Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Trophy Guide
Author: ValeNort46.
Genre: Puzzle.
Welcome to the Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PS5, PS4, PC.
- Trophies: 43: Platinum: 1, Gold: 3, Silver: 9, Bronze: 30.
- Release Date: 08-Dec-2020.
- Missable Trophies: None.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: 3: Gladiator (x1), Prize Fighter, Gladiator (x10).
- Difficulty Rating: 5/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 30 Hours.
This guide will help you complete adventure mode, pop 100,000 Puyos and clear as many lines as possible in Tetris as well as everything required as you make your way through Puyo Puyo Tetris 2.

All Trophies Obtained
For obtaining all trophies.

Played all 6 offline modes
These are all found by selecting main menu then solo, simply play each mode to its conclusion in each of the following games:
- Versus.
- Skill battle.
- Swap.
- Party.
- Fusion.
- Big Bang.
When all 6 have been played and completed at least once your Trophy will then unlock.

Duelist (x3)
Defeated 3 opponents in an Endurance match
See Duelist (x15) for more information.

Duelist (x5)
Defeated 5 opponents in an Endurance match
See Duelist (x15) for more information.

Duelist (x10)
Defeated 10 opponents in an Endurance match
See Duelist (x15) for more information.

Competitor (Puyo Puyo)
Played all 3 Puyo Puyo Challenge modes
A total of 3 unique Puyo Puyo games which can be played and are as follows:
- Endless fever.
- Endless Puyo.
- Tiny Puyo.
These are found by selecting main menu then solo and finally challenge, all you need to do is complete each of the 3 games for it to count as played.

Competitor (Tetris)
Played all 3 Tetris Challenge modes
A total of 3 unique Tetris games can be played which are as follows:
- Sprint.
- Marathon.
- Ultra.
These are found by selecting main menu then solo and finally challenge, all you need to do is complete each of the 3 games for it to count as played.

Completed the main story within Adventure mode and watched the ending
See Completionist for more information.

Gladiator (x1)
Won your first Puzzle League match
See Gladiator (x10) for more information.

Prize Fighter
Won your first Free Play match
Choose main menu then online and finally free play. You can play either Puyo Puyo or Tetris and once you win one of these matches your trophy will unlock.

Achieved 50% completion in Adventure mode
See Completionist for more information.

Duelist (x15)
Defeated 15 opponents in an Endurance match
Choose main menu then solo and Big Bang, then choose the option battle to enter a mode of endless AI matches. Pick any of the characters you wish and choose Tetris as the game mode. In Big Bang you need to place the pieces into place to remove all blocks on screen and this is done at the same time as the AI opponent so speed is crucial in winning each puzzle. A clock will count down and then a mini battle will show you on screen who won the previous round by taking off health from the loser. Your aim is to play and beat 15 AI opponents in a row then with that done your Trophy will unlock.

Achieved 70% completion in Adventure mode
See Completionist for more information.

Gladiator (x10)
Won ten Puzzle League matches
Choose main menu then online and finally puzzle league. You will then be presented with 4 different online matches which are:
- Puzzle league.
- Puyo Puyo league.
- Tetris league.
- Skill battle league.
You’re free to pick any of the options where your aim is to simply win matches and once you have secured 10 wins your Trophy will unlock.

Achieved 100% completion in Adventure mode
Each match in adventure mode can award you a total of 3 stars for competing different objectives during that given match. To reach 100% completion in adventure mode you won’t need to 3 star every match but you do need to get as many as you can through a combination of playing main story and side missions. After each win you will be shown your current adventure mode progress so keep playing and earning those stars until you get to 100%.

Puyo King (x1,000)
Popped 1,000 Puyos in completed matches
See Puyo King (x100,000) for more information.

Puyo King (x10,000)
Popped 10,000 Puyos in completed matches
See Puyo King (x100,000) for more information.

3-Chain Master
Performed a 3-Chain 100 times in completed matches
See 7-Chain Master for more information.

4-Chain Master
Performed a 4-Chain 100 times in completed matches
See 7-Chain Master for more information.

5-Chain Master
Performed a 5-Chain 100 times in completed matches
See 7-Chain Master for more information.

6-Chain Master
Performed a 6-Chain 100 times in completed matches
See 7-Chain Master for more information.

Screen Cleaner (x50)
Performed an All Clear 50 times in completed matches
See 7-Chain Master for more information.

Screen Cleaner (x100)
Performed an All Clear 100 times in completed matches
See 7-Chain Master for more information.

Chromatic Popper
Cleared 3 different-colored Puyo groups simultaneously in a completed match
This can only be done playing Puyo Puyo and this does not stack with Prismatic Popper so you have to set up your screen to enable the ability to pop 3 different coloured Puyos simultaneously rather than in a chain. You need the screen to look like the image below:
With the correct setup it’s now a matter of popping the bottom right colour which will cause the 3 colours to pop at once and unlock your Trophy.

Prismatic Popper
Cleared 4 different-colored Puyo groups simultaneously in a completed match
This can only be done playing Puyo Puyo and the difficulty has to be medium or spicy to enable enough colour pieces on the screen and this does not stack with Chromatic Popper. You have to setup your screen to enable the ability to pop 4 different coloured Puyo simultaneously rather than in a chain. You need the screen to look like the image below:
With the correct setup it’s now a matter of popping the bottom right colour which will cause the 4 colours to pop at once unlocking your Trophy.

Puyo King (x50,000)
Popped 50,000 Puyos in completed matches
See Puyo King (x100,000) for more information.

7-Chain Master
Performed a 7-Chain 150 times in completed matches
This can only be done playing Puyo Puyo. A 7-chain is where you trigger Puyo’s to pop one after another for a total of 7 times and on screen it will inform you of how good the chain is. By playing Endless Fever found by selecting main menu then challenge and finally Endless Fever is the perfect game mode for this trophy. In Endless Fever your aim is to clear the screen and if done correctly you can place the Puyo pieces in such a way that you get the required 7-chain combo frequently so it’s just a matter of playing this mode repeatedly until your Trophy unlocks.

Screen Cleaner (x150)
Performed an All Clear 150 times in completed matches
This can only be done when playing a Puyo Puyo game and an all clear is when you have no puyo pieces on the screen. This can be done relatively easy playing Endless Fever mode which is found by choosing main menu then solo and challenge and finally Endless Fever. In this mode your aim is to place the Puyo pieces in such a way that it causes a chain and clears the whole screen at which point it will display an all clear on the screen. Just keep repeating this mode until you perform a total of 150 all clears.

Puyo King (x100,000)
Popped 100,000 Puyos in completed matches
This can only be done playing Puyo Puyo and is best done after all other Puyo Puyo trophies have been unlocked. It’s the longest trophy in the game as for me I was only 13% of the way towards the 100,000 when I had unlocked all other Puyo Puyo trophies. There are no quick methods to pop Puyo on screen so play either Endless Fever or Big Bang as these modes are the quickest to pop the Puyos. Thanks to the tracking feature on the PlayStation 5 you can check your exact progress at any given time by bringing up your trophies and looking at this particular trophy. Once you have popped 100,000 Puyos, your trophy will unlock.

Mino King (x1,000)
Cleared 1,000 Minos in completed matches
See Mino King (x100,000) for more information.

Mino King (x10,000)
Cleared 10,000 Minos in completed matches
See Mino King (x100,000) for more information.

Tetris Champ (x50)
Performed a Tetris Line Clear 50 times in completed matches
See Tetris Champ (x200) for more information.

Tetris Champ (x100)
Performed a Tetris Line Clear 100 times in completed matches
See Tetris Champ (x200) for more information.

Show Off (x25)
Performed a Back-to-Back 25 times in completed matches
See Show Off (x100) for more information.

Show Off (x50)
Performed a Back-to-Back 50 times in completed matches
See Show Off (x100) for more information.

Combo Maker
Performed a 5-Combo in a completed match
See Combo Master for more information.

Combo Master
Performed an 8-Combo in a completed match
You can only do this playing Tetris and is best done by choosing Tetris from the starting menu. An 8-combo is when you remove at least one full line every turn for 8 consecutive turns so to that end you need careful planning to set the screen up correctly. A Tetris screen is 10 blocks wide and around 20 blocks high so you need to leave 2 blocks blank on either the left or right side of the screen and fill every other block in until you have a tower of at least 15-16 blocks.
With that done you now need to place each new block into the void on the left or right hand side that you left empty for this stage. With each piece you drop now you need to it clear at least one line every go as if you don’t your combo will be broken and this will require a restart. This will take a few practice attempts to get used to how you need to play the game and once you do get those 8 consecutive line clears in a row your Trophy will unlock.

Perfectionist (x1)
Performed a Perfect Clear in a completed match
See Perfectionist (x3) for more information.

Perfectionist (x3)
Performed a Perfect Clear 3 times in completed matches
This can only be done playing Tetris and a perfect clear is when you clear every remaining tetrimino on the game screen in one go. This is not easy to do and requires you to build up a pattern of tetriminos so that you can eliminate every block using the subsequent pieces that appear. Tetris features a total of 7 pieces which all appear in one go before the cycle starts again in a different order so this is very crucial to set up your pattern as shown in the image below:
With this pattern set you then need some serious luck with your next 3 tetrimino as you need the dark blue, light blue and purple tetrimino in that order to complete your perfect clear. This means several restarts will be required just to get the correct order you need. With the correct order its just a matter of finishing off the pattern and completing your perfect clear then repeating the process two more times to unlock your Trophy.

Mino King (x50,000)
Cleared 50,000 Minos in completed matches
See Mino King (x100,000) for more information.

Tetris Champ (x200)
Performed a Tetris Line Clear 200 times in completed matches
This can only be done playing Tetris, a Tetris screen clear is when you clear 4 lines of tetrimino at once so this is best done by choosing Tetris from the starting screen. Then you need to build-up a tower of tetrimino ensuring you don’t leave any empty spaces apart from one single vertical column to either the left or right of the screen.
When you get the light blue tetrimino which is a 4 in a row piece drop that into the column you left empty and this will, as long as you have filled in every block in the corresponding 4 rows remove all 4 rows and give you an on screen Tetris meaning you having successfully performed the Tetris line clear. Now repeat these steps of building your tower back up and dropping that 4 in a row light blue tetrimino when one appears in the random cycle until you have done 200 Tetris line clears.

Show Off (x100)
Performed a Back-to-Back 100 times in completed matches
This can only be done playing Tetris and is very similar to Tetris Champ (x200) as it uses the identical setup of leaving an empty vertical column. Dropping the 4 in a row light blue tetrimino will give you a Tetris line clear, repeating the same process again without clearing any other lines will obtain you a back-to-back which is displayed to the side of the Tetris screen. Now simply keep getting these back-to-backs and when you have 200 your Trophy will unlock.

Mino King (x100,000)
Cleared 100,000 Minos in completed matches
This can only be done playing Tetris and is best left until last as you will naturally clear tetrimino whilst going for all other Tetris related trophies in the game. You can either play Tetris with the aim of clearing as many lines as you wish or play Big Bang found by choosing main menu then solo and Big Bang then choose to play Tetris completing all the patterns on screen to remove the tetriminos. Either way once you have cleared 100,000 tetriminos your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.