Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Befouled Altar 1 Aberration Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Befouled Altar 1 Aberration guide which will help you find and take down the first of 2 Befouled Altars which are summoning chambers for Fiends and Specials designed specifically to kill you.
Location: The Awakened King DLC, The Forgotten Commune.
Rewards: Scythe Blade.
The first Befouled Altar in The Forgotten Commune is a very tough battle as it essentially works the same as the Root Nexus you can face over on Yaesha where it doesn’t have any attacks, it will, however, summon hordes of Fiends and Specials to take you down on its behalf and given the sheer numbers you will face it could very well succeed.
Head through the Forgotten Commune to the mini checkpoint where there will be no more Dran to face, instead every enemy in this area is either a shock based bulbous creature, an Aberration, Special or a green or purple Fiend making this area a lot deadlier than it may appear. Go through following the path around taking care of the green Fiends which ambush you as you go to the small tunnel which you will reach as long as you neither ascend nor descend any ladders.
Remove the purple and green Fiends which are on the walls then go through taking out the next wave of Fiends. In this new room you need to go left taking the stairs down where you will find the first Befouled Altar which will be passive until you attack one of the humanoids trapped in the Altar.
As soon as you hit the Altar you will be mobbed by Fiends and a Special Witch so take them down as best as you can remembering you can run back up stairs if you want to make a kill box where the Fiends will have to follow you enabling you to pick them off them easier whilst also avoiding the green gas blobs they leave behind.
Neither the fight nor the spawning enemies will cease until you have destroyed the Altar so get back down there as soon as you can, take a few more shots at it then run back up the stairs if you’re getting overwhelmed.
Having the Engineer Archetype from N’Erud can help a lot here as can the Summoner Archetype obtainable on Yaesha as they have abilities which can deflect enemy attention from you whilst also dealing their own amounts of damage. Destroy the first Befouled Altar to be able to acquire the Scythe Blade which is the first of 2 halves of an incredibly powerful melee weapon you can craft. Check out the Befouled Altar 2 Aberration guide for how to find and destroy the second Befouled Altar.
That’s the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Befouled Altar 1 Aberration guide complete, I hope it helped you find and destroy the first of the 2 Befouled Altars in the Forgotten Commune biome.