Remnant 2 Enlarged Heart Relic
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is where you can find the Remnant 2 Enlarged Heart Relic which is arguably one of the strongest Relics in the entire game, however, it does come at a cost compared to the majority of other Relics throughout Remnant 2.
Location: Ward 13.
Requirements: Purchase from Cass in Ward 13.
Cass is with you at the very start of the game in the tutorial and is suffering with Root Rot which is a negative status effect in Remnant 2 that makes you cough and interrupts your movements, reloading and healing. She will be with you when you get to Ward 13 and which is where she will stay whilst you go off adventuring through the World(s) that make up Remnant 2, however, it seems Cass might have had a rather large secret she didn’t share with you.
Now I’ll be honest as I always aim to be here at FuzionByte, I’m not 100% sure what makes the Enlarged Heart Relic appear in Cass’ inventory, I think it was a patch, however, I also cleared Yaesha 10 times taking down both the Corruptor and the Corrupted Ravager 4 and 6 times respectively, (making guides requires a lot of back and forth to figure it all out).
Upon returning to Ward 13, I checked Cass’ inventory where she suddenly had the Enlarged Heart relic in her inventory which costs a poultry 1,250 scrap. The Enlarged Heart Relic will give you a massive, instant heal, however, it does half the amount of Relic uses you can have at a given time so if you could usually have 6 Relics equipped, you now only get 3, however, given the size of the heal you receive you won’t really feel the loss.
There are Relics out there that heal for a lot more over time but the fact the Enlarged Heart Relic gives you such a large, instant heal is hard to overlook in the tougher sections of Remnant 2.
That’s where you can find the Remnant 2 Enlarged Heart Relic, I hope the guide helped you acquire one of the best healing methods in Remnant 2.