Remnant 2 Bloat King Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is the Remnant 2 Bloat King boss guide which will help you find and take down a powerful boss in The Great Sewers who has the largest entourage of any boss I’ve come across in Remnant 2 so far. This one is a tough fight!
Location: Losomn, The Great Sewers.
Rewards: Bone Sap x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome Of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
Head through The Grand Sewers in Losmon to the very end taking out the hordes of enemies as you go taking note of the Bulbous yellow and green enemies which stick to the walls above and around an area waiting to ambush you as you will be taking on a lot of them when you take on the Bloat King. Rest at the mini checkpoint before going through the boss fog gate then get ready for a rough time of things as this fight is a challenge.
There are several elements to this fight you need to pay attention to and control as best ad you can. The fight itself will have several versions of the Bloat King you need to face off against. The Bloat King is the glowing orb which possesses the large bulbous creature giving it powerful energy blasts akin to lightning which are easy to dodge as long as you look to the creature when it’s charging up.
When the orb is inside the creature it will also charge up a powerful energy blast which you need to avoid by dropping down in to the water below, however, this brings a new challenge as there are a lot of smaller Bulbous creatures down here as you search around for a ladder with powerful, yellow, shock releasing enemies to contend with in the inner section where the ladders leading back up to relative safety can be found.
Given the fact you’re in water, shock damage is not going to be a good thing to get hit by so get to a ladder as quick as you can only taken out enemies if they block your path. Once you have dealt enough damage to the large creature who has the orb inside it, the orb will leave whilst the creature heals. Focus fire on the orb ensuring you deal as much damage as you can whilst avoiding the homing energy balls that do a fairly good job of tracking you around the arena and hit hard especially if you get caught up hit after hit.
Halfway through the fight there will be 2 orbs to deal with, one decoy of sorts and the main Bloat King as well so ensure you remove the decoy as quick as you can which will be the one without the pink glow. Every time you fall and or jump down off a platform to avoid a heavy onslaught you will be greeted by a good number of bulbous creatures so get out of there as a priority. The bulbous enemies won’t stop coming regardless of how many you kill and so conserve your ammo and use melee attacks to carve through instead.
There isn’t really a weak point to speak of that I could see so keep firing and colleting any ammo drops which are near you where you will eventually take the Bloat King down allowing you to proceed further into Losomn.
That’s the Remnant 2 Bloat King boss guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down this overgrown energy blaster in Losomn.
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