Remnant 2 Shrewd Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is the Remnant 2 Shrewd boss guide which will help you find and take down a powerful Ranger who can disappear in a heartbeat then smack your health bar away in 1-2 hits. Shrewd can be found in Yaesha from the, The Forbidden Grove starting point so re roll the World (you will lose all progress) until you Yaesha with the, The Forbidden Grove starting point then proceed through the area to The Expanding Glade which is a tough area if you’re under geared to the mini checkpoint where you can go through the boss fog gate and begin the fight.
Location: Yaesha, The Expanding Glade.
Rewards: Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500, Soul Silver x1.
Once you have fought your way through both The Forbidden Grove and The Expanding Glade you will need to rest at the checkpoint there and ensure you have a secondary weapon such as the MP60-R Handgun which has a very high ammo capacity as there will be several eggs you need to destroy before they hatch into enemies which will remove your focus from Shrewd.
Shrewd will come at you with piercing arrows, exploding arrows and incredibly hard hitting melee attacks you need to avoid at all costs as they can easily drop your health bar to less than half so 2 hits and you’re down. When Shrewd is up on the platforms, he will only use ranged attacks at you then he will throw his bow and morph to its position where you will eat a powerful melee hit if you get the timing wrong which is then usually followed by 3 sweeping melee attacks in quick succession. If you get caught in his combo you will either be dead or very close to death.
Remove the eggs and any subsequent enemies who spawn from any missed eggs and unload on Shrewd when you have an opening ensuring you always have one gun reloaded and ready to go for any new eggs.
Aiming at Shrewds’ face will deal increased damage and fire seems to be pretty efficient as it does against most enemies on Yaesha. Keep avoiding his melee attacks and dodging the ranged barrages until he falls.
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