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Remnant 2 Tal Ratha Boss Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 Tal Ratha boss guide which will help you find and take down one of the potential 2 World bosses from the Forgotten Prison starting point on N’Erud.

Location: N’Erud, Forgotten Prison.
Rewards: Spiced Bile x1, Shining Essence Echo x1, Lumenite Crystal x5, Tome Of Knowledge x1.
Starting from the Forgotten Prison biome on N’Erud you can then go through taking down the bosses and working through the areas to where you will come to the Eon Vault. Search around for a small, unnamed dungeon which will hold the Soul Sparks Cylinder.

From here, go to the back of the Forgotten Prison, rest at the checkpoint then head into the fog where Tal Ratha will ask you to join Eternity. You need to select the “Uh, no thank you” dialogue option where he will then get angry and attack you. If you choose the “Sure, let’s go” option you will then face off against Tal Ratha (Metaphysical) which will reward you with the Acidic Jawbone enabling you to craft the Gas Giant melee weapon.

Tal Ratha will enjoy throwing pods at you which can hurt a fair amount, charging around like a bulldozer slamming into you as well as shooting poison balls, throwing energy blasts around the arena and a particularly nasty attack is where he sucks in everything around him which you need to roll away from as it’s a run ending attack.

There will be a fair few zombies in the fight as well although they serve as fodder to drop ammunition for you to replenish should you need to so take them down as they’re more annoyance than threat.

Focus fire on Tal Ratha’s face and try to save your best attacks for when he opens his mouth as its a large critical spot, providing you have the mods ready on your firearms you can remove chunks from his health bar in this moment.

If you have either the Handler, Summoner or Engineer Archetypes, they can help you heal up and reload as Tal Ratha will focus on them every once in a while, if not, then take the opportunity to heal when it becomes available and keep plugging away until you bring Tal Ratha down.

That’s the Remnant 2 Tal Ratha boss guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down the World boss from the Forgotten Prison starting point on N’Erud.




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