Remnant 2 N'Erud Bosses
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here you can find out where to find and how to take down all of the Remnant 2 N’Erud bosses. N’Erud is a very nasty, Mech filled World with all sorts of beasts and monsters lurking below the surface. There are, in total, 7 bosses you can find and take on in N’Erud, this guide will link in to every boss fight available with full guides on how to take down every single boss in N’Erud. You will need to re roll N’Erud so you can work through from either the Seeker’s Rest or the Forgotten Prison biomes in Adventure mode which is accessible once you have taken down one of the potential 3 World bosses. The 7 bosses you can find and take down are as follows:
Location: N’Erud, The Putrid Domain.
Rewards: Rewards: Mutated Growth x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
Abomination can be an easy boss to underestimate in N’Erud as it looks like a blob, however, it hits like a truck. Focus fire on the explosive that it absorbs to reveal weak points you can unload into. Check out the Abomination boss guide for everything you need to bring this rolling mess of biomass down permanently.
Location: N’Erud, The Hatchery.
Rewards: Cracked Shell x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
The Hatchery is a nasty area, however, it is nothing compared to what the boss has waiting for you. This is a tough, bug filled fight with raining poison, a fast moving boss and more environmental hazards that most other bosses in Remnant 2 combined. Check out the Primogenitor boss guide for how to take down this fast moving parasitic bug who loves nothing more than to burrow into others making them do the dirty work.
Sha' Hala: Spectral Guardian Of N'Erud
Location: N’Erud, Sentinel’s Keep.
Rewards: Eidolon Shard x1 or Void Cinder x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x750.
I’m not going to clickbait you into click a boss guide link here. Do not take on Sha’Hala Spectral Guardian of N’Erud until you have done everything on your current playthrough from the Seeker’s Rest starting point as 24 hours after being defeated, N’Erud will be locked out save from Alepsis Taura which has nothing there except an audio recording and a Relic. If you use the Override Pin then N’Erud will be destroyed and you won’t be able to continue on your current run so either way you will be shut down. Check out the Sha’Hala Spectral Guardian of N’Erud boss guide for how to take it down once you’re ready just ensure you have done everything else before hand or you will have to start over.
Tal Ratha
Location: N’Erud, Forgotten Prison.
Rewards: Spiced Bile x1, Shining Essence Echo x1, Lumenite Crystal x5, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x750.
You will need the Forgotten Prison biome on N’Erud then head through and collect the Soul Spark Cylinder from an unnamed dungeon in The Eon Vault. From here, head to the back of the Forgotten Prison biome and refuse to join eternity. Check out the Tal Ratha boss guide for everything you need to take this World boss down.
Tal Ratha (Metaphysical)
Location: N’Erud, Forgotten Prison.
Rewards: Acidic Jawbone x1, Shining Essence Echo x1, Lumenite Crystal x5, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x750.
During the dialogue with Tal Ratha who will appear out of the mist, choose eternity where he will open his mouth and transport you to an ethereal plain where he will then spawn in having taken on a new, spectral form which can be a tough fight. Check out the Tal Ratha (Metaphysical) boss guide for everything you need to put this ensnared beast to rest giving him an alternative eternity Tal Ratha wasn’t planning on.
The Astropath
Location: N’Erud, Astropath’s Respite.
Rewards: Seeker Residue x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
The Astropath is a powerful spiritual entity found at the top of Astropath’s Respite, however, you will have more to do than just walk in to the boss arena to make this boss spawn. You will need to pay attention to everything going on in this fight as it can easily end your run and have you back at the checkpoint if you get caught short on a laser. Check out the, The Astropath boss guide for how best to tackle this overcharged spectre made up of several different entities.
The Custodian's Eye
Location: N’Erud, Spectrum Nexus.
Rewards: Sentry’s Old Iris x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
Ascend to the highest peak of the Spectrum Nexus biome taking out the Mechs along the way and taking care not to fall off any of the narrow walkways then get ready for a nasty fight against The Custodian’s Eye. Avoid the lasers as well as the floor which can drop away quickly sometimes leading to your death if you fall too much. Check out the, The Custodian’s Eye boss guide for everything you need to take this overgrown Mech down.
That’s where to find and how to take down all of the Remnant 2 N’Erud bosses. Good luck when you get to them.