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Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Broken Heart Relic

Here is a look at how to obtain the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Broken Heart relic which you can acquire at the Forlorn Coast once you agree to assassinate Nimue for The One True King.

Location: The Awakened King DLC, Chamber of the Faithless / Forlorn Coast.
Requirements: Assassinate Nimue.
Work your way through from the start of the DLC to where you can speak with the One True King (keep following the yellow exclamation points through the biome gateways) where he will engage you in conversation. You need to respond with the following answers:

  • I’m your loyal servant, Your Majesty“.
  • What is my task, Majesty“.
  • I’ll see what I can do“.

You are essentially speaking to the One True King in order to acquire the Rod of Retribution.

Head back to the World Stone and fast travel back to the Palace of the One True King biome then go back up the stairs as you did previously except this time you need to go left, take out the 2 Fae archers then drop down taking out the Special as you go or just run past them all.

Proceed down the stairs to the biome gate which leads you round to the back of the Forlorn Coast biome. Rest at the mini checkpoint if you need to or just run past it and take out the Special as well as the Fae. Cross the bridge where you will be ambushed by the Mangled Atoner Aberration as well as several Fae, all of whom need to be defeated where you can then go down through the tower to the lowest level where you will be back at the start of the Forlorn Coast where you first loaded up the DLC should you open the door.

Opposite the door in the basement of the tower will be a shackled Nimue who has been imprisoned by The One True King for her part in the traitor(s) bringing the One True King down where you will need to choose the following dialogue options to slay the Fae Goddess on behalf of the King:

  • The One True King wants you dead“.
  • The one who’s been tasked with killing you“.
  • I’m sorry… I have no choice“.
  • It’s time to die, lady [Kill Nimue]“.

With the rod plunged into Nimue’s chest you will then receive the Broken Heart Relic.

That’s where you can acquire the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Broken Heart relic, are you using this Relic? If so, kudos on being so enthusiastic on having a detrimental relic equipped.




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