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Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Lydusa Boss Guide

Here is the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Lydusa boss guide which will help you find and take down the World Boss in the 2nd DLC offering for Remnant 2 which will unlock Requiem of the Forgotten Kingdom.

Location: The Forgotten Kingdom DLC, Bloodless Throne.
Rewards: Eye of Lydusa, Lumenite Crystal x5, Lumenite Crystal x1, Scrap 1,250.
Lydusa is the World Boss for the Forgotten Kingdom DLC and can be fought once you have the Cherished Fracture which we’ll get to shortly. There are 2 paths you can take once you have the Cherished Fracture which are either restoring the benevolent Lydusa in the Goddess’s Rest biome, however, for the purposes of this guide you need to take the Cherished Fracture to the Bloodless Throne where you will have been cursed earlier in the DLC. Proceed through the biomes following the yellow exclamation mark to help you get your bearings where you are aiming for the Primal Hollow checkpoint then shoot the root blocking the tunnel which is found by following the linear path thus freeing up the water to flow through the statues eyes.

Follow the path around where you will come to the statue which appears to be crying now. Pull the lever allowing you to go through and collect the Cherished Fracture then follow the path back through to the Bloodless Throne where you can face off against Lydusa.

Ensure you have a high magazine weapon equipped in either your primary or secondary slots or both if you can then get ready for a tough fight with a lot of elements you need to maintain focus on to avoid taking heavy damage. Attack wise, Lydusa comes at you with more attacks than near enough any other boss in the game. You will be met with sand mines on the ground, orbs that fire homing magic at you from the side, magic crystals being fired at you from above as well as dealing with a fairly agile aerial opponent who won’t touch the ground rendering melee damage all but useless hence the recommendation for high capacity magazines to limit your need for reloading.

Focus fire on Lydusa’s face as best as you can whilst being aware of the sand mines and the other attacks to where her face will crumble away revealing an ominous looking blue skull which then seats itself on a large buzzsaw that it slams into you whilst also dropping more sand mines. Keep firing at the skull whilst avoiding the attacks as Lydusa transforms between stone and blue Demon forms until you have taken even of its health of where the side panels will rise up thus beginning the next stage of the fight.

Ensure you are at full health and have both weapons reloaded as soon as the sides begin to raise as you will have several Monoliths slam into you as they slide down the newly created gulley. Some of the stones will have Lydusa’s blue skull on them which is where you should focus fire, if you are fast enough you will destroy that stone creating a safe space for a brief moment whilst the other stones slide past you. On occasion you will need to duck to avoid a row of stones so ensure you get back up before trying to get out of the way of the next set, it sounds like basics but it’s easy to overlook in the heat of battle.

Avoid the stones as they slide down towards as well as taking out the blue skulls until Lydusa appears above you at the end of the gulley giving you a large window of opportunity to inflict heavy damage which will then conclude the fight.

That’s the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Lydusa boss guide complete, I hope it helped you take the World boss down removing the curse placed upon you.




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