Remnant 2 Losomn Guns
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is a list containing all of the Remnant 2 Losomn guns. Losomn is a blend between Victorian homesteads and Palaces filled with Fae, no area is safe in Losomn, even the drains have Monsters lurking inside them. With death around every corner, it’s a good job there are a varied amount of guns to help stem the onslaught. Guns are your primary method of offense in Remnant 2 as they offer ranged attacks in varying forms and are classified as either long guns which are your primary weapons and Handguns which your secondary or offhand weapons.
You can also equip a melee weapon for when you’re out of ammo or don’t have time to reload if an enemy is too close at a given time. There are, in total, 4 long guns you can acquire in Losomn, as for the handguns, you have 3 options including a very powerful grenade launcher which will annihilate groups of enemies as well as your own character if you’re not careful with your aim. Here is every gun you can acquire in Losomn:
- Crescent Moon (Long Gun).
- Deceit (Long Gun).
- Double Barrel (Handgun).
- Meridian (Handgun).
- Nightfall (Long Gun).
- Royal Hunting Bow (Long Gun).
- Rune Pistol (Handgun).
Crescent Moon (Long Gun)
Location: Losomn, Nimue’s Retreat, Retreat’s Horizon / Ward 13.
Requirements: Take Anamy’s Echo, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000 to McCabe in Ward 13.
Before you can acquire the Crescent Moon bow you will firstly need to have acquired the Dreamcatcher melee weapon in The Tormented Asylum (Morrow Parish starting point) so grab that then head over to Nimue’s Retreat where, once in a while Nimue will be sleeping. If she is awake then leave the area via a checkpoint and come back where she will be laying down eventually. Equip Dreamcatcher then go up to her bracelet which will be glowing on her left arm which she is laying on and hit the bracelet.
You won’t cause any damage, you will, instead, pull a dream out of the bracelet called Nimue’s Dream you need to consume which you can only do by quick slotting the dream. To do so go: Inventory> Nimue’s Dream> Quick slot> choose a slot> back out to your character> use Nimue’s Dream where you will be transported to Retreat’s Horizon which is a tiny island surrounded by water. You are looking for a Nebula of sorts which you need to run towards where you will eventually find Anamy’s Echo, if it’s not where it is in the video below then circle around the edge of the biome until you find the Echo.
It does dhow up form a good distance away, given the darkness of the biome it is fairly easy to see a glowing blue object so once you see it, go and collect it then head back to the checkpoint and Ward 13. Take the required items to McCabe where she will then craft the very powerful Crescent Moon Bow long gun.
Deceit (Long Gun)
Location: Losomn, Beatific Gallery / Ward 13.
Required Items: Imposter’s Heart x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000.
You will need the Beatific Palace as your starting point then head through the World collecting the Faelin Mural Piece form the ground floor of the Beatific Palace and the Faerin Mural Piece from the Malefic Palace where you can place both faces in the ground back at the Beatific Palace floor allowing you large door at the back of the area to open leading you through to a World Boss of Losomn.
Faelin will ask you to kill Faerin, who he claims is the imposter, however, you will need to take Faelin himself in order to collect the required materials to craft the Deceit long gun by selecting the “Actually, I think I’ll challenge you” dialogue option when it becomes available. Ensure you have you have your best gear and support Archetypes equipped before challenging Faelin as he will have a lot of help in this fight so it’s only fair that you bring some of your own such as the Handler or the Summoner Archetypes. Check out the complete Faelin boss guide for how to take down the World Boss where you will then receive the Imposter’s Heart allowing you to craft the very powerful Deceit long gun with McCabe in Ward 13.
Double Barrel (Handgun)
Location: Morrow Parish, Asylum.
Requirements: Unlock the Iron Safe.
Head through Morrow Parish then through Cotton Kiln where you should come back to Morrow Parish, follow the path around the jump over the wall and climb the ladder in to the Asylum. Head down and around to the ground floor in to the entrance hall taking out the nurses as you go then through the door open door in to the Manager’s office where you will find an iron safe to your right. Input the code 2971 and open the safe to acquire the very hard hitting Double Barrel Handgun.
Meridian (Handgun)
Location: Losomn, The Great Sewers.
Requirements: Make the water run for 90 minutes.
Head through The Great Sewers to a wooden barricade then smash through and jump across where you will need to kill all of the bulbous creatures including one in the pipe which will make the water run. You need to wait for around 90 minutes then carefully jump across the pallets to a cut-out in the wall where you can collect the Meridian grenade launcher.
Nightfall (Long Gun)
Location: Losomn The Tormented Asylum / Ward 13.
Requirements: Take Cursed Dream Silks x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000 to McCabe.
You will be able to craft Nightfall, which is one of, if not the very best long gun in Remnant 2, this thing is incredibly powerful and a game changer in all respects once you take down The Nightweaver who is a World Boss of Losomn accessible from the Morrow Parish starting point of Losomn. You will need to head through to The Tormented Asylum where you can take down The Nightweaver (check out the complete The Nightweaver boss guide) obtaining the Cursed Dream Silks for your efforts. Take the required items to McCabe then craft the Nightfall long gun which I highly recommend upgrading as this thing is an absolute beast of a weapon that got me through the challenges I couldn’t manage before hand.
Royal Hunting Bow (Long Gun)
Location: Losomn, Postulant’s Parlor.
Requirements: Win the game at the back of the area.
The Postulant’s Parlor is a nasty area in Losomn which is filled with Fae and Specials so ensure you’re well geared before going through the biome with you aim being to get through to the very back room. You will notice as you progress through there are essentially 9 main rooms with several locations being blocked off, you will, however, be able to fight your way through to the very back room of the area where you will see a Statue siting across from an empty sit with a board game in front of him… or her.
Your objective is to move 1 piece per go as you attempt to get 3 in a row which can be horizontally, vertically or diagonally, the choice is yours, just take care as every time you lose you will become Cursed which removes a portion of your health bar making you susceptible to a quick death should you be engaged in combat before getting back to a checkpoint. Take your time with the game and try to block your opponents moves as best as you can until you ultimately come away with the win. Once you have won the game, the back door will open revealing a shrine which holds the Royal Hunting Bow long gun.
Rune Pistol (Handgun)
Location: Losomn, The Great Hall, The Tormented Asylum / Ward 13.
Requirements: Exchange the Ravenous Medallion or the Decrepit Rune then exchange the Decrepit Rune for the Rune Pistol.
This can be a very irritating weapon to get hold of given the procedurally generated nature of Remnant 2 as you need to have the Morrow Parish starting point which is simple enough, especially in Adventure mode, however, you then need to hope you can find The Great Hall in The Forsaken Quarter which you can access once you have asked Nimue to send you to The Nightweaver’s hunting grounds. If you can’t find the Great Hall biome, restart adventure mode and try again from the Morrow Parish starting point. Along the way you will need to kill either the Bloat King in The Great Sewers or Gwendil The Unburnt in Cottons Kiln before you can get to the Asylum and ultimately Nimue.
The Great Hall biome, for me at least, took 14 times before it spawned so hopefully you have better luck than me in that regard then when you eventually get to the Great Hall, go all the way through the biome and up the stairs on the lower floor where you can collect the Ravenous Medallion from the kitchen counter behind the ovens. You then need to proceed all the way through to The Nightweavers biome, The Tormented Asylum, go into the first cell on your left and exchange the Ravenous Medallion with the Nightweaver’s Web to obtain a Decrepit Rune. Take the Decrepit Rune back to Nimue at the Nimue’s Retreat biome and exchange the Rune for the Rune Pistol.
That’s how to obtain all of the Remnant 2 Losomn guns. Which one(s) are you going to be levelling up to help bring down the horrors hiding in Losomn?
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