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Remnant 2 N'Erud Aberrations

Here we will go over where to find and how to take down all of the Remnant 2 N’Erud Aberrations which are essentially mini bosses with some being very well hidden, we’re here to help you find and take down every Aberration lurking in the underbelly of N’Erud. An Aberration will, for the most part, be in the same place in a given area, however, given Remnant 2’s procedural generation mechanic, you may not always find a given location in your particular run.

That’s where Adventure Mode comes in to play, when you beat a World boss for any of the 3 main World(s) in Remnant 2: Losomn, N’Erud and Yaesha, you can then access Adventure Mode allowing you to re roll as many times as you need to without affecting your campaign progress. Usually, an Aberration will have special abilities attached to it which are detailed under the Aberrations health bar and depending on what the modifiers are for a given fight, they might not do a lot or they might exponentially increase the difficulty of an encounter with an Aberration. In total, there are 3 Aberrations you can find throughout N’Erud which are:

  1. E.D. Alpha.
  2. Fetid Corpse.
  3. Restless Spirit.

E.D. Alpha

Location: N’Erud, Tower of the Unseen.
Rewards: Refunder Mutator x1, Scrap x300.
Head up to the top of the Tower of the Unseen biome then rest at the checkpoint if you need to. You will need to complete a door puzzle leading you down into the area where E.D. Alpha will spawn in which won’t be that difficult as long as you’re not scared of heights. Check out the E.D. Alpha Aberration guide for how to find and take down this break dancing robot turned blender.

Fetid Corpse

Location: N’Erud, Void Vessel Facility.
Rewards: Transference Mutator, Scrap x300.
Before the Fetid Corpse will appear you will firstly need to kill the current occupier of a pod then take its place where you will then be transported to a room filled with enemies including the Fetid Corpse Aberration. Fight your way out successfully and you’ll have one less Aberration to worry about. Fail and its a long walk back from the checkpoint for you. Check out the Fetid Corpse Aberration guide for how to take down this shambling Aberration who has brought all of its friends along for some fun in the darkness.

Restless Spirit

Location: N’Erud, Tower of the Unseen.
Rewards: Timewave Mutator x1, Scrap x250.
The Restless Spirit is locked in a prison of sorts behind a very powerful energy vortex. Interacting with the vortex will put you in a fight with the Aberration who can be formidable if you become complacent. Check out the Restless Spirit Aberration guide for how to access this flying telekinetic prisoner then lay it to rest.

That’s where you can find all of the Remnant 2 N’Erud Aberrations, have you managed to take any of them down or did you already do them all and are here to see if there’s any left?.




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