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Remnant 2 Losomn Melee Weapons

Here is a list containing all of the Remnant 2 Losomn melee weapons. Losomn is a Victorian Fae based area filled with traps, Cthulhu inspired enemies as well as Fae, mythical creatures capable of flying and inflicting heavy damage especially in groups.

Melee weapons are a lot more useful in Remnant 2 than they may first appear with many favouring guns over blades, however, when you have an enemy up close or you need to reload or have simply run out of ammunition a decent melee weapon can be incredibly helpful to carve and smash your way through enemies allowing you time to reload, scavenge ammo and compose yourself before moving forward. In total, there are 8 melee weapons you can acquire in Losomn which are:

  1. Assassin’s Dagger.
  2. Bone Chopper.
  3. Dreamcatcher.
  4. Godsplitter.
  5. Huntress Spear.
  6. Nightshade.
  7. Ornate Blade.
  8. Ornate Flail.

Assassin's Dagger

Location: Losomn, Council Chamber (Mirrored), Nimue’s Retreat.
Requirements: Collect the Assassin’s Dagger from the Mirror Realm.
Head up and around the Council Chamber biome where you will come to a mirror you can interact with, it will be very easy to spot as it’s at the end of the main path (unlock the door to the left of the mirror to make it easier to come back if you need to), which, once done will place you in a mirrored version of the Council Chamber biome.

There will be a heavy amount of enemies in the Council Chamber including a Cthulhu special so take them all down then walk over to the base of where the council usually sits (you can see the 3 council members below you). Collect the 3 Council seals from the base of their respective seats which are:

  1. Red: High Councillor Oniril’s Key.
  2. Purple: High Councillor Nyele’s Key.
  3. Blue: High Councillor Savan’s Key.

You then need to place the Keys from left to right going: Blue, Red, Purple which will unlock the doorway above you allowing you to go round to an ominous looking throne. Mantle up to the right side of the throne, jump across to the narrow ledge then carefully turn around and jump across the gap where you can acquire the Assassin’s Dagger from the skull of the petrified Lord. You can now take the Assassin’s Dagger to Nimue’s Retreat and task Nimue to craft you the equippable version of the Assassin’s Dagger which is a very powerful bleed weapon especially if you can get an enemy form behind.

Bone Chopper

Location: Losomn, Great Hall.
Requirements: Beat the Great Feast fight.
Once you get to the Great Hall biome, follow the linear path around, take the elevator down then come back around through the corridors, taking the stairs up to the right at the end of the corridor then go behind the ovens where you can find the Ravenous Medallion. Take the Ravenous Medallion back to the start of the Great Hall biome (use the lift or open the door and use the other lift) then, once you’re fully geared and prepared for a very difficult fight, place the Ravenous Medallion in the slot in the doors to open the way to the Great Feast.

Speak to the rotund NPC and eat some of the food where you will contract the Ravenous status which will cause you to become sick when using Relics so ensuring you have either the Handler, Summoner or both Arcehtypes equipped will greatly increase your chances of survival as you have an Army of Specials and Fae to take down with essentially 1 health bar which is a serious challenge.

This fight would be run of the mill were it for the fact you are unable to heal which will see many players back at the checkpoint more often than not so making sure you have some very heavy hitting gear will help you take down the enemies quicker then once the Rune covered Executioner appears, take it down as quick as you can as if it grabs hold of you even the Challenger won’t get back up from what he does to you. With the great feast conquered, speak with tubs again then go down the left service elevator, take out the Executioner waiting for you where you can finally collect the Bone Chopper from the counter to your right.


Location: Losomn, The Tormented Asylum.
Requirements: Trade a Stone Carved Doll with the Nightweaver’s Web.
There is a fairly lengthy process you need to go through in order to be able to acquire Dreamcatcher starting off with needing Morrow Parish as your starting point. You then need to go through the Asylum, kill Ripsaw out in the courtyard, obtain the Third Floor Key then take out a Fae ambush where you can jump out of the open window in the room with the large hole in the floor out onto the balcony and collect the Prison Cell Key.

From here, head back down into where the cells are (you passed them on your way to getting the third floor key) and interact with the final cell on the left as you approach the courtyard. Open the locked door after speaking with the NPC who won’t actually be there when you open the door allowing you to collect the Nightweaver Statue from the middle of the cell, you will need this later.

From here, head through to Nimue from the third floor of the Asylum and ask to be sent to the Hunting Grounds which you need to traverse through all the way to The Tormented Asylum which you can access with the Soulkey Tribute you collect from the corpse the Nightweaver was feeding on before you get back to the Asylum. Use the heart on the Nightweaver’s portal to go to the Tormented Asylum then go into the first cell on your right as you go to the checkpoint and interact with the web at the back of the cell, exchange the Nightweaver Doll for the Dreamcatcher.


Location: Losomn, Malefic Gallery / Ward 13.
Requirements: Melded Hilt x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000.
You will receive the Melded Hilt once you have taken down Faerin who is 1 of the 2 potential World Bosses as long as you have the Palace Courtyard starting point in Losomn. Head through the World collecting both the Faelin and Faerin Mural pieces where you can then speak with Faelin in the Palace Courtyard, Beatific Gallery biome who will task you with taking Faerin down.

Head through to the Malefic Gallery (go back through the Malefic Palace where the Jester placed the 2 Kings face card allowing you to obtain the Faerin Mural piece) and challenge Faerin who is a tougher variant of Faelin. Check out the complete Faerin boss guide for how to take the One True King’s Assassin down then with Faerin defeated you will be able to craft the Godsplitter melee weapon with McCabe in Ward 13 providing you have the required materials.

Huntress Spear

Location: Losomn, The Forsaken Quarter or Ironborough / Ward 13.
Requirements: Venerated Spearhead x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000.
The Huntress Spear is craftable with McCabe back at Ward 13 as long as you can find The Huntress or more to the point, when The Huntress finds you which can happen in a number of biomes where you will be in a fight and The Huntress will randomly spawn in and attack you and she won’t leave until you take a significant amount of her health down. She then has the chance of spawning another 2-3 times as you progress through the current biome which will always be one of the biomes where the Dran reside (villagers rather than Fae) with you needing to find the Briella’s Garden checkpoint meaning you are very close to her location.

The Huntress herself will be asleep under a small structure and will need to be attacked for the fight to initiate and it’s a fairly decent fight as I believe she is the only Mounted boss in the entire game which fans of the Souls series will be a fan of I’m sure. Check out the, The Huntress boss guide for how best to take down this female brute then once you have the Venerated Spearhead, go back to McCabe with the required materials and craft the Huntress Spear which is an incredibly powerful long range melee weapon.


Location: Losomn, The Tormented Asylum.
Requirements: Nightweaver’s Finger x1. Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000.
This is the single toughest melee weapon to obtain in the entire game outside of the difficulty based weapons due to one simple fact. If you’re grabbed by a very grabby World Boss you will fail the requirements and you either need to die or re roll (use Adventure Mode). The World Boss is The Nightweaver and to obtain the Nightweaver’s Finger you will need to shoot The Nightweaver destroying her heart which is only accessible for a very short window out in the courtyard whilst she’s dropping the Spiders from her chest and if she grabs you in any way throughout either phase of the fight, inside or outside you won’t receive the Nightweaver’s Finger, you will receive the Cursed Dream Silks or scrap if it’s not your first run.

Having both the Handler and Summoner Archetypes equipped will help a good amount here as The Nightweaver will attack them on occasion allowing you to go in an deal some heavy damage just ensure you stay away from her at all costs as if she grabs you she will instantly restore her heart. Once you have successfully taken The Nightweaver down and have retrieved the Nightweaver’s Finger, go to McCabe and craft the impressive looking Nightshade melee weapon.

Ornate Blade

Location: Losomn, Council Chamber.
Requirements: Accuse the correct member of the council after obtaining proof.
The Ornate Blade will take some effort for you to acquire as you need to not only find the Council Chamber biome, you also need to be 100% accurate in your dialogue choices as 1 wrong button press will see all 3 members of the Council attack you and it can be a nasty 3 on 1 fight you may well not survive. Once you’re in the Council Chamber biome rest at the checkpoint to restock all of your resources then head through the biome all the way through to the mirror ensuring you open the door to the left of the room.

Interact with the mirror to be taken to a mirrored version of the Council Chamber, head down and through to where the council members should be (you can see them through the water if you look closely). Take out the Shaman as well as all of the Fae which ring the area one by one if you can to avoid getting mobbed then collect the 3 Council seals as you would have done if you have acquired the Assassin’s DaggerWith the Council seals acquired, place them in the following order from  left to right: Blue, Red, Purple which will then open a door above you allowing you to go through to the One True King’s throne room, mantle up, jump across and back on yourself where you can pull the Assassin’s Dagger from the back of the King’s skull.

Open your inventory, select the Assassin’s Dagger and rotate the Dagger around until you can see underneath the pommel of the weapon (the bit at the base of the Dagger, opposite end to the point of the blade) which will have a symbol identical to 1 of the 3 council members seals. Go back to the 3 Council seats whilst still in the mirrored realm and check which of the 3 seals match the base of the Dagger itself thus revealing the traitor who helped Faelin / Faerin kill The One True King. Head back through the mirror and go round to speak with the Council choosing the following dialogue options to successfully get through to where you can accuse the traitor:

  • I’m not of this world at all, actually“.
  • I’m just exploring“.
  • What are these troubles you’re having?“.
  • Of course, I will help you“.
  • I have news about who aided the imposter“.
  • I am prepared to make an accusation“.

You then need to line the symbol up from the base of the Assassin’s Dagger to the respective Council member:

  • Savan has a Diamond with a line going around the right side.
  • Oniril has a mirrored rounded eye with a circle in the middle of his crest.
  • Nyele has a fancy pointed arrow symbol pointing up and down with the same pattern on both.

Choose the correct Imposter or choose the “Actually, I’m not ready. I will return when I am” dialogue option if you need to recheck the Assassin’s Dagger’s pommel again then choose the imposter when you’re ready. With the correct Council member chosen the 2 innocent Council members will condemn the guilty party and have them slain where they sit where you will then receive the Ornate Blade as both payment and thanks.

Ornate Flail

Location: Losomn Council Chamber.
Requirements: Find the secret room in the hidden Executioners Lair.
This melee weapon is very well hidden and I only found it by mistake. You will need the Palace Courtyard as your starting point then head left from the Council Chamber checkpoint down to where there are a lot of charred corpses burnt in place with a large bored looking statue against the back wall (right off the main path).

Against the wall to the right of the bored statue will be a picture in an ornate frame you can smash revealing a hidden section of the Palace, be careful once you drop down though as moving through the water will spawn the Aberration: The Executioner who is a tough fight given the confined space. Follow the path around through the water smashing through the charred corpses where you will come to a room with a corpse on a staircase blocking your way. Look on your map where you will see a small room off to your right, go in the room, smash through all of the corpses then shoot the corpse above you on the ledge allowing you to mantle up, drop down behind the rocks and collect the Ornate Flail from the Altar.

That’s how to obtain all of the Remnant 2 Losomn melee weapons. Which is your favourite?




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