Remnant 2 Sha'Hala: Spectral Guardian Of N'Erud Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is the Remnant 2 Sha’Hala: Spectral Guardian of N’Erud boss guide which will help you find and take down the World boss from the Seeker’s Rest starting point on N’Erud.
Take care here, as if you acquire and then use the Override Pin on the terminal before the fight and then defeat Sha’Hala, N’Erud will be destroyed and it will be a complete re roll to get anything else you need in the Nerudian World.
Location: N’Erud, Sentinel’s Keep.
Rewards: Eidolon Shard x1 or Void Cinder if using the Override Pin, Lumenite Crystal x5, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
Before you can access the Sentinel’s Keep where Sha’Hala can be found you will firstly need to acquire 3 Seeker’s Keys. One is at the start of the World in the Seeker’s Rest biome, the other 2 are locked behind boss fights you will need to clear as you progress through the World itself.
Given the procedurally generated nature of Remnant 2, I’m not able to tell you which 2 bosses you will fight, however, here are the guides for every standard boss on N’Erud so you’re covered regardless of who you come up against:
- Abomination boss guide.
- Primogenitor boss guide.
- The Astropath boss guide.
- The Custodian’s Eye boss guide.
After taking down a given boss you will then be able to collect one of the Seeker’s Keys you can then use on the doorway over in the South East section of your starting open area biome, for me it was Phantom Wasteland.
Place all 3 Seeker’s Keys into the electricity where the doorway will open allowing you through to the Sentinel’s Keep. Now you have a choice to make as Sha’Hala has 2 possible fights which we’ll cover here. If you go up the elevator, rest at the checkpoint and go out to towards the core, you can use the console and start the fight against a much easier version of Sha’Hala. However, if you’re up for a challenge and want to get your hands on one of the best long guns in the game: Aphelion, then you will need the Override Pin which is in an unnamed temple out in the Timeless Horizon biome which you can access after having taken the down the first boss on your current run.
Go through the temple using the elevators going right after the first elevator through a cut out in the wall to reveal the rest of the temple on the map, then, if you place the Override Pin on the right side of the console in the Sentinel’s Keep you will have a very tough fight against a very angry Sha’Hala which really cranks up the difficulty.
So we’ll cover the left side version of Sha’Hala first.
Sha’Hal will come at you with a good number of attacks including a nasty vortex he will slam into the floor pulling you in, you need to roll away as best as you can as this can easily kill you if you get close to the core.
You also need to stay away from the energy blasts, the slams and the lasers all of which can half health you per hit so rolling through the attacks is imperative in order to succeed.
Keep your wits about you when going close to the edge as in a game like Remnant 2, if you roll the wrong way then it’s back to the checkpoint for you.
Taking down Sha’Hala: Spectral Guardian of N’Erud without the Override pin will award you the Eidolon Shard allowing you to craft the Spectral Blade.
Now for the tougher, override pin version of the fight. If you’re up for one of the biggest challenges in the game then acquire the override pin and place it in the right side of the console where Sha’Hala will smash its way out of the core and be incredibly angry.
This fight will be intense as there are a lot more lasers, meteor storms, energy blasts, the core vortex will appears more powerful as well as circular barrages of energy balls that are very difficult to dodge and getting caught up in 3 or 4 hits at once will easily put you down.
Taking down the override pin version of Sha’Hala will cause the core to go critical and destroy N’Erud so ensure you have done everything on your current run or risk a complete re roll which, as I’m sure you can imagine is very annoying.
That’s the Sha’Hala: Spectral Guardian Of N’Erud boss guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down this seriously powerful World boss on N’Erud.