Remnant 2 Mantagora Aberration Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is the Remnant 2 Mantagora Aberration guide which will help you track and down down a passive Aberration who won’t engage until you do and even then doesn’t pose a threat as it won’t stop flying around to fight you.
Location: Yaesha, Imperial Gardens.
Rewards: Scrap x200, Momentum Mutator.
Mantagora can be found flying around Imperial Gardens on Yaesha, however, I wouldn’t expect a good fight here as it won’t attack you until you hit it, which could be with a stray bullet whilst firing at other enemies or if you choose to directly engage the Mantagora.
The only attack the Mantagora has is a barrage of Root Rot explosives which can hurt if you get caught up in all 4 or even kill you if you’re low on health so whilst you still need to be cautious, this is more a fight of patience and ammunition management more than a straight up brawl.
Mantagora can fly above or below the map given the Imperial Gardens are made up of a series of floating islands and using elemental attacks to deal damage of time will help a great deal here so equip any Mods you have and fire away.
As long as you manage your ammunition and don’t just fire blindly you will bring this great beast down soon enough and if you do run low on ammunition, keep pushing through Imperial Gardens where the enemies will drop more than ammo for you take care of the Aberration.
That’s the Remnant 2 Mantagora Aberration guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down Mantagora if you chose to engage it.
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