Remnant 2 Faerin Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is the Remnant 2 Faerin boss guide which will help you find and take down Faerin who is one of the 2 potential World bosses you can take on as long as you have the Palace Courtyard starting point on Losomn.
Location: Losomn, Malefic Gallery.
Rewards: Melded Hilt x1, Lumentie Crystal x5, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x1,000.
If, upon your first visit to Losomn you have Morrow Parish as your starting point, first of all, bad luck. Secondly, you will need to either re roll campaign if it’s your first World or re roll in Adventure mode until you get the Palace Courtyard as your starting point. From here you will need to collect both the Faelin Mural Piece which can be found in the ground floor of the Beatific Palace on the main path through the area as well as the Faerin Mural Piece which is located behind a specific door in the Malefic Palace.
In the Malefic Palace the Jester will play a card game where you need to track the card with the 2 King’s Faces on it (Faelin and Faerin) then go through the doorway. If you get the wrong door, back out of the room and try again just ensure you loot the chest at the back of the area as you might find some goodies or even an Aberration.
With both Mural Pieces acquired, head back to the Palace Courtyard checkpoint, go forward and place the Mural pieces in the floor in front of the giant door where you can either go through and speak to Faelin agreeing to take Faerin down, alternatively, pull the lever on the contraption where the pedestal will spin transporting you to the biome portal allowing you to go through and talk to Faerin.
If you have already taken Faelin down you will have a harder hitting version in Faerin (check out the Faelin boss guide if you want to take on the imposter) who is also more aggressive and frequent in his attacks. Farin will come at you with ethereal style sword swipes, energy blasts from the energy balls he spawns as well as a nasty attack where the swords along the sides of the arena are raised up then repeatedly slammed into the ground causing a wide hitting AOE you won’t want to be in the centre of.
Aim for the face as best as you can and having an Archetype equipped such as the Handler or Summoner which will give Faerin a different target on occasion allowing you to heal and reload.
Keep sending rounds into Faerin’s face until you bring the rudest World boss in the game down and if this was your first World boss, you will be able to go to The Labyrinth by interacting with a checkpoint having obtained the Strange Object.
That’s the Remnant 2 Faerin boss guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down 1 of the 2 potential World bosses from the Palace Courtyard starting point on Losomn.
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