
Remnant 2 Hub

Remnant 2 Main Guide

Author: FuzionByte.

Remnant 2 Guides

Here are a series of Remnant 2 guides to help you through the larger challenges in Remnant 2.

Cutting Edge

Acquire 20 Melee Weapons.

Author: FuzionByte.

Ghost In The Machine

Defeat 25 Aberrations.

Author: FuzionByte.

The Collector

Acquire 10 Relics.

Author: FuzionByte.

The God Gambit

Defeat Many Faces.

Author: FuzionByte.

The Trigger

Acquire 30 Guns.

Author: FuzionByte.

Remnant 2 Boss Guides

Here are a series of boss guides to help you take down all of the bosses in Remnant 2 by their world where they can be found.

Losomn Bosses

Author: FuzionByte.

N'Erud Bosses

Author: FuzionByte.

Yaesha Bosses

Author: FuzionByte.

Remnant 2 Aberrations

Here are a series of boss guides to help you take down all of the Aberrations in Remnant 2 broken down in the Worlds where they are situated.

Losomn Aberrations

Author: FuzionByte.

N'Erud Aberrations

Author: FuzionByte.

Yaesha Aberrations

Author: FuzionByte.

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth is a story progression World you can access once you have taken down any of the 9 potential World bosses from the start of the game thus receiving the Strange Object, where, upon interacting with a checkpoint will transport you to The Labyrinth. Given there aren’t that many weapons, 1 boss and just 1 Aberration, we have made The Labyrinth its own section to help you find everything you need as you traverse the World between Worlds.

Bastion Aberration Guide

Author: FuzionByte.

Labyrinth Sentinel Boss Guide

Author: FuzionByte.

The Labyrinth Weapons

Author: FuzionByte.

Root Earth

Root Earth is the final area in the game and as you would expect, it is the toughest by far. There are 3 bosses, 3 weapons, 1 Aberration and a host of Specials. All of which can end your run very quickly if you take chances or even blink in some cases. Given the fact there are few collectibles and bosses in Root Earth, you can find everything for the final biome in Remnant 2 in it’s own section.

Bane Aberration Guide

Author: FuzionByte.

Root Earth Bosses

Author: FuzionByte.

Root Earth Weapons

Author: FuzionByte.

Remnant 2 Guns

There are 41 guns you can acquire in Remnant 2 which are obtainable in a variety of ways such as purchasing, crafting, winning, finding, looting, questing and a variety of other ways and if you want every gun in the game, you will have a lot of work to do. I have gone off and acquired every gun in the game throughout the 3 potential starting Worlds, Losomn, N’Erud, Yaesha as well as The Labyrinth and Root Earth, the final World in the game.

Losomn Guns

Author: FuzionByte.

N'Erud Guns

Author: FuzionByte.

Yaesha Guns

Author: FuzionByte.

Remnant 2 Melee Weapons

Melee weapons in Remnant 2 are incredibly useful with some of them having outstanding abilities which really improves your efficiency in combat as you progress through any area in the game. It may seem at first that Remnant 2 is just guns, guns, guns but when you start using some of the rarer melee weapons, you can really improve your chances of survival.

Losomn Melee Weapons

Author: FuzionByte.

N'Erud Melee Weapons

Author: FuzionByte.

Yaesha Melee Weapons

Author: FuzionByte.

Access The Backrooms

Author: FuzionByte.

The Awakened King DLC

The Awakened King is the first DLC pack in Remnant 2 and sees you return to Losomn as the One True King has awoken from his slumber and is seeking vengeance for his failed assassination attempt on his life by the Fae Council and Nimue, the Fae Goddess. Throughout the DLC, you will be faced with new biomes, Aberrations, enemies and bosses, fortunately you will have plenty of new weaponry and even a brand new Archetype to help you combat those who would stand against you as you progress towards the One True King, with any path you take leading you into a fight against the God of Losomn.

The Awakened King DLC Guide

Author: FuzionByte.

The Awakened King DLC Aberrations

Author: FuzionByte.

The Awakened King DLC Bosses

Author: FuzionByte.

The Awakened King DLC Weapons

Author: FuzionByte.

The Forgotten Kingdom DLC

The Forgotten Kingdom is the second DLC pack in Remnant 2 and sees you return to Yaesha to find out why the statues have come to life in the Forgotten Kingdom where the Goddess has been corrupted which causes you to be cursed upon meeting her.

This DLC is fairly linear in its approach compared to the rest of the game with the density of the DLC coming from the challenges you will be presented with along the way

The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Guide

Author: FuzionByte.

Thank You For Being A Friend Guide

Forge a Friendship.

Author: FuzionByte.

The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Aberrations

Author: FuzionByte.

The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Bosses

Author: FuzionByte.

The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Weapons

Author: FuzionByte.

Author: FuzionByte.

Remnant 2 Directory

Here is everything we have published for Remnant 2:

Author: FuzionByte.

That’s all of our Remnant 2 content.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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