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Remnant 2 The Astropath Boss Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 The Astropath boss guide which will help you find and take down a spectral boss in one of the highest peaks on N’Erud in Astropath’s Respite which is a lot more challenging than it may first appear.

Location: N’Erud, Astropath’s Respite.
Rewards: Seeker’s Residue x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
Ascend the Astropath’s Respite biome to the mini checkpoint then head through to the boss arena, however, you still have more work to do before you can get the boss to spawn in. Head through the doorway to your right, go around the walkway dealing with the Mechs as you go to the room where there will be a Special enemy waiting for you which needs to be defeated.

You can then enter the pod in the back of the room and ride back down to the room you were in previously with the large purple holographic globe which then causes the Astropath to awaken.

The fight itself is a rough one as you have to contend with the Astropath itself as well as weaker versions, however, they are only weaker in terms of health, they can still smack you back to the checkpoint if you get complacent. There will be plenty of ethereal missiles coming for you as well as run  ending lasers and a shockwave that can blast you into oblivion if you’re at less than half health.

Aim for the core of the Astropath which will reward you critical hits and keep the minions at bay utilising the Engineer class if you have it or the Handler and Summoner classes can help a good deal as well.

The room will go dark at times so stay against a wall and take down everything that comes for you taking care to avoid the heavy barrage that comes your way when the lights come back on and keep pressure on the Astropath’s core to eventually bring it down.

That’s the Remnant 2 The Astropath boss guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down this spectral entity in N’Erud.




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