Remnant 2 Root Earth Weapons
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is a list containing all of the Remnant 2 Root Earth weapons you can acquire throughout final World you can access in Remnant 2. Before you can unlock Root Earth, you will firstly need to defeat at least 1 World boss on each of the 3 potential starting Worlds as well as conquering The Labyrinth.
Root Earth is a very nasty World full of powerful enemies, specials and bosses that could wipe the floor with any other enemy in the game. Fortunately, some of the best gear in the game is also found in Root Earth. There are just 3 weapons you can acquire in Root Earth, 1 melee weapon, 1 long gun and 1 handgun and acquiring them all will see you needing to take down the toughest challenges the game has to offer. The weapons you can acquire in Root Earth are:
- Alpha-Omega (long gun).
- Decayed Claws (melee weapon).
- Hellfire (handgun).
Alpha-Omega (Long Gun)
Location: Root Earth, Blackened Citadel / Ward 13.
Requirements: Forgotten Memory x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x650.
In order to acquire Alpha-Omega, you will firstly need to take down the final boss in the game, Annihilation which is the toughest fight in the game by a long way. With Annihilation defeated, go back to Ward 13, speak with McCabe and craft the Alpha-Omega long gun.
Decayed Claws (Melee Weapon)
Location: Root Earth, Corrupted Harbour.
Requirements: Survive the ambush.
In the Corrupted Harbor you will progress through to the engine room of a large ship where you will be ambushed by many enemies including a couple of specials as well. The area will be locked off and you have to kill everything before you can progress. With everything dead, head up the left staircase to where the deck opens up. Along the side of the deck is a root you can walk along to the end then drop down to your right, crouch through the wall to the left where you can collect the Decayed Claws melee weapon from the altar.
Hellfire (Handgun)
Location: Root Earth, Ashen Wasteland.
Requirements: Drop down into the crater.
From the starting point of the Ashen Wasteland biome, go down to the lower level, clear the enemies then go over to the right, use the root to get up to the bridge then carefully drop down on to the back of the trailer. Walk to the cab then drop carefully and head to the deepest section of the crater where you will be able to collect the Hellfire handgun.
That’s where you can acquire all of the Remnant 2 Root Earth weapons. Which one is your favourite?.