
Remnant 2 Gwendil The Unburnt Boss Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 Gwendil The Unburnt boss guide which will help you take down a tough, fire based boss in Losomn, Cotton’s Kiln and will be easier if you had a gun that can spread shots like a Shotgun, the AS-10 “Bulldog” you get in Ward 13 from Brabus would be perfect here.

Location: Losomn, Cotton’s Kiln.
Rewards: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge, Scrap x500, Alkahest Powder x1.
Once you get to Losomn, head through Morrow Parish to Cotton’s Kiln which is a tough area full of fire based enemies, armoured trolls and Cthulhu style shamans who are as tough as they look to put down.

Work your way through taking care as the area can be tough with plenty of ambushes waiting for you then rest at the mini checkpoint before the boss fog gate and go through when you’re ready where you will meet Gwendil the Unburnt who spends the entire fight up on 2 stone blocks with a small wooden walkway in between them that you can’t access. Even though Gwendil is called the unburnt, she certainly likes fire and will pepper the area with exploding canisters that leave lingering fire damage meaning the fight will get tougher the longer the battle lasts for.

You will also have plenty of burning enemies you will have faced throughout Cotton’s Kiln to get in the way and drain your ammo reserves as well whilst they also try and set you on fire. The easiest way to harm Gwendil is to stand close to a block so she has to come to the edge to be able to throw canisters at you, you can then back up a few steps and unload on her whilst also avoiding the fire and the enemies coming for you at the same time.

One important thing to note is if Gwendil is about to throw a canister at you, you can shoot it before it leaves her hand and deal a decent amount of damage to her. Gwendil is right handed so every throw she makes will come out of her right hand so if you keep that in mind, it will help you with your aiming as timing is tight.

Ensure you collect every bit of ammunition that drops and roll if you’re caught on fire to help put it out quicker then aim for the head or the canisters before she throws them to deal more damage until she falls.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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