
Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Befouled Altar 2 Aberration Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Befouled Altar 2 Aberration guide which will help you find and take down the second the 2 Befouled Altars in the Forgotten Commune which is a lot tougher than the first Befouled Altar.

Location: The Awakened King DLC, The Forgotten Commune.
Rewards: Scythe Hilt, Scrap x100.
Once you have destroyed the first Befouled Altar, head back to the mini checkpoint and replenish your ammo and more importantly your relics, it also gives us a good starting point so you will know the route to follow. Ensuring first that you have been through the biome and unlocked the gate after you drop down the half ladder (it’s a very simple, linear path albeit full of enemies).

Head back through the same way you did before dealing with the green Fiends except this time, rather than going left through the small tunnel, go right, down the ladder taking care of the shock based bulbous creature before dropping into the water.

Take a left dealing with the Fiends then follow the linear path round to the Befouled Altar. As soon as you engage the Altar you will be swamped by Fiends and specials, where, given the small room you’re in can be very deadly so smack the Altar until you’re overwhelmed by enemies then run back out to the more open area you just came through.

The enemies will follow you but when you defeat the green Fiends especially, you will have a lot more room to dodge their gas blobs they leave behind upon death, you also have more room in general to fight.

Once you’ve halved the amount of enemies, get back in the small room and focus fire on the Altar, going back out to the open area whenever you become overwhelmed.

Destroying the Altar is the only way to prevent more enemies from spawning, where, upon doing so will reward you with the Scythe Hilt. As long as you have destroyed both Befouled Altars, you are then free to craft the very powerful Ritualist Scythe melee weapon.

That’s the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Befouled Altar 2 Aberration guide, I hope it helped you track then destroy the second Befouled Altar in the Forgotten Commune.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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