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Remnant 2 Tal Ratha (Metaphysical) Boss Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 Tal Ratha (Metaphysical) boss guide which will help you find and take down a spectral version of Tal Ratha who only becomes available after you have been eaten thus transporting you… somewhere else.

Location: N’Erud, Forgotten Prison.
Rewards: Acidic Jawbone x1, Shining Essence Echo x1, Lumenite Crystal x5, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
You will need the Forgotten Prison as your starting point on N’Erud then proceed through the biomes all the way back round to the Forgotten Prison biome having collected the Soul Spark Cylinder which for me appeared in a facility in the Eon Vault biome.

Rest at the checkpoint then go through and initiate the boss fight choosing the following dialogue options:

  • No. We have our destinies. We only need face them“.
  • What if I say no?“.
  • Sure, Let’s go“.

Tal Ratha will then open his mouth which you will enter during the cutscene, once you come to the plain of existence of you will then be greeted by Tal Ratha in his Metaphyiscal state where the fight will begin and it’s a fairly tough fight.

Once you’re in, wherever you’re in after having been eaten, Tal Ratha Metaphysical will enjoy throwing energy balls at you as well as teleporting around the arena releases heavy hitting shockwaves you will need to roll through.

He will also swipe at you with a hard hitting combo which can easily kill you if you get your timings wrong whilst dodging so wait for an attack to get very close then roll through it getting ready to immediately dodge as the swipes track your movements very well.

Tal Ratha Metaphysical will, on occasion send a powerful surge of energy blasts your way in a circular arc which can be very difficult to avoid a they appear closer than they actually are and avoiding them is a must as a shockwave usually follows the energy balls.

One of his nastier attacks is where he crawls along the floor moving and hitting like a train. You need to avoid the slams as best as you can as if you get caught short whilst healing it can easily be back to the checkpoint for you.

Take your time with the fight as going in Gung-Ho will see you back at the the checkpoint. Focus on healing whenever you have the opportunity and having any supportive Archetypes such as the Summoner, Handler or Engineer will help you out a great deal as they can essentially draw his attention long enough for you to reload and heal up before the next wave(s) of attacks come your way.

Focus fire on his face as best as you can or hit the torso if you’re struggling to aim then unleash your mods as soon as you have them ready as long as he’s not about to teleport so learning the fight mechanics will help you a great deal here.

There is only one real phase to Tal Ratha Metaphysical so don’t worry about holding back, unload your best abilities and attacks into him from the get go as once he’s dead he’s done unlock certain other World bosses who are fought across multiple health bars, put Tal Ratha (Metaphysical) down and he’ll stay down.

That’s the Remnant 2 Tal Ratha (Metaphysical) boss guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down an overly hungry boss in N’Erud.




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