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Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Guide which will help you through the first DLC Pack for Remnant 2 which will take you back to Losomn where the One True King has awoken from his slumber with the players having removed the Assassin’s Dagger from the back of his neck and he is not happy.

  • Platforms: PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PC.
  • Trophies: 5: Gold: 1, Silver: 3, Bronze: 1.
  • Achievements: 5: 1,000 G.
  • Release Date: 14th-Nov-2023.
  • Missable: None, you can replay Adventure Mode as many times as you need to.
  • Glitched: None.
  • Online: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 5/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 10 Hours.

The One True King has awoke from his slumber and he is after vengeance. Load up the Awakened King DLC by going into Adventure Mode then selecting One Shot for the DLC then work your way through the Forlorn Coast. With the DLC being set in the World of Losomn, you will have to take the usual Dran and Fae opponents with a good number of new enemies having been added as well such as Monsters who are tougher than most other opponents in the base game. Once you get through the DLC you will have a choice to make, whether or not you want to take down the One True King or if you would rather kill Nimue, choosing to fight the One True King will unlock:


Along the way you should also aim to unlock both:


With all of that completed you now need to go back to Ward 13 and re roll The Awakened King DLC in Adventure Mode as the next 2 steps require you to go through 2 biomes which won’t be available on your One Shot playthrough as you need locations from the base game version of Losomn which will become available on a re roll. Now given the procedurally generated nature of Remnant 2, including the, The Awakened King DLC, there are no guarantees you will have access to either of the 2 biomes you need, however, one thing is certain which is you need to re roll the DLC rather than re rolling Losomn as the DLC locations are required.

The 2 Losomn biomes you need to have access to are the Great Hall and or the Gilded Chambers, neither of which will be available as biomes until you have passed the Mournful Promenade checkpoint where you pass the bridge Warden who should be passive as long as you follow the steps in You Shall Pass. If you have access to the Great Hall biome you will be able to unlock:


If you have access to the Gilded Chambers biome you will then be able to unlock:


You may need several re-rolls before either biome will become available so just be diligent in your searching and check every biome gate just on the off chance you have access to one of the required biomes. With regards to the difficulty the, The Awakened King DLC is a large step up in challenge compared to the base game so ensure you get the Ritualist Archetype as soon as you can then get it levelled up to the point you can equip the Miasma ability as this places 4 harmful status effects on enemies in a large area and can annihilate an entire horde of enemies. Here are some useful guides to help you through the DLC:


Whichever choices you make, best of luck getting through the first DLC pack for Remnant 2, The Awakened King.

Remnant 2 Regicide trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

75 G

Defeat the One True King

You will encounter the One True King in the Chamber of the Faithless and in order to initiate the fight against him you will need to choose the following dialogue options:

  • Calm down, big boy“.
  • Sounds like a lot of hassle. Let’s fight!“.

You will then be transported to the arena where the One True King will spawn in initiating the fight.

Check out the One True King boss guide for how to take this ruler of Losomn down permanently thus completing the DLC.

Remnant 2 A Foul Feast trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

25 G

A Foul Feast
Deliver Leftovers to a Reluctant Recipient

You will firstly need to run through the One Shot then re roll Adventure Mode for the One True King which will make a lot more locations available to you from the base game’s version of Losomn with the one you’re primarily looking for being The Great Hall. Once you have access to the Great Hall, go back to the starting point of the DLC in the Forlorn Coast, go down the stairs taking the first left into a small sewers. Take out the enemies then go over to the far right and speak with Leywise the Scribe until he finally engages you in conversation.

You now need to travel back to the Great Hall, make your way through the biome taking out everything as you go, ride the elevator down then go around and up the stairs into the kitchens. Behind the stoves on a shelf will be the Ravenous Medallion you need to collect which you can take back up to the first floor and use it to gain access to the Feastmaster. Speak with the Feastmaster where he will then mention the Scribe ultimately gifting you a bag of food for him. Take the food back to Leywise then constantly use the dialogue options with the handon them to eventually force Leywise to take the bag of food unlocking A Foul Feast in the process.

Remnant 2 Succession trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

75 G

Discover the One True Ending

In order to fulfil the requirements to unlock the One True Ending you will firstly need to either complete or reroll the One Shot then you are on the hunt for the Gilded Chambers biome which will only spawn in the 2nd half of the DLC once you have crossed the bridge in Forlorn Coast where you can unlock You Shall Pass. Any of these biome gateways have a chance to lead you into the Gilded Chambers where the Red Prince resides. It won’t matter if you have defeated the Red Prince boss in the main game as Adventure Mode resets any previous encounters.

You will, once you have discovered the Gilded Chambers biome which given the procedurally generated nature of Remnant 2 could be on your first run or it could be on your 20th and beyond will need to go to to Chamber of the Faithless and defeat the One True King who is the final boss in the DLC. With the King defeated, head through the Gilded Chambers and collect 3 Crimson King Coins with one of each dropping from Cursed Knights found throughout the biome.

The cursed Knights are randomly spawning specials so you might have to soft reset the biome at a checkpoint if you don’t obtain 3 Crimson King Coins as like with most things in Remnant 2, it is luck based as to where and when the specials will spawn. Once you have 3 Crimson King Coins, head through to the Red Prince’s arena and offer to pay him tribute where you will then be assassinated for your efforts. Don’t worry, this is just part of the story and how a Losomnian Prince says thank you by all accounts. After you have offered tribute in the Gilded Chambers, head over to the Chamber of the Faithless biome where you defeated the One True King where you will find the Red Prince standing on the remains of the King’s throne where he will offer thanks thus revealing the One True Ending where you also receive a very nice looking armour set as a bonus.

Remnant 2 Master of the Dark Arts trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

50 G

Master of the Dark Arts
Acquire the Ritualist Archetype

From the start of the DLC, head through following the yellow exclamation markers to show you which biome(s) you need to navigate through to come to the other side of the Forlorn Coast and make your way through the fishing village to the other side of the bridge. Go down the stairs once you have taken down the special and all enemies in the local area then go along the jetty to the ramp leading down to the boats where you can go straight forward using the boats to navigate through the water.

Once you get to the tunnel, carefully go across the path to the passageway where the special will be performing a ritual on a Hog. Kill the special then go to the back of the area and collect the Ragged Poppet. Take the Ragged Poppet to Wallace in Ward 13 to craft the Cursed Effigy allowing you to equip the Ritualist Archetype which is up there as one of the most powerful Archetypes in the game.

Remnant 2 You Shall Pass trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

25 G

You Shall Pass
Acquire a Reward from the Bridge Warden

Head through the DLC to the 2nd section of the Forlorn Coast and go through to where you are ambushed by 2 specials, take everything down then go through to the mini checkpoint. Head through the next area taking care not to engage any enemy in the building you pass on your right, instead, run straight across the courtyard and up the stairs taking out the enemies as you make your way up to the next checkpoint.

Aim but do not fire at the Warden on the bridge, where, as long as the reticle is yellow you can go and speak with him having a conversation about how the residents of the Forlorn Coast have gone mad. Run through the dialogue where you will then receive the Bridge Warden’s Crest Ring as well as unlocking You Shall Pass.

That’s the Remnant 2 DLC Pack 1 The Awakened King guide complete, I hope it helped you through the pack.




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