Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Charred Sentry Aberration Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Charred Sentry Aberration guide which will help you find and take down this magic pot who can hold some lethal abilities.
Location: The Forgotten Kingdom DLC, Ancient Canopy.
Rewards: Pressure Point Mutator, Scrap x250.
On your way through to the statue with the closed hands you will come to as you progress through the story you will be able to take a left down the stairs, follow the water to the end of the gulley where the Charred Sentry will come to life.
Depending on the abilities the Charred Sentry has you might have an easy time of it, however, if you need to take it down whilst dealing with abilities like Shocker or Cloner with the latter for me being highly irritating as there’s rarely a break from your own character coming along and smacking you out of your ability to heal and reload.
As for the Charred Sentry it will come at you with the usual attacks the pots come at you with including fireballs and magic dart streams, none of which you want to get caught in so stay agile then return fire until you bring the Charred Sentry Aberration down.
That’s the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Charred Sentry Aberration guide complete, I hope it helped you take down this overgrown plant pot.