in Trench Town once you have progressed far enough through the story. Complete this quest going across the different areas to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Urgent Task trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Urgent Task
Complete a side quest.

See Squaretasking for more information.

Outriders Multitasking trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Complete 25 side quests.

See Squaretasking for more information.

Outriders Squaretasking trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Complete all side quests.

There are 55 side quests to complete in Outriders, all of which become available once you have completed the main story. As you complete some side quests, more will become available and you can see which quests are needed per area from the world map. Complete all 55 side quests to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Overtime at the Morgue trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Overtime at the Morgue
Kill 3500 enemies.

See Gravedigger’s BFF for more information.

Outriders Gravedigger's BFF trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Gravedigger’s BFF
Kill 7500 enemies.

You will unlock this one naturally as you make your way towards the Platinum or 100% in your GamerScore as the game is filled with enemies. If for whatever reason, this becomes your last trophy in the game, simply replay any expedition until this Trophy unlocks.

Outriders Snap of the Fingers trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Snap of the Fingers
Deal a total of 1,000,000 damage.

The 1,000,000 required is thankfully a cumulative total throughout your entire playthrough, you will definitely be able to unlock this one when you’re roughly 2/3rds of the way through the game, especially when playing on higher World Tiers. As soon as you hit the million, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Misfortune Loves Company trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Misfortune Loves Company
Kill 10 enemies with no more than 2 seconds between each kill.

I found this easily achievable during the Asylum quest just after defeating the Blood Morpher. The next set of enemies will be the small red Perforo enemies which go down in one or 2 shots from an Assault Rifle especially on World Tier 1. Fortunately, there are 10-12. Perforo that come at you in a straight line in between 2 sets of rocks allowing you to take them down quickly. You can defeat the Perforo using either shots or with a skill that cause area of effect damage. Either way, as long as you defeat 10 enemies without leaving more than 2 seconds in between each kill, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Coup de Grâce trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Coup de Grâce
Kill an enemy afflicted with at least 4 different status effects.

An easy way to do this is get 2 weapons, each with 2 status effects on each such as freeze and vulnerable on one and burn and toxic on another. Use the first weapon to place 2 statuses on the enemy, then quickly switch to the other weapon where you will then be able to kill the enemy whilst hopefully inflicting 2 more status effects on it. I say hopefully as this is luck based more than skill based, you should easily be able to switch between weapons (press Triangle), the problem here is getting the 4 status effects to land before you kill the enemy.

I recommend setting the World Tier to around 4 / 5 which will give you enough time to place the status effects on the enemy then being able to kill them as for me, the enemies on World Tier 3 or below died far to quickly so see what works best for you. Once you have defeated an enemy who has 4 status effects on them, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Clash of the Altered trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Clash of the Altered
Kill 5 Elites using skills only.

An elite enemy will have a red skull on the minimap, like the 2 flamethrower enemies in the mission after you choose your starting class. The elite enemies can only be damaged and then defeated by using your skills, no weapons / melee damage can be inflicted on them as it then won’t count as a skill-kill. Once you have defeated 5 elites using only skills, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Hitting the Jackpot trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hitting the Jackpot
Kill 1000 enemies in Expeditions.

First up, complete the main story (unlock One Last Chance) where Expeditions will then unlock. There are plenty of enemies to fight through as you go through the expeditions and completing all of them will see you take down over 1,000 enemies along the way.

Outriders Ace in the Hole trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Ace in the Hole
Use a skill enhanced by 4 different mods.

Please Note: Ensure you have One Man’s Junk… unlocked before going for this one as in the process of dismantling 300 items you will have enough Mods required for this one. Proceed through the story to where you are introduced to Zahedi, from here you will have access to crafting. In the crafting menu, you need to have at least 4 mods (go to the Mod Gear section in the Crafting menu) that boost the same skill.

You also need to ensure that you are far enough through the game where you have at least one piece of gear that is at least rare (blue), epic (purple) or legendary (gold) with slots where you can then insert the Mods for a given skill ensuring you have 4 mods total to meet the requirements. Then go off and use the skill where your Trophy will then unlock.

Outriders Fistbump trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Kill a total of 50 enemies with any Melee skill.

A melee kill is performed by pressing R3 when an enemy is at low health. You are free to whittle an enemies health down with weapons then finish them off with a melee attack. Perform 40 melee kills to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Fortune Favors the Bold trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fortune Favors the Bold
Reach character level 10.

See Leave Humanity Behind for more information.

Outriders Leave Humanity Behind trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Leave Humanity Behind
Reach character level 30.

Another trophy which you will naturally unlock as you make your way through the main story and completing the side quests along the way. The higher the World Tier, the more XP you will receive as rewards, however, the difficulty of the game goes up so find the right balance between difficulty and XP and you’ll be level 30 soon enough where your Trophy will then unlock.

Outriders A Gathering Storm trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Gathering Storm
Unlock a class tree node.

You will unlock class tree nodes as you level up through the story. To access the screen, open your in-game menu then select Class, simply choose any of the available starting nodes to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Surpassing the Tempest trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Surpassing the Tempest
Master a branch of the class tree for any class.

In order to master a branch of the class tree you need to fill one of the 3 branches for the class you have chosen. Keep playing through the story levelling up and unlocking class nodes focusing on one branch rather than spreading out (you can reset the skill tree at any point returning all of your previously spent class points). Once you have mastered one branch, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Hard Bargainer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Hard Bargainer
Sell 300 items.

At every main camp in the game, you will be able to find a vendor, at these vendors simply sell any unwanted items you have. You’ll be picking up hundreds of items as you make your way through the game so there’s no worries with this one. Once you have sold 300 items, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders One Man's Junk... trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

One Man’s Junk…
Dismantle 300 items.

Given the limited space in your inventory, you will be dismantling a lot of items as you progress through the game. To dismantle an item, either open your inventory then hover the cursor over any item you no longer need and press Square to go into the details section then hold Triangle to dismantle the item. Or the quicker way is to hover over an item then press R3 to mark the item then once you’ve marked every item you no longer need, hold Triangle to dismantle them. Either way once you have dismantled 300 items, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders True Potential trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

True Potential
Use crafting to improve the rarity of 15 items.

Proceed through story until you are introduced to Zahedi who will open crafting in the game. In the crafting menu, you will see an option over to the right that says Improve Rarity, select this and any low rarity piece of gear (whites / greens) then using Leather which can be acquired from dismantling armour (see One Man’s Junk… for information on dismantling) you will be able to improve the rarity of an item. Improve the rarity of 15 items to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Extreme Engineering trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Extreme Engineering
Use crafting to replace 10 item mods.

Continue through the story until you have unlock Zahedi where you will then have access to crafting. In order to replace an item mod, select Mod Gear then choose any available mod ensuring you have some gear that has at least one mod slot with a mod already equipped, then simply choose to replace the mod which will cost you leather. You can acquire more mods and leather by dismantling items (see One Man’s Junk… for information on dismantling). Once you have replaced 10 item mods, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Inventor's Almanac trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Inventor’s Almanac
Unlock 125 unique weapon and armor mods for crafting.

You will be able to unlock unique weapon and armour mods by disassembling either rare, epic or legendary items. However, I recommend you leave this particular trophy until after you have unlocked both Spoils of War (Equip a legendary item) and Legacy Of Enoch (Equip a character with epic or legendary items only) especially if you’re playing through on World Tier 1 as the rarer items won’t drop very often. Now it is worth saying, the description states it has to be 125 unique items meaning if you receive one mod 3 times it will only count as one. Keep disassembling your rare, epic and legendary gear until you have 125 unique mods where your Trophy will then unlock.

Outriders Spoils of War trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Spoils of War
Equip a legendary item.

You will have a much higher chance receiving a legendary (gold) item whilst playing through on the higher world tiers. It is, however, possible to earn a legendary item on world tier 1 by progressing through the story. Once you have a legendary item, simply equip it to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Legacy of Enoch trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Legacy of Enoch
Equip a character with epic or legendary items only.

You will obtain this one as you progress through the story. The higher the world tier, the more chance you have of receiving rarer loot throughout and for completing various missions. Epic is categorised as purple gear whilst legendary is categorised as gold, as long as you fill all 3 weapon slots as well as all 4 armour pieces with purple or gold colour coded gear, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Prospector trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Mine ore from a deposit 30 times.

Ore can be found growing throughout the various areas you come to. In order to mine the ore you need to get up to it then hold Square to receive the ore. The ore deposits have a blue glow to them and are usually found against cliffs, walls, underground sections. Any ore deposits come back once you fast travel away then return so pick an area you’re comfortable running through and simply mine the ore a total of 30 times to unlock your Trophy.

Outriders Knowledge is Power trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Knowledge is Power
Fill in 150 journal pages.

See One for the Books for more information.

Outriders One for the Books trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

One for the Books
Fill in 300 journal pages.

Journal pages to be found through Outriders, you will find most of these by wandering around the different areas in the game as the majority of journal pages unlock automatically. In addition to the automatically acquired journal pages a collectible journal page is represented by blue squares floating upwards, be sure to check everywhere you go which you should be doing anyway as you make your way through the various areas for loot and ammo refresh crates. In total there are:

  • 59 Characters.
  • 89 Enemies.
  • 44 Enoch.
  • 81 History And Lore.
  • 66 Misc.

Journals to unlock giving you 339 journal pages in total throughout the game meaning there are 39 you won’t have to find (300 needed). Once you have found 300 Journal Pages, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Classy trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Complete the highest tier of 4 class-related Accolades for any class.

The 4 classes in the game are Technomancer, Pyromancer, Trickster and Devastator, their respective accolades can be found from the in-game Menu> Accolades>  to the class accolades then using whichever class you have, ensure you equip the relevant skill to start earning progress towards a particular accolade.

For example, if you main as a Pyromancer, you can use the Feed The Flames skill to drain health your opponent, you will need to drain 100k health for the accolade to complete the highest tier. If you main as a Trickster, you need to get 1000 kills with the Temporal Blade skill and so on. Once you have 4 class based accolades that have each reached their highest tier of level 5, your Trophy will unlock.

Outriders Outrider, First Class trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Outrider, First Class
Complete all class-related Accolades for any class.

Click the link to go to the complete Outrider, First Class Trophy Guide.

Outriders Been There, Done That... trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Been There, Done That…
Reach Accolade level 10.

See Been Everywhere, Done It All for more information.

Outriders Been Everywhere, Done It All trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Been Everywhere, Done It All
Reach Accolade level 20.

Click the link to go to the complete Been There, Done It All Trophy Guide.

That’s the Outriders Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.




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