Remnant 2 Reprocessed Heart Relic
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is where you can acquire the Remnant 2 Reprocessed Heart which is a relic you can only acquire with precise timing, patience and skill after having gone through the majority of The Labyrinth.
Location: The Labyrinth, Fractured Ingress.
Relic Abilities: On use, converts 5 Health as Grey Health to 40 Mod Power per second for 25 seconds for both weapons. Cannot die from conversion.
As you make your way through and around The Labyrinth you will eventually come to a glitching portal you will need to use in order to progress through to the Labyrinth Sentinel boss and progress the story of Remnant 2. If you look to the right of the glitching portal you will be able to see a section of wall you can shoot to reveal a door allowing you to quickly get back to the glitching portal from the Fractured Ingress checkpoint. From here, go back to the glitching portal at any point where you need to wait for a very specific portal to come around which will look like this:
The objective here is to wait until just before the portal glitches away then run through the left side so you safely go through the portal you will fall in to. If you have the Challenger Archetype you will be able to get back up if you die, if not, you will be back to the checkpoint if you miss the portal by falling through the abyss or landing on the rim of the portal you need to go through.
Once you’re successfully through the portal you will need to then turn around where you can acquire the Reprocessed Heart Relic from the Altar.
That’s where to find the Remnant 2 Reprocessed Heart relic, I hope the guide helped you find the relic that is more likely to kill you than save you.
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