
Remnant 2 Ripsaw Aberration Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 Ripsaw Aberration guide which will help you find and take down a powerful saw wielding Aberration who will be in your way of progressing the story if have Morrow Parish as your starting biome in Losomn.

Location: Losomn, Morrow Parish.
Rewards: Striker Mutator, Corrupted Lumenite Crystal x5.
Ripsaw will be trapped in a shed in the courtyard of the Asylum, however, we can’t just leave him there as behind him is the Third Floor Asylum Key you need to progress through to Nimue and the Hunting Grounds where you can go after the Nightweaver boss.

Go through the Asylum taking out the nurses then down in to where the cells are, go out in to the courtyard and over to the far side and interact with the shed doors where Ripsaw will burst out and attack you.

Like all Aberrations in Remnant 2 he will have 2 abilities under his health bar which can make the fight a lot more difficult than it would ordinarily be but that’s the nature of the game. Ripsaws attacks will be exactly the same as the Special enemy you will face throughout the Dran sections of Losomn they will just hit harder and he will have a lot more health this time round.

Avoid the slams with the saw and use the opportunity when he pulls the cord to inflict some very heavy damage on his head and if he does have any Minions or a Rat Swarm deal with them in the down time or when you can.

Don’t go nose to nose with Ripsaw as his saw will hurt you just by you getting close to it so take him on from behind as best as you can after rolling through his attacks aiming for the back of the head for a critical hits. With Ripsaw down you can then collect the Third Floor Asylum Key from the shed he was in allowing you to progress through Losomn.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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