Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC guide which will help you through the 2nd DLC offering for the critically acclaimed Remnant 2 this time taking you through Yaesha.
- Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, PC.
- Trophies: 5: Gold: 1, Silver: 3, Bronze: 1.
- Achievements: 5: 250 G.
- Release Date: 23rd April 2024.
- Missable: None as you can reroll Adventure Mode on Yaesha in Ward-13 as many times as you need to.
- Glitched: Nothing glitched per-se, however, my achievement for Master of Elements didn’t show on screen when it unlocked.
- Online: None.
- Difficulty Rating: 5/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: Roughly 15 hours unless you are between the Labyrinth and Root Earth in the base game as you need access to the Keeper for The Burden Hardest to Bear. If not you will need a fresh campaign re roll.
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC has some tough biomes for you to work through and the new Specials can end your life in the blink of an eye so ensure you have your best gear equipped and maxed out where possible. Refer to the Remnant 2 hub for where to find every long gun, hand gun and melee weapon in the base game as well as the Awakened King DLC if you have purchased that as well then get ready for a slog through Yaesha. You can start the DLC just like with the Awakened King DLC by going to the World Stone in Ward-13, interacting with the World Stone then re-rolling Adventure Mode choosing to go through the One Shot Adventure which will give you access to virtually every area in the DLC you need.
If you do re roll then Yaesha goes back to being procedurally generated meaning you will have a mixture of the base game and the DLC biomes combined on a given run. As long as you have the Glistening Grotto as your starting point toy will be in a good place to find some DLC biomes. Once you’re loaded into your One Shot for the, The Forgotten Kingdom DLC go through the story first ensuring you collect the Invoker Archetype along the way which to completing the main DLC story where you unlock the following:
With the DLC story complete you can then go and work towards either:
Along the way and before a re-roll you need to begin working towards acquiring the Trinity Crossbow which requires 3 playthroughs from the Glistening Grotto starting point.
On one of your subsequent playthroughs you can work towards unlocking the other choice which will be either forging a friendship or making a difficult choice where you will ultimately finish up the DLC by unlocking:

75 G
Requiem of the Forgotten Kingdom
Complete the Forgotten Kingdom Story
During the, The Forgotten Kingdom DLC you will initially be tasked with finding and helping Lydusa who is an NPC missing a part of herself and that part has caused her once peaceful statues to be embroiled in a hatred and attack any living entity which comes their way, namely, you!. Proceed through the various biomes as you ordinarily will have done through subsequent playthroughs and if this DLC is your first foray into Remnant 2, check out the Remnant 2 Hub for everything you will need to get through all 5 Worlds in the base game.
Head through the biomes going up and around, it is a fairly linear path, especially on your one shot then go to the blocked off section up behind the large statue in the Luminous Vale biome and shoot the blister blocking the way to make the water flow. Drop back down to the statue in the Luminious Vale, then, with the water now flowing you can pull the lever and open the path which leads up to the chamber where you can collect the Cherished Fracture. Take the Cherished Fracture back to Lydusa in the, The Bloodless Throne biome where she will then turn hostile and lead you into a very weird boss fight even by Remnant 2’s standards.
Refer to the Lydusa boss guide for how best to take her / it down, where, once the final blow has been dealt, you will then unlock Requiem of the Forgotten Kingdom. Alternatively, if you are struggling with taking Lydusa down or you have had a look at the video and don’t fancy getting slapped down by a floating blue sawblade infused skull then take the Cherished Fracture to the Godess’s Rest biome. Interact with the 5 Altars unlocking the door then place the Cherished Fracture in the bowl in front of the statue which will cause the peaceful statue to come to life which also unlocks Requiem of the Forgotten Kingdom.

25 G
Thank You For Being a Friend
Forge a Friendship
To form a friendship in The Forgotten Kingdom DLC you will need to speak to a Pan by the name of Walt who can be found at several different locations throughout the DLC as you progress through working towards acquiring then removing the curse of Lydusa. Each time you speak to Walt he will offer some brief respite and lore in the Forgotten Kingdom as he tries to discover the atrocities Lydusa is responsible for. Refer to the Thank You For Being a Friend guide for every location as well as how to conclude Walt’s questline in the 2nd DLC for Remnant 2.

50 G
The Burden Hardest to Bear
Made a Difficult Choice
This can be a very tough one to unlock as you need to go through an area which is blocked off by 3 Root Nexus which dramatically increase in difficulty as you descend through a biome infested with enemies usually found in Root Earth, the final World in the base game. The biome you are looking for is the Infested Abyss which can be found on your One Shot Playthrough by having the Glittering Grotto as your starting point, going up the first set of stairs past the Snakes then doubling back around, mantling up the ledges to your left then jumping through the waterfall, use the biome gate to go through and hopefully find the Infested Abyss.
If it isn’t there then finish the One Shot ensuring you have cleared most biomes and got anything you need before rerolling in Adventure Mode until the Infested Abyss does become available at the biome gate through the waterfall. Make your way down through the Abyss to the end section ensuring you collect the Crystal Staff before going to an NPC who is the Master of Root. Speak with him agreeing to submit where you will receive the amulet, Profane Soul Stone.
Take the Amulet to the Keeper in the Labyrinth which, depending on your current campaign progress may require a campaign re roll, speak to the Keeper then refuse to give it the Amulet. The Keeper will tell you “The anomaly carries an item forge by corruption itself“. You then need to select the dialogue option: “I actually like it… I’m going to keep it“. Return to the Infested Abyss on Adventure Mode then speak with the NPC agreeing to hand him the Amulet back. The Emissary will then turn the Amulet into the Profaned Heart Relic unlocking The Burden Hardest to Bear in the process.

75 G
Master of Elements
Acquire the Invoker Archetype
Unlocking the Invoker Archetype requires you to firstly acquire the Old Flute which can be obtained at the lowest level of the Ancient Canopy. When you start the DLC you will naturally progress through to a large statue with a cylindrical staircase in its centre you need to descend through taking the ladders to the lower section. Make your way up and through the biomes following the yellow exclamation marker to come back out to the higher section of the Ancient Canopy where you can pull a lever lowering the statue down a level.
Follow the path down to the statue then go down the ladders and around the base of the statue to come to a corridor with a pressure plate which activates a constant arrow volley across the sand pit. Angle the camera so you are looking at the arrows where you will see them shooting pairs, wait for an arrow set to shoot then quickly move to the section in between the arrow shots and do this for each of the arrows until you get to the last 2 sets of arrow holes where the right and left of the penultimate and final arrow holes won’t be firing.
Proceed down the screen walking directly away from the arrows to find 2 mounds of sand. Stand in between the sand mounds for around 5 minutes where you will then be transported to a room underneath the sand. Move your character then go over to the table and collect the Old Flute which you can take to Wallace in Ward-13 to unlock the very powerful Invoker Archetype unlocking Master of Elements in the process.

25 G
Triple Takeover
Acquire the Trinity Crossbow
Acquiring the Trinity Crossbow is a simple task of acquiring the Echo of the Forest Amulet then standing on a specific section in a hidden room where the floor will open revealing the hidden altar where the Crossbow is waiting for you. To get your hands on the Echo of the Forest Amulet you need to obtain 3 Trinity Mementos 1 of which can be found on each playthrough of The Forgotten Kingdom DLC in the Luminous Vale area which can be found in random locations throughout the biome so ensure you unveil the map until you find a Memento.
You will always be able to get to the Luminous Vale if you have the Glittering Grotto as your starting point on Yaesha then, you need to hand the Trinity Mementos to Dwell at Ward-13 to receive the Echo of the Forest Amulet. The Trinity Mementos will be identified as quest items on the map (orange in colour), then, once you have a TTrinity Memento you need to return it to Dwell before re rolling otherwise you will lose the Memento and need to go off and find it again.
Hand over 3 Trinity Mementos to Dwell where he will hand you the Echo of the Forest Amulet, equip it then go to the Glittering Grotto checkpoint in the Forgotten Kingdom DLC (a re roll won’t be necessary as long as the Glittering Grotto is available). Make your way up the stairs past the Snakes then, before going up the long stairs where the 3 Specials aggro, go right doubling back and mantling up the ledges to your left then carefully jump through the waterfall. Drop down the ladder and look left to find the Trinity symbol on the wall, walk up to it, where, as long as you have the Amulet equipped, the floor will open revealing the altar where the Trinity Crossbow can be found unlocking Triple Takeover.
That’s the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC guide complete, I hope it helped you through the pack.