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Remnant 2 Salvaged Heart Relic

Here is where you can find the Remnant 2 Salvaged Heart Relic which is acquirable from the Dryzr Replicator on N’Erud once you have the required materials to do so which may seem daunting at the start of the game.

Location: N’Erud, Ascension Spire.
Requirements: Lumenite Crystal x10, Relic Dust x15, Scrap x1,500.
The Dryzr Replicator can be found in the Ascension spire biome where you can meet the Custodian. As soon as you enter the building where the Custodian resides, stop then look to your left to find a section of floor you can down.

This will bring you to a secret room with the Dryzr Replicator, an orange machine with a black brain / heart type organism inside of it. Interacting with the Dryzr Replicator will then allow you to purchase a number of important items including the Salvaged Heart Relic.

If N’Erud is your first World then you probably won’t have materials required as Lumenite Crystals only drop from Special enemies (the ones with the chime when the special spawns in). Relic Dust can be acquired from chests or from where a Relic was previously obtainable with chests being the preferred source given the difficulty of acquiring certain relics. Scrap can be found throughout the Worlds and is the main currency in game. Once you have the required materials you can then craft the Salvaged Heart Relic at the Dryzr Replicator.

That’s the Remnant 2 Salvaged Heart Relic guide complete, I hope it helped you craft a decent relic from the Dryzr Replicator on N’Erud.




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