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Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Bosses

Here we will take a look at all of the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Bosses of which there are 3 new ones for you to find and take down with a lot more potential encounters along the way from the base game of Remnant 2. Throughout The Awakened King DLC will always have the same World boss who needs taking down regardless of the dialogue options you choose on your given playthrough with the new bosses being a lot more accessible on your first playthrough which will be the One Shot playthrough which is anything but as you can re roll the DLC in Adventure mode in Ward 13 as many times as you need to. The 3 new bosses you can fight as you progress through The Awakened King DLC are as follows:

  1. Bruin, Blade of the King.
  2. Sunken Witch.
  3. The One True King.

Bruin, Blade Of The King

Location: The Awakened King DLC, Glistering Cloister.
Rewards: Wretched Skull x1, Lumenite Crystal x3. Tome Of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
Bruin, Blade of the King is a tough, spear wielding boss who is effective up close and at range which can make dealing with him tougher than if he favoured one style. You will need to adapt to his move set whilst ensuring you are tough enough to handle his attacks and light enough to dodge the barrage of throwing knives that come your way. Check out the Bruin, Blade of the King boss guide for how to find and take down this wannabe Spartan in the Glistering Cloister.

Sunken Witch

Location: The Awakened King DLC, Sunken Haunt.
Rewards: Hex Wreath x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
The Sunken Haunt is a new, tough biome similar to Cotton’s Kiln except the Haunt has a lot more firearm wielders you need to deal with as well as the deranged pyromaniacs and Specials that frequent these burning biomes. The Witch herself is a bit of a bland fight as her only attack involves a hook she swings about with reckless abandonment before mantling up out of harms way requiring you to take down the Hogs that are there to drop you more ammo should you need it. For a “Witch” she is lacking any magical prowess or abilities. Check out the Sunken Witch boss guide for how to find then take down this Fisherwoman in a Witches hat.

The One True King

Location: The Awakened King DLC, Chamber of the Faithless.
Rewards: Tormentor’s Pommel x1 / Agony Spike x1, .Lumenite Crystal x5, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x750.
The One True King is the final boss in the DLC and one you have to take down regardless of the dialogue options you choose. He will try and convince you to kill his traitorous Goddess who betrayed him which you can do or you can just fight him directly. Whichever you decide, the One True King is a tough battle but one that’s very doable as long as you avoid the energy vomit, spires, shockwaves and slams whilst taking out as many Dran as you need to replenish your ammunition. Check out the, The One True King boss guide for how to take down the God of Losomn.

That’s a look at all of the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Bosses. Which one was your favourite to take on and why was it Bruin?.




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