
Remnant 2 Defiler Aberration Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 Defiler Aberration guide which will help you find and take down a powerful snake who can throw Rot Root explosives around the arena and be prepared here. You will have an Army of enemies to get through. This one can be tough.

Location: Yaesha, Forgotten Field.
Rewards: Scrap x300, Overdrive Mutator x1.
Forgotten Field is a rare biome on Yaesha so you might need to re roll Adventure mode several times before it becomes available. For me. I had the, The Forbidden Grove as a starting point and The Dappled Glade was the biome which led me through to Forgotten Field. Head all the way the Forgotten Field biome and rest at the checkpoint at the end and equip your best, AOE offensive gear as you’re in for a rough time of it here. Speak with the priest at the back of the arena who is caught in a Root Nexus.

After the dialogue, shoot the Rot Nexus and kill it as quickly as you can otherwise it will create even more enemies for you to deal with which isn’t good news in this fight. With the Root Nexus destroyed, Defiler will then spawn along with a seemingly never ending stream of enemies both normal and special so make good use of the open spaces to run around and pick enemies off at range.

Given the Defiler’s ability to circle around the soil throwing out countless amounts of Root Rot explosives, I recommend having an Oilskin Balm equipped in a quick slot which you can do by going: Player Menu> Inventory> Oilskin Balm> Quick slot> choose one of the 4 Quick slot buttons which means you can use it on the fly in battle as Root Rot will make you cough consistently rendering you incapable of doing anything else for a time.

Take down the enemies as best as you can then focus fire on Defiler as soon as it appears just be aware of your surroundings as it’s very easy to get flanked in this fight which can easily empty your health bar.

You can shoot the explosives the Defiler leaves in its wake dealing moderate damage to nearby enemies, however, for me at least, my weapons out powered the explosives so I didn’t bother with it and just focused on the enemies. Managing your ammunition is imperative in this fight as you won’t have a lot of ammunition drop so ensure you aim rather than just fire away as taking down all of these enemies with melee attacks isn’t a skill most players will have.

Once Defiler is down speak with the priest again to conclude the fight as well as the Forgotten Field biome.

That’s the Remnant 2 Defiler Aberration guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down Defiler in Forgotten Field on Yaesha.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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