Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Weapons
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here we will take a look at how to acquire all of the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC weapons which you can obtain as you make your way through the various biomes in the first DLC pack for Remnant 2: The Awakened King.
The DLC is set in the World of Losomn and is a challenge mainly due to the new enemies which have appeared upon the One True Kings return to the shores of Losomn with their being both green and purple beasts with the green ones being particularly deadly thanks to their parting gifts they leave you which can half your health per hit as well as several new Specials out for your blood.
Fortunately, the developers are fully aware how challenging they have made the DLC and have offered up some truly epic weaponry to help you conquer the foes and forces which will lie before you in the Forlorn Coast and beyond. The weaponry you can obtain will be broken down into the following 2 categories to make them easier to acquire:
The weaponry on offer in the DLC is some of the best in the game whether you’re looking to carve through your enemies or stay in cover whilst inflicting serious damage, you’re very well catered for here.
There are just 2 Firearms to acquire in The Awakened King DLC, however, they are both incredibly powerful with one of them being a true game changer, it is just that good. The firearm weaponry available to you throughout the, The Awakened King DLC is as follows:
- Anguish. (Handgun).
- Monarch. (Long Gun).
- Sparkfire Shotgun. (Long Gun).
Location: You will need to go to every World.
Requirements: Find the Dran’s Dream.
This weapon has a shocking requirement before you can begin the process to unlock it. You will need to re roll the main Campaign then play through to Root Earth in order to acquire Anguish after the, The Awakened King DLC has released. You won’t be able to acquire Anguish if you have completed the Campaign before the DLC has released which for me is an outrageous requirement even if you do keep all of your gear on a re roll. Start your campaign on Losomn at the Morrow Parish starting point as you need access to The Tormented Asylum which is where you fight the Nightweaver World boss.
Anguish is a very tricky weapon to get as if you die, you will then have to restart a very long process and it doesn’t matter how you die, be it in combat or by falling off the edge of the map for example. On that basis, I recommend having either the Challenger and or Handler Archetypes equipped as both of these Archetypes can revive you. Also, go in with the strongest armour and your best, max level weapons, mods and mutators.
You also need to ensure you have gone far enough through the campaign to have Root Earth opened up which is done by firstly completing your first World, where you can then go through the Labyrinth. Take out at least 1 World boss on each of the other 2 Worlds where you will then be sent to Root Earth where the campaign reaches its conclusion (you can continue the game after you take down the final boss, Annihilation). Load up the DLC through Adventure Mode then go through either the Cotton’s Kiln, Sunken Haunt or Derelict Lighthouse biomes, which, given the procedurally generated nature of Remnant 2 could appear on a given run or you may have to re roll several times.
The tricky part is you need to find an area in any of the burning biomes which can then have access to the Manor area where the gates will be open, inside of which will be an NPC who grabs you and tells you to wake up placing you in the Ethereal Manor biome. This then begins the path you can take to find and hunt down Anguish.
From here, go in your inventory and use Liquid Death which will kill you (trust me, you’re supposed to do this). Which will then transport you to a new blood filled biome: Consecrated Throne. Collect the Crimson Dreamstone ring from the throne then use the mini checkpoint to warp back to Ward 13, head past the firing range and down the ramp towards the NPC standing at the fire barrel who you need to interact with who will disappear. From here, go back to the World Stone and re roll Adventure Mode until you have the, The Red Throne as your starting point then go through the first part of the biome taking the first right dealing with the Empress guard as you go.
Follow the pathway round and interact with the Dran who is in the final room 3 times to make him disappear. Go back to Ward 13 and switch your game mode to Campaign then travel to the Labyrinth, Fractured Ingress checkpoint. Head up the stairs to the left of the checkpoint then go around the walkway where you will again, find and speak to the Dran 6 times who will then leave in a flash of light. Next up, you need to go to N’Erud in Tal Ratha’s story so if you haven’t got the Forgotten Prison starting point in campaign, jump over to Adventure Mode, then, from the Forgotten Prison starting point, head all the way through the World to the Forgotten Prison where you will find the Dran against the open, wrecked capsules, speak with him 6 times where you will yet again disappear. You’re nearly done so stick with the process.
Head back to Campaign if you left it to go to N’Erud then through the Ashen Wasteland to the mini checkpoint past the trainyard to find yet another Dran leaning against the chain link fence. Speak with him to make him yet again, disappear. If you have the Nightweaver as the World boss in Losomn during the campaign you are in luck. If not, you will need to roll Morrow Parish as the Losomn starting point in Adventure Mode then go all the way through to The Tormented Asylum which is the final biome in this run (check out the Nightweaver boss guide for information on how to get there if you’re unsure).
Go down the stairs then take a left following the path around to the right to find the Dran leaning against the wall. Speak with the Dran to make him disappear yet again except this time you will receive the Dran’s Dream item. Open your inventory and quick slot Dran’s Dream then use it to be transported to a new biome: Forgotten Null which looks a lot calmer than most other places in the game. Ignore the Dran and collect the Occult Vessel from the right of the Dran on the rocks which you can then take back to McCabe in Ward 13 along with 7 Lumenite Crystal and 1,000 Scrap where you can finally craft Anguish which I must say, isn’t worth all the effort in terms of neither damage or abilities. You have done all of that for a shotgun, machine gun and rifle combination which doesn’t excel at being any of the aforementioned weapon types so it’s sadly one for the collectors… If it weren’t for the fact it’s one of the best guns in the game.
Location: The Chamber of the Faithless / Ward 13.
Requirements: Trade the Agony Spike with McCabe in Ward 13.
You will be able to acquire the Agony Spike by taking down the One True King at the end of the DLC whilst ensuring you don’t attack his weapon which has it’s own health bar. For me this was made a lost easier by going for powerful, precision weaponry such as Merciless and the MP60-R. Weapons like the Aphelion and Star Shot won’t do you any favours here as their AOE’s are so powerful it will easily damage if not destroy the weapon.
Throughout the fight, the King will slam the weapon into the ground several times weakening it, you need to ensure you do not fire at his weapon at all and I recommend ceasing all fire for the time being whilst it is so low on health as if you destroy it you won’t receive the Agony Spike. With the One True King defeated without you firing at his weapon you will then receive the Agony Spike which you can take to McCabe along with 7 Lumenite Crystals and 1,000 Scrap where you can craft Monarch.
Monarch is a truly incredibly weapon as its alt fire will attach a hook into the enemy or at any location and as long as you don’t deactivate the mod you will be able to fire a stream of rounds which home in on the target with deadly precision meaning you can hook an enemy, get to cover then unload enabling the rounds to track into the target dealing heavy damage whilst you’re safely tucked away.
Sparkfire Shotgun
Location: Derelict Lighthouse.
Requirements: Find the hidden room.
The Derelict Lighthouse is a randomly occurring biome from one of the biome gateways that leads off from the Forlorn Coast and is accessible in the first half of the DLC, before you cross the bridge leading with the Mournful Promenade checkpoint and the Bridge Warden. Once you have found the Derelict Lighthouse, head through until you come to the mini checkpoint where you can restock your gear if you need to then go forward into the large building across the courtyard where you will be ambushed by 2 hard hitting Aberrations: Gorecarver & Thunderpiercer with the former being a melee based, up close and personal attacker and the latter being a powerful Shotgun wielder.
Check out the Gorecarver & Thunderpiercer Aberration guide for how best to take them down if you’re struggling where, once they are both down, you will the receive the Lighthouse Key. Proceed through the Derelict Lighthouse biome to the point where you cross the bridge, then, before going up the ramp, take a left along the path and drop down into the basement of the Lighthouse. Interact with the wooden door directly in front of you where you will be prompted to use the Lighthouse Key which you will need to rotate around so the key is face on then interact with the key which will rotate the clip from the top to the bottom allowing you to then unlock the door. Go through the now open door then look to the right where you will find the Sparkfire Shotgun sitting in front of the furnace.
Melee Weapons
The melee weaponry available to you in the, The Awakened King DLC is incredibly powerful, however, if you’re strong enough to get hold of the gear, you probably won’t need it for the most part with there being one main exception to the rule. Obtaining the Wrathbringer will make all other melee weapons seem weak in comparison especially at level 10 as this boss weapon is a contender for one of the strongest damage dealers in the game. The melee weaponry available to you will are as follows:
Abyssal Hook
Location: Forlorn Coast.
Requirements: Survive the journey to the weapon’s location.
From the start of the DLC, head through the first biome with the yellow exclamation point above it which will then lead you to the back section of the Forlorn Coast. Take the right down the passage way thr Hogs are running through then drop down into the well. Down here you will face off against 3 Fiends, 2 green, one purple as well as both a shock based and normal bulbous creature.
Ensure everything is dead then allow your skills to recharge if you used them and reload both guns. Go up the ladder to your left and take down both Special beasts which can be a challenge, especially if you get backed into a corner. With everything in the local area dead, go back up the ladder if you need to, go left then look to the right to find the Abyssal Hook in the corner of the area.
Ritualist Scythe
Location: The Forgotten Commune.
Requirements: Acquire both the Scythe Blade and Scythe Hilt.
Acquiring the Ritualist Scythe will arguably be the toughest challenge you will face in the, The Awakened King DLC as you have Armies of Fiends, both green and purple as well as Special Witches to deal with as you work towards destroying 2 Befouled Altars which are Aberrations very similar to the Root Nexus you will have no doubt fought on Yaesha. Head through the Forgotten Commune to the mini checkpoint which you can’t miss as long as you are following the main path through the Sewers. You won’t face any Dran past this checkpoint, every enemy is either special or Fiend so ensure you’re appropriately geared before going in.
Go forward from the mini checkpoint taking care of the Fiends in the local area being careful of the Fiend up to the right as you go through the tunnel then make your way across the platforms and through the next tunnel (don’t go on any ladders). Clear the Purple and Green Fiends which are hiding on the walls then go through to the cavern and clear the remaining green Fiends. Go left down the stairs and attack one of the NPC’s on the glowing purple altar which will cause a shockwave bringing Armies of green and purple Fiends your way as well as at least one Special Witch.
This is a tough battle which won’t end until you have destroyed the Befouled Altar so go in heavy and run back up the stairs if you need a breather. With the first of the Befouled Altars down you will then be able to collect the Scythe Blade. Check out the Befouled Altar 1 Aberration guide if you need more information.
I recommend going back to the mini checkpoint and resting to restore your Relics and ammunition then, once you’re ready, go forward again taking out the green Fiends. Go around the small hut as you did before except this time go down the ladder to your right and drop down dealing with both shock based bulbous creatures in the water before dropping into the water then clear the green Fiends in the next open area. Continue forward where you will come to another Befouled Altar except this one seems to have more green Fiends which of course spit out those green gas bubbles when they die making this a very difficult encounter.
Run back out into the more open area to allow you more room to move and dodge whilst taking care of the Fiends and the Special then get back and attack the Altar as soon as you’re able to. With the second Altar destroyed, you can then collect the Scythe Hilt which you can inspect in your inventory whereby if you look at the neck of the hilt you will be able to interact bringing up a menu enabling you to connect the blade with the hilt thus creating the Ritualist Scythe. Check out the Befouled Altar 2 Aberration guide if you need any more information on how to destroy the 2nd Altar.
Steel Scythe
Location: Ward 13.
You will be able to purchase the Steel Scythe from Brabus at Ward 13 for 500 Scrap.
Location: The Chamber of the Faithless / Ward 13.
Requirements: Trade the Tormented Pommel with McCabe in Ward 13.
You will be able to acquire the Tormented Pommel by defeating the One True King at the end of the DLC providing you antagonise to the point he will engage you in battle. Check out the One True King boss guide for how best to deal with him.
During the fight, his weapon will have a health bar, focus fire on the weapon destroying it, now I’m unsure whether or not you need to do this just the once or several times so focus fire on the weapon, then, with it destroyed, focus on the King until the weapon respawns then destroy it again. Take the One True King down after destroying his weapon to receive the Tormented Pommel which you can then take to McCabe along with 7 Lumenite Crystals and a 1,000 Scrap where you can craft the Wrathbringer.
That’s all of the Remnant 2 The Awakened King DLC Weapons, which one(s) are you using the most? For me, Wrathbringer and the Sparkfire Shotgun are incredibly powerful.