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Remnant 2 N'Erud Melee Weapons

Here is a list containing all of the Remnant 2 N’Erud melee weapons. N’Erud is a futuristic Alien landscape fraught with dangers including Mechs, fog which makes you sick just by being near it, overgrown Slugs and hard hitting Wraiths.

Melee weapons are a lot more useful in Remnant 2 than they may first appear with many favouring guns over blades, however, when you have an enemy up close or you need to reload or have simply run out of ammunition a decent melee weapon can be incredibly helpful to carve and smash your way through enemies allowing you time to reload, scavenge ammo and compose yourself before moving forward. In total, there are 5 melee weapons you can acquire in N’Erud which are:

  1. Atom Smasher.
  2. Atom Splitter.
  3. Gas Giant.
  4. Spectral Blade.
  5. Vice Grips.

Atom Smasher

Location: N’Erud, Terminus Station.
Requirements: Survive the train journey before the time runs out and follow the hidden path.
Head through to the Terminus Station biome which is randomly occurring then proceed through the corridors and walkways to a train you can enter ride. You will have around 5 minutes to clear every enemy on the train including specials and tonnes of Mechs so bring the best gear and Archetypes you have and get ready for a tough battle.

Once the train is clear of Mechs the conductor will sullenly congratulate you allowing you to leave the train. With that done, go round to the checkpoint, look towards the train to get your bearings then go left along the path ducking under the cables as you go. Climb the ladder then jump down onto the train below where you can go through an open hatch in the roof where you will find the Atom Splitter leaning against the wall.  Also, ensure you collect the Decorum Cipher whilst you’re in the train as you will need this for a very powerful long gun.

Atom Splitter

Location: N’Erud, Vault of the Formless.
Requirements: Make 2 death defying jumps.
As you progress through the Vault of the Formless biome you will come to a section off the beaten track where there are claws moving a giant contraption filled with pods. The claws will, on occasion, pull a section of pods out and raise it up to the ceiling. You need to jump on to the platform when it’s pulled out then quickly jump across to a broken walkway before the platform you’re on goes too high. Once you’ve made both jumps, go into the room, drop down and collect the Atom Splitter which will be against the back wall.

Gas Giant

Location: N’Erud, The Forgotten Prison.
Requirements: Acidic Jawbone x1, Lumenite Crystal x5, Scrap x1,000.
You will be able to acquire the Gas Giant melee weapon as long as you have the Forgotten Prison as a starting point on N’Erud. You then need to make your way through the biomes back around to Tal’Ratha who will give you a choice to either join eternity, or not. If you agree, Tal’Ratha will eat you then take you on in a spectral form, which, once defeated will reward you with the Acidic Jawbone you can take to McCabe in Ward 13 and craft the Gas Giant melee weapon.

Spectral Blade

Location: N’Erud, Sentinels Keep / Ward 13.
Requirements: Eidolon Shard x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000.
You will be able to craft the Spectral Blade with McCabe in Ward 13 once you have managed to take down Sha’Hala Spectral Guardian who is the World boss from the Seeker’s Rest starting point on N’Erud. However, you need to ensure you do so without using the override pin. Just interact with the left side of the console, then, once you have taken down Sha’Hala you will receive the Eidolon Shard. Take the Eidolon Shard and the other crafting materials to McCabe where you can then craft the impressive Spectral Blade.

Vice Grips

Location: N’Erud, Abyssal Rift.
Requirements: Lumenite Crystal x10, Relic Dust x15, Scrap x1,000.
A very easy weapon to obtain as long as you have played the game for a short while. Go to the Custodian in the Abyssal Rift biome, drop down through the floor to the left as soon as you enter his building to come to a room containing the Dryzr Replicator. As long as you have the required crafting materials you will be able to acquire the Vice Grips.

That’s how to obtain all of the Remnant 2 N’Erud melee weapons. Which is your favourite?




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