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Remnant 2 N'Erud Guns

Here is a list containing all of the Remnant 2 N’Erud guns. N’Erud is a very nasty World filled with Mechs, parasites, World ending bosses, zombies and some of the deadliest areas in the entire game. You will need to be very powerful in order to acquire every gun on N’Erud.

Guns are your primary method of offense in Remnant 2 as they offer ranged attacks in varying forms and are classified as either long guns which are your primary weapons and Handguns which your secondary or offhand weapons. You can also equip a melee weapon for when you’re out of ammo or don’t have time to reload if an enemy is too close at a given time. There are, in total, 3 long guns you can acquire on N’Erud and they are some of the best in the game if you have the skill to acquire them, as for the handguns, you again, have 3 options, none of which are simple to acquire, but they are worth the effort. Here is every gun you can acquire on N’Erud:

  1. Aphelion (Long Gun).
  2. Nebula (Handgun).
  3. Plasma Cutter (Long Gun).
  4. Pulse Rifle (Long Gun).
  5. Rupture Cannon (Handgun).
  6. Star Shot (Handgun).

Aphelion (Long Gun)

Location: N’Erud, Sentinel’s Keep / Ward 13.
Requirements: Void Cinder x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000.
Starting from the Seeker’s Rest starting point, go through collecting the 3 Seeker’s Keys which are found behind the bosses you need to take down where you then, on the Timeless Horizon biome need to go through a temple in the North East portion of the map riding the elevators up and down through the linear path and collect the Override Pin. From here, go through to the Sentinel’s Keep biome, ride the slow moving elevator to the top of the area and rest at the checkpoint. Equip your best gear as you are in for a brutally difficult fight against a very angry Sha’Hala.

Before beginning the fight, look on the right side of the terminal and place the Override Pin in the slot which will then cause Sha’Hala Spectral Guardian of N’Erud to awaken in a very bad mood. The fight against Sha’Hala after using the Override Pin is a very difficult fight as you will have seemingly never ending lasers, meteors, plasma balls, energy vortexes, slams, slaps and anything else the boss can throw at you in this rage inducing battle. Once you have taken Sha’Hala down you will then receive the Void Cinder you can take over to McCabe in Ward 13 along with the required materials and craft the incredibly powerful, Aphelion.

Nebula (Handgun)

Location: N’Erud, Forgotten Prison / Ward 13.
Requirements: Spiced Bile x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000.
You will need to ensure you have the Forgotten Prison starting point on N’Erud then head through the biomes and collect the Soul Spark Cylinder from the Eon Vault. Head around to the back of the Forgotten Prison and take on Tal Ratha by refusing to join Eternity, with the World boss defeated, go to McCabe with the Spiced Bile along with the other required materials and craft the Nebula handgun.

Plasma Cutter (Long Gun)

Location: N’Erud Titan’s Reach.
Requirements: Equip the Navigator’s Helm in the crashed Space ship.
You will firstly need to acquire the Navigator’s Helm which is in the Extraction Hub biome which will be situated in one of the open areas on N’Erud from either starting point. Given the procedurally generated nature of Remnant 2 I can’t give you an exact location, however, you’re looking for a large structure that is slamming pistons into the ground. Underneath one of these pistons will be a hole in the ground. Drop down quickly before you get squashed and kill every zombie in the hole of which there will be a lot.

Upon killing one of the zombies you will automatically receive the Navigator’s Helm in your inventory. Leave the hole and then go off and find the Titan’s Reach biome which may be on a different open area of N’Erud or it could require a re roll in Adventure mode. Either way, as the Navigators Helm is an equippable piece of armour it will remain in your inventory regardless of whether or not you’re in Adventure or Campaign mode so when you find the Titan’s Reach biome, equip the Helm. You can then go through a smashed section of the ship, follow the linear path where, as long as you have the Navigator’s Helm equipped, the door will scan you and allow you through enabling you to collect the Plasma Cutter long gun.

Pulse Rifle (Long Gun)

Location: Terminus Station, Dormant N’Erudian Facility, Ascension Spire.
Requirements: Place the Decorum Cipher and Memory Core II in the energy control module.
The Pulse Rifle could be a contender for one of the rarest guns in the game as, for you to be able to acquire it, you will firstly need 2, randomly occurring biomes to appear on the same run of either Adventure mode or Campaign. The problem is, you can’t carry quest items over from Adventure mode to Campaign and vice versa so just because a biome is available in one it won’t matter as you need both the Terminus Station and the Dormant N’Erudian Facility biomes available in the same go. A tall order.

Once you have discovered either Terminus Station or the Dormant N’Erudian Facility, go off and hopefully find the other biome where you can then save some time if the given biome isn’t available and restart. As long as both biomes are available in the same run you can then do what’s required to get the Pulse Rifle as long as you’re powerful enough to do so. The hardest part of this, apart from getting both biomes to spawn is to survive the train journey in Terminus Station. The train journey will see you needing to work through a series of carriage on the train as you take down a lot of Mechs and with a special at the end that can knock you off the train, surviving is a tall order.

Once you have survived, go round to the mini checkpoint, face the way you cam then go left through the secret pathway ducking under the cables, climb the ladder then jump on to the roof of the train. Drop down through the hatch and collect the Decorum Cipher which will be glowing purple. You can also acquire the Atom Smasher in the engine room as well. With the Decorum Cipher collected, head over to the Dormant N’Erudian Facility and get ready for a fight as the area can be tough but it’s nothing compared to the train in Terminus Station.

You will need to clear every bug in the facility before the facility itself terminates everything inside including you. This might sound daunting at first but as long as your gear is tuned up it shouldn’t be that hard. Roll away from the poison blobs and take the Special(s) down as a priority ensuring you clear every bug along the way as it can really kill your time if you have one bug left and you need to race around trying to find it. With the objective complete which is signified by a message on screen and the timer stops, you will then be able to head through to the very back of the biome and drop down carefully through the gap in the railing and follow the linear path around to be able to collect the Biome-Control Glyph.

From here, either use the mini checkpoint or drop down and make your way back to the star of the Dormant N’Erudian Facility and go up to the door just opposite the checkpoint. Use the Biome-Control Glyph on the door, go through and collect the Memory Core II from the console. Next up, go over to Ascension Spire where the Custodian is situated, drop down to the left through the floor and down the elevator on the right. Now I’m not sure if the order you place either the Decorum Cipher and the Memory Core II matter, for me I placed the Decorum Cipher on the left module and the Memory Core II on the right module. This will then remove both forcefields and allow you to go through and collect the Pulse Rifle which is laying next to a corpse.

Rupture Cannon (Handgun)

Location: N’Erud, Vault of the Formless.
Requirements: Collect the House Lythla Glyph and unlock the door.
The Vault of the Formless is another randomly appearing biome on N’Erud and it’s a rare one, at least it was for me. Head through the biome taking down a heavy amount of enemies where you will come to a boss fog gate and a mini checkpoint. However, there is no boss to be found, what there is instead, is an Army of zombies waiting for you so ensure you’re appropriately geared before going through the boss gate. In the new section of the biome you will need to take down the zombies until the first set of zombie pods is moved around revealing a walkway you can use to get to the next section.

Clear all of the zombies in this section then wait for the spikes to spin the pods allowing you to go through, however, when the path becomes accessible, stay in the shell rather than going through and wait for the mechanism to be spun again where you will be able to access a hidden section. Go into the first room on your left and collect the House Lythla Glyph from the shrine. If you do miss it on your first run, you can go through again you just need to wait for the pods to be spun again.

Head up the ramp, back out to the machines following the path to an elevator, go down the ramps killing everything as you go and drop down to the final section of the zombie horde fight. Kill everything that lies before you then open the large door. Go right and interact with the door there using the House Lythla Glyph which will then open the way through to a new section. Follow the path walkway around and collect the Rupture Cannon from the final pod on the left.

Star Shot (Handgun)

Location: N’Erud, The Dark Conduit, Abyssal Rift.
Requirements: Restore the power then find and retrieve 5 space pods.
The Dark Conduit is a randomly appearing biome on N’Erud and is a very challenging area so ensure you’re kitted about before going there. Head through the biome where you will come to a small room with 2 fuses inside. The fuse on the right will be hanging loose so interact with it and push the fuse back into place restoring the power to the retrieval ship just situated just outside the biome.

You now need to wander the N’Erudian wastes finding 5 space pods which are essentially coffins being used to store precious materials. Find and interact with 5 space pods then head back to the entrance of the, The Dark Conduit biome, go round to the left and interact with the now powered up control console. Interacting with the console will then task the retrieval ship with going off and retrieving the 5 space pods which will take a good few minutes. In the 5th space pod will be the Star Shot handgun.

That’s how to obtain all of the Remnant 2 N’Erud guns. Which one(s) are you going to be levelling up to help take down the terrors on the death entwined World of N’Erud?




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