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Remnant 2 The Custodian's Eye Boss Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 The Custodian’s Eye boss guide which will help you find and take down one of the potential story progression bosses on N’Erud who can be a very tough battle if you don’t pay attention to everything around you, including the floor.

Location: N’Erud, Spectrum Nexus.
Rewards: Sentry’s Old Iris x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
Heading through the Spectrum Nexus will see you navigate a series of narrow walkways whilst your taking down Mechs as you ascend elevator after elevator until it feels like you’re close to the Heaven’s themselves. At this altitude, most people would black out, fortunately, this is a game so things like that don’t affect your character, what will affect them through is fall damage which is one of the reasons Spectrum Nexus has been designed the way it has as fall damage is a very real hazard you will need to contend with when you finally get around to The Custodian’s Eye.

The Custodian’s Eye can be a very nasty fight or it can be a relative walk in the park so to speak depending on the attacks the boss throws at you. Whichever it does, however, you will need to pay attention to the floor itself which is arguably one of the greatest hazards in the arena as it can fall away and if you’re caught in the centre, you can fall so far you’ll die.

You need to pay attention when the floor has orange lights appear which will only remain for a handful of seconds before falling away at different depths so too ensure you don’t perish, stay off the orange lights all together then try and drop down safely where the boss will either follow or bring you back up to the original level.

In addition to the falling floor you will also have to deal with heavy hitting laser attacks that come at you fast requiring precise dodging to avoid them as well as sending drones with lasers to track you down. This can be a fight which can end in an instant if you’re caught in the beam of a laser, especially the purple, blue ones.

Focus fire on the eyes of the boss as much as you can whilst taking out the drones along the way. Heavy, fast hitting weaponry is required here as there is barely any respite for healing and reloading so take the opportunity as soon as it becomes available.

Keep on the move as much as you can whilst taking care not to fall or roll off the edge of the arena or fall to your death if a section of floor is suddenly taken away from you then keep firing into the eyes whenever the opportunity presents itself to bring this oversized Mech down.

That’s the Remnant 2 The Custodian’s Eye boss guide complete, I hope it helped you find then take down this laser obsessed mech in the highest reaches of N’Erud.




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