Redout II Trophy Guide
Author: ValeNort46.
Genre: Racing.
Welcome to the Redout II Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC.
- Trophies: 53: Platinum: 1, Gold: 1, Silver: 8, Bronze: 43.
- Release Date: 16-Jun-2022.
- Missable Trophies: None.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: 8: Healthy competition, New pro in town!, First step into a larger world, Familiar Face, Better luck next time, It’s like a party!, Everything is better with friends, Eat dust my friend.
- Difficulty Rating: 8/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 50 Hours.
Redout 2 the fastest game in the universe where racing through the dystopian wastelands of a semi-abandoned Earth is one of the galaxy’s most popular sports. In this guide we will take you through every trophy in the game as you race towards the platinum. Start off with career then work through multiplayer where having other friend(s) online will make this a lot easier for you to accomplish your goals.

Redout 2
Obtain all other trophies

Redout Champion
Complete the Career
This will unlock after competing the final event of the SRRL Invitational League.

Redout Grandmaster
Complete all career events
This will unlock after you secure a minimum of 1 star in every event in every league of career mode.

Rookie No More
Complete the Redout Academy subset
This is unlocked by completing the trials subset of career mode which is nothing more than your introduction to Redout II, it features a total of 4 events which are:
- Rookie academy: Cornering.
- Rookie academy: Pitching.
- Rookie academy: Boosting.
- Class B promotion: Contest.
All you need to secure a minimum of a bronze medal in all 4 events for it to count as completed and the trophy will unlock following the class B promotion contest.

Rookie No-No More
Complete the Redout Advanced Academy subset
With the B league subset unlocked you need to earn 1 star in the Fuji Sunday race which is the first event in the B league, this will unlock 2 more academy events in the trials subset which are:
- Rookie academy flight.
- Rookie academy rewind and respawn.
Simply complete the events by securing a top 3 result in both of them to unlock this trophy.

EZ game EZ life
Complete the class B trials subset
To complete the class B subset you need to secure a minimum of 1 star in every event in this league.

Had to sweat a bit
Complete the class A trials subset
To complete the class A subset you need to secure a minimum of 1 star in every event in this league.
![[Sweats profusely] Redout 2 [Sweats profusely] trophy](

[Sweats profusely]
Complete the class S trails subset
To complete the class S subset you need to secure a minimum of 1 star in every event in this league.

Gitting Gud
Complete the SRRL trials subset
To complete the class SRRL subset you need to secure a minimum of 1 star in every event in this league.

Enter the Speed Gauntlet
Advance into Class B
Class B is unlocked by securing at least a bronze medal in the class B promotion contest event which is the final event in the trials subset of career mode.

Even Faster!
Advance into Class A
To advance into class A you must first unlock the class A promotion contest which is the final event in the class B subset, then you must secure a minimum of 1 star to earn promotion into class A.

All Power to Engines!
Advance into Class S
To advance into class S you must first unlock the class S promotion contest which is the final event in the class A subset, then you must secure a minimum of 1 star to earn promotion into class S.

This is to go, even Further Beyond!
Advance into SRRL league
To advance into the SRRL invitational league you must first unlock the class SRRL promotion contest which is the final event in the class S subset, then you must secure a minimum of 1 star to earn promotion into class SRRL.

Put it on a shelf
Collect your first bonus trophy
See I, need, more shelves! for more information.

I, need, more, shelves!
Collect all bonus trophies
Each event in career mode can award you up to 4 stars, 1 of these stars is exclusively awarded for completing a set task in that event simply complete every task in every career event to unlock this trophy.

Dev, this!
Beat a dev time in any map
See Better than half the studio… for more information.

Better than half the studio…
Beat a lot of dev times
The developers of the game decided to add this trophy so the consumer can beat the times posted by the people who made the game, unfortunately we have not found a menu or option yet that informs you of the times you need to beat so if any community member finds it please let us know so we can update this guide with the relevant information.

Walked like an Egyptian
Complete an event on every Cairo track
This can be done easily in arcade mode, choose Old Cairo as the location then complete one event of any kind around the following tracks layouts:
- Neo Calima.
- Qasr Al-Nile.
- Tahrir.
When you have crossed the finish line for all 3 layouts this trophy will then unlock.

Ride in the rising sun
Complete an event on every Fuji track
This can be done easily in arcade mode, choose Mount Fuji as the location then complete one event of any kind around the following tracks layouts:
- Rainbow Forest.
- Dragons Gates.
- Path of Wonder.
When you have crossed the finish line for all 3 layouts this trophy will then unlock.

Martian explorer
Complete an event on every Mars Memorial track
This can be done easily in arcade mode, choose mars memorial as the location then complete one event of any kind around the following tracks layouts:
- Faith Town.
- Orbiter.
- Perseverance.
When you have crossed the finish line for all 3 layouts this trophy will then unlock.

Over the clouds
Complete an event on every Cloud Ocean track
This can be done easily in arcade mode, choose Cloud Ocean as the location then complete one event of any kind around the following tracks layouts:
- Aura.
- Libeccio.
- Mistral.
When you have crossed the finish line for all 3 layouts this trophy will then unlock.

To the core
Complete an event on every Tartarus Mines track
This can be done easily in arcade mode, choose tartarus mines as the location then complete one event of any kind around the following tracks layouts:
- Tantalus.
- Sisyphus.
- Ixion.
When you have crossed the finish line for all 3 layouts this trophy will then unlock.

Under the sea, under the sea
Complete an event on every Mariana Trench track
This can be done easily in arcade mode, choose Mariana Trench as the location then complete one event of any kind around the following tracks layouts:
- Nereus.
- Ahti.
- Nuliajik.
When you have crossed the finish line for all 3 layouts this trophy will then unlock.

To infinity and gravity!
Complete an event on every Black Hole track
This can be done easily in arcade mode, choose Origin Black Hole as the location then complete one event of any kind around the following tracks layouts:
- Sputnik.
- Voyager.
- Cassini.
When you have crossed the finish line for all 3 layouts this trophy will then unlock.

One giant drive for mankind
Complete an event on every Genesis track
This can be done easily in arcade mode, choose genesis as the location then complete one event of any kind around the following tracks layouts:
- Lunar City.
- Cain’s Flats.
- Neumann’s Outpost.
When you have crossed the finish line for all 3 layouts this trophy will then unlock.

Under the neon lights
Complete an event on every Neo Tokyo track
This can be done easily in arcade mode, choose Neo Tokyo as the location then complete one event of any kind around the following tracks layouts:
- Neo Roppongi.
- Neo Shibuya.
- Neo Shinagawa.
When you have crossed the finish line for all 3 layouts this trophy will then unlock.

Healthy competition
Win a multiplayer race
See New pro in town! for more information.

New pro in town!
Win 50 multiplayer races
In order to play multiplayer you must first complete the trials subset and unlock the B league please refer to Rookie No More for more information on what you need to do. With multiplayer unlocked you have access to unranked and ranked matches and victories in either mode count toward the 50, in multiplayer you play in random lobbies of up to 12 people. Expert knowledge of all the tracks in the game is essential as well as correct usage of the games core mechanics as the faster you can circulate the tracks the better chance you have on been able to beat other players. Then with 50 wins secure this trophy will unlock.

First step into a larger world
Enter a multiplayer race
See New pro in town! for more information.

Familiar Face
Enter 50 multiplayer races
See New pro in town! for more information.

Better luck next time
Finish last in a multiplayer race
Enter any multiplayer race and let all the other players race and all you need to do is make sure no one else is behind you and this trophy will unlock during the results screen.

It’s like a party!
Join a match with a friend
See Everything is better with friends for more information.

Everything is better with friends
Complete 10 races with friends
Press R1 to open up the group screen now choose create group and add a friend who owns the game into the group, once they have joined, take part in 10 multiplayer races and regardless of the finishing position this trophy will then unlock.

Eat dust my friend
Overtake 100 human players
Multiplayer races have up to 12 human controlled players racing at once, for each human you overtake during a race it adds one towards the cumulative total simply overtake a total of 100 human players to unlock this trophy.

A Cheese Grater to the Face
No assists? Are you sure?
This is a hidden trophy and even if you reveal its information it’s still slightly misleading on exactly what you have to do, thankfully this is nothing more than crashing your ship into the side walls of the track boundaries. Simply start an arcade mode race around any track and using and shop you wish and then at the event systemically crash into the walls until this trophy unlocks.

Almost broke the game
Reach 2500 kph (1553 mph)
Start an arcade mode event and add the Voyager Reverse Track from the Origin Black Hole location. Then you’re free to choose any of the ships in arcade mode but it’s highly recommended you select Sulha as this has the highest top speed of all the arcade ships and top speed is vital in obtaining the trophy then start the event. Pause your game at around the 40% point of the lap identified by the percentage in the top right corner of the screen and turn off all assists in the options menu.
Now fly your ship through the next mid air section and with no assists you will get pulled away from the track and into the black hole by gravity resulting in a crash. When you respawn you will be on the next section of track now make the next right turn then do a 180 and head the wrong way back up the track then just before you reach the same mid air section hit your hyper boost and thanks to no assists you will fly away from the track and into the black hole. This will make you easily exceed the required 2500km/h speed unlocking the trophy in the process.

Fly for 1000 km (621 miles)
This will happen naturally on your way to unlocking Redout 2.

Increasing your Power Level
Unlock your first module
This will unlock after completing the class B promotion contest.

Try them all
Unlock every chassis
Redout 2 features a total of 13 ships, these ships are unlocked by playing and completing the relevant event in career mode, once all 13 have been unlocked this trophy will then unlock.

Unlock every class B module
See Put a sign on it for more information.

Unlock every class A module
See Put a sign on it for more information.

Unlock every class S module
See Put a sign on it for more information.

Put a sign on it
Unlock every SIGNATURE module
In total you have to unlock 96 modules that are split into 6 categories which are as follows:
- Propulsor (15).
- Stabilizer (17).
- Rudder (17).
- Hull (15).
- Intercooler (15).
- Electronic stability control (17).
When you open up any career event you can see the rewards in the bottom left of the screen some events have only one reward whilst others have multiple so play though each career event and unlock every reward.

I just can’t choose
Unlock your first aesthetic module
See Fashion Racer for more information.

Suit up
Unlock your first livery
See Fashion Racer for more information.

It’s like an haircut
Unlock your first paintjob
See Fashion Racer for more information.

Fashion Racer
Unlock every aesthetic modification (module, livery, paintjob)
In total you have to unlock 216 aesthetic items that are split into 3 categories:
- Body (115).
- Colour scheme (49).
- Livery (52).
When you open up any career event you can see the rewards in the bottom left of the screen some events have only one reward others have multiple so play though each career event and unlock all these rewards.

Great Start
Get pole position in a qualifier
See Grandslam for more information.

Get a grandslam (pole, led every lap, fastest lap, win race)
Start an arcade mode then press Triangle to open up the optima and set the following options:
- Game mode: Race.
- Laps: 1.
- Opponents: 1.
- Qualifications: Yes.
Now return to the track selection and add any track you have good knowledge of then choose any ship and start the event. Firstly you will qualify so set a lap that is quicker then the one opponent followed by entering the race, at the race start hit your boost to establish a lead then don’t lose it and once you cross the finish line this trophy will unlock.

Beat you to it!
Win a race with a 0.01s lead
Due to the speeds involved in the racing action in Redout 2 this could happen naturally or you may need to plan it in advance. Setup an arcade mode event around any of the Mount Fuji tracks and set the event up with 1 opponent for 1 lap on the easiest difficulty in the game. Stay directly behind the AI and when you enter the last straight hit your boost and with any luck you will literally just overtake the AI securing the win by the 0.01 margin.

He who laughs last…
Win a race after having qualified in last place
Reduce the game difficulty to its lowest settings and start an arcade mode event around any track location and layout that you have good knowledge of then use these game option settings:
- Laps: 1.
- Opponents: 1.
- Qualifications: Yes.
Enter the race and fly slower than the AI in qualifying to secure last place in qualifying. Now start the race and best the AI to unlock this trophy at the conclusion of the event.

Blurred photofinish
Cross the finish line at 1500 kph (932 mph) or higher
Start an arcade mode event and choose the Origin Black Hole as the location and Voyager as the track layout then set it as a 1 lap race. Choose any ship with good top speed and start the event followed by making your way round the track and the last corner is a long and gentle right hand corner so 75% of the way round this corner hit the hyper boost and then boost over the line to exceed the 1500km/h.

Running at the speed of sound
Average a speed of 1234 kph (767 mph) in an event
You will unlock this naturally at the completion of the boosting academy event in the trials subset that starts off your career mode.
That’s the Redout II Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.