
Remnant 2 Cutting Edge Guide

Cutting Edge
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

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Cutting Edge
Acquire 20 Melee Weapons

Here is the Remnant 2 Cutting Edge guide which will help you acquire 20 melee weapons which can be the same 20 weapons over and over again or 20 different weapons, the choice is yours. Melee weapons are a lot more useful in Remnant 2 than they may first appear with many favouring guns over blades, however, when you have an enemy up close or you need to reload or have simply run out of ammunition a decent melee weapon can be incredibly helpful to carve and smash your way through enemies allowing you time to reload and compose yourself before moving forward.

There are a lot of melee weapons you can use in Remnant 2, none have stat pre-requisites meaning if you can find it, you can use it although I will say you need to be careful about upgrading melee weapons as resources in Remnant 2 are finite so choose wisely before committing your precious resources. A good number of melee weapons can be purchased from Brabus in Ward 13 with the rest being lootable or purchasable from the various Worlds you will be traversing as you progress through Remnant 2. Depending on the Archetype you choose, you will receive one Melee weapon as a starting weapon upon talking with Brabus in Ward 13 which will count as your first Melee weapon. The 4 starting classes and their respective weapons are:

  1. Medic: Steel Flail.
  2. Hunter: Steel Sword.
  3. Challenger: Iron Greatsword.
  4. Handler: Rusted Claws.

Below, I will break down all of the Melee weapons in the game and where you can acquire them by their respective World to help you find what you need in the following order:


The Melee weapons you can find in Remnant 2 are as follows:


Ward-13 is of course, the main safe area in Remnant 2 and holds a lot of melee weapons for you to obtain which will take a large chunk out of the 20 total melee weapons required to unlock Cutting Edge.

There are a lot of melee weapons you can acquire in Ward-13, 10 of which are obtainable from Brabus (1 will be given as your starting weapon dependant on your Archetype) which are:

  1. Iron Greatsword.
  2. Knuckle Dusters.
  3. Rusted Claws.
  4. Scrap Hammer.
  5. Scrap Hatchet.
  6. Scrap Staff.
  7. Steel Flail.
  8. Steel Katana.
  9. Steel Spear.
  10. Steel Sword.

In addition to the 10 melee weapons available from Brabus you will also be able to find the following 7 melee weapons in Ward-13 which are craftable by giving McCabe certain materials:

  1. Gas Giant.
  2. Godsplitter.
  3. Huntress Spear.
  4. Nightshade.
  5. Red Doe Staff.
  6. Spectral Blade.
  7. Stonebreaker.
There are also several weapons you can acquire on Nightmare and Apocalypse difficulties from what I gather. These won’t be guided here as I don’t have the skill to get through those difficulties nor the time so check out the Remnant 2 Wiki if you would like to know how to obtain those mythical weapons.


Losomn is a deadly combination of both Victorian, Cthulhu inspired townsfolk and Fae Palaces filled with Gods, Demons and Magic, fortunately, as deadly as the World of Losomn can be, there are plenty of melee weapons to be found which will help you conquer the challenges that await you. From a secret weapon that slows down all enemy movements to a powerful flail to a literal Godsplitter that created full body crit zones on an enemy when used effectively you have plenty of variety to utilise as you progress through the biomes to one of the potential 3 World bosses. There are, in total, 8 melee weapons you can find throughout Losomn, however, don’t expect an easy time of it if you want them all which are as follows:

  1. Assassin’s Dagger.
  2. Bone Chopper.
  3. Dreamcatcher.
  4. Godsplitter.
  5. Huntress Spear.
  6. Nightshade.
  7. Ornate Blade.
  8. Ornate Flail.

Check out the Losomn melee weapons guide for how to acquire all 8 melee weapons on Losomn.


N’Erud is a nasty moon that is filled with hard hitting Mechs, some of the strangest wildlife in the game, zombies and complex puzzles that require you, at times to go through several biomes before you can acquire everything you may possibly need at a given time with Remnant 2 being procedurally generated you may get lucky or you could possibly spend hours just to find the correct area before you even try and solve a puzzle. The melee weapons you can acquire will take you through the furthest reaches of N’Erud as well having to take down World Bosses in specific ways whilst ensuring you have the materials necessary t craft the remaining melee weapons on N’Erud. There are, in total, 5 melee weapons you can collect on this hellishly deadly celestial body which are as follows:

  1. Atom Smasher.
  2. Atom Splitter.
  3. Gas Giant.
  4. Spectral Blade.
  5. Vice Grips.

Check out the N’Erud melee weapons guide for how you can collect all 5 melee weapons providing you have the skill and dexterity to do so.


Yaesha is a lush World filled with vegetation, water, life and Rot which has disrupted the balance between life and death with corruption and malice and is where I recommend you begin your campaign as the rewards on offer will see you through the rest of game more than any other World in my humble opinion. Given the fact you need to take down some of the toughest bosses and Aberrations it’s a good job you have some seriously hard hitting melee weapons and guns to help you through your endeavours. There are, in total, 8 melee weapons available to you throughout the World of Yaesha, however, if you want to get them all then you’ll need to be incredibly skilled at the game and more powerful than the challenges that lay before you. The 8 melee weapons in Remnant 2 are as follows:

  1. Blade of Gul.
  2. Edge of the Forest.
  3. Feral Judgement.
  4. Krell Axe.
  5. Rebellion Spear.
  6. Red Doe Staff.
  7. Royal Broadsword.
  8. Stonebreaker.

Check out the Yaesha melee weapons guide for how to acquire every melee weapon the Pan have to offer. Good luck Paxultek!

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth is accessible once you have taken down the first World Boss on any of the 3 potential starting Worlds, Losomn, N’Erud and Yaesha where you will receive an item called Strange Object. Interact with any checkpoint to be transported to The Labyrinth which is a nasty little area if you get mobbed so take care as you progress through. There is only 1 melee weapon you can acquire in The Labyrinth which is at the end of a secret path behind a powerful Aberration: BastionThe melee weapon available in The Labyrinth is the:

  1. Labyrinth Staff.

Check out the, The Labyrinth weapons guide for every weapon both melee and firearm you can collect in the realm between realms.

Root Earth

Root Earth is the final area in the story and can be accessed once you have taken down at least 1 World Boss on each of the main Worlds: Losomn, N’Erud and Yaesha. Once you’re in Root Earth, you will have just 1 melee weapon to acquire which are the:

  1. Decayed Claws.

Check out the Root Earth weapons guide for every offensive weapon you can acquire in this hellscape.

That’s the Remnant 2 Cutting Edge guide complete, I hope it helped you acquire 20 melee weapons.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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