Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Bosses
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here we will take a look at all of the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Bosses of which there are 3 new ones for you to find and take down with a lot more potential encounters along the way from the base game of Remnant 2. The World Boss in the, The Forgotten Kingdom DLC will always be the same regardless of the path you take through the DLC itself and the One Shot playthrough will give you the chance to face the new bosses on a single run. If you don’t encounter any of the bosses listed below then re roll Adventure mode on Yaesha where you will eventually come across them as you progress through as long as the DLC is installed. The 3 bosses you can face in the, The Forgotten Kingdom DLC are as follows:
Cinderclad Monolith
Location: The Forgotten Kingdom DLC, Deserted Atelier.
Rewards: Forge Ember, Scrap x1,000, Lumenite Crystals x3, Tome of Knowledge x1.
The Cinderclad Monolith looks like it should be a tough fight but by the time you lay the hammer down you will see that it is no more than old pottery with a few light magic attacks. When it lifts up and burns the arena you might be in trouble but as long as you avoid the appendage which slams down on you whilst focusing fire on the crystals you hopefully won’t have that tough of a time. Refer to the Cinderclad Monolith boss guide for everything you need to take this overgrown pottery bowl down.
The Stoneward
Location: The Forgotten Kingdom DLC,
Rewards: Palid Lodestone, 1,000 Scrap, Lumenite Crystal x3. Tome of Knowledge x1.
The Stonewarden is a powerful boss who, unlike most bosses in Remnant 2 won’t have any other enemies spawn alongside him to help bring you down and replenish your ammo stocks, instead you will have sliding statues to contend with in the 2nd half of the fight which slam into you then explode. Aim for the hole in his face or the cavity he likes to shield on his chest to inflict heavy damage whilst doing your best to avoid a seemingly never ending barrage of attacks. Refer to the, The Stonewarden boss guide for the best ways to bring down this wannabe be Grandmaster chess player.
Location: The Forgotten Kingdom DLC,
Rewards: Eye of Lydusa, 1,250 Scrap, Lumenite Crystal x5, Tome of Knowledge x1.
This is a tough, weird fight that can push you beyond your limits on the easier difficulties and break them on the tougher playthroughs. This feels like the one boss in the game where a team is necessary rather than optional as you have so many elements to manage whilst playing solo that its very easier to become overwhelmed before you get slammed with countless amounts of Monoliths. Refer to the Lydusa boss guide for everything you need to help take this 2 faced multi faceted statue Goddess down.
That’s a look at all of the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Bosses. Which one was your favourite?.