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Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Weapons

Here we will go over all of the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC weapons of which there are 7 and to acquire them all you will need to be incredibly proficient at traversal as well as combat so bear that in mind. Also, just like in The Awakened King DLC you will need to complete the campaign again after you have installed the Forgotten Kingdom, however, unlike when you acquired Anguish, your starting point won’t matter this time round.

Nearly every weapon you can find throughout the Forgotten Kingdom DLC are next level, they are, for the most part powerful at level 1 then decimating if you invest the resources into them for level 10 with Monolith being a particular favourite of mine with the only downside being its limited range, however, get up close and this thing will blast enemies to oblivion with little hassle. The weapons in this guide will be broken down by type which are:


There are no Handguns to be found in the Forgotten Kingdom DLC which is a shame and I’m not sure if it’s an oversight or what happened there but at the time of writing at least, there’s no Handguns to be found. Focus on obtaining the easier weaponry in the DLC then go off and get the tougher ones as the easier weapons to obtain are some of the most powerful in the game so you will be able to carve up enemies with relative ease.

Long Guns

There are 4 Long Guns to acquire throughout the Forgotten Kingdom DLC and to get them all you have some heavy challenges standing in your way including completing the main campaign after installing the DLC regardless if you have finished it previously or not. You will also need to take down the World boss whilst also meeting certain requirements out in the World as well as playing at least 3 playthroughs from the Glittering Grotto starting point then equipping your prize to get your hands on a very powerful Crossbow. The Long Guns in The Forgotten Kingdom DLC are:


Location: The Bloodless Throne / Ward 13.
Requirements: Eye of Lydusa, Lumenite Crystal x7, 1,000 Scrap.
You will receive the Eye of Lydusa once you defeat Lydusa in the Bloodless Throne, you can refer to the Lydusa boss guide if you’re struggling to find her or defeat them. With the Eye of Lydusa acquired, take it McCabe in Ward 13 and craft the incredibly powerful Monotith Long Gun.


Location: The Labyrinth.
Requirements: Solve the Cube puzzle.
Acquiring the Polygun will require you to be a master of traversal as you need to work your way through the Labyrinth shooting a series of cubes with them needing to be done in a particular sequence, however, die or touch a checkpoint and the sequence will reset! You will also need to enter the glitched portal taking you to the backrooms of the developer studios so refer to the Backrooms guide for everything you need to enter them then once you’re all set refer to the Polygun long gun guide for every cube’s location throughout the Labyrinth.


Location: Ancient Canopy / Ward 13.
Requirements: Regurgitated Spiny Sac, Lumenite Crystal x7, 1,000 Scrap.
Once you begin the, The Forgotten Kingdom DLC you will be at a checkpoint called Glittering Grotto in the Ancient Canopy biome. In the Ancient Canopy biome there will be a birds nest off the beaten track which contains a Kuri-Kuri Egg. You need to not touch the egg then go off and complete the DLC story either by taking Lydusa down (refer to the Lydusa boss guide) or by freeing Lydusa in the Goddess’s Rest biome (refer to the, The Bloodless Heir Aberration guide).

With Lydusa either dead or freed go back to the Ancient Canopy biome, go up the hill pass the Snakes and double back on yourself once you’ve passed the 2 statue enemies, don’t go up the stairs, instead, take a hard right and walk towards the water. Take out the enemies then go forward and up the hollowed tree trunk to the nest where there will be a Kuri-Kuri bird who, once interacted with and as long as you didn’t touch her egg will comit out the Regurgitated Spiny Sac. Go to McCabe in Ward 13 who will take the Sac and give you back the highly effective Thorn long gun.

Trinity Crowssbow

Location: Ancient Canopy / Luminous Vale.
Requirements: Craft the Echo of the Forest amulet.
The Trinity Crossbow is a long gun found in a secret room near the start of the DLC in the Ancient Canopy biome accessed by having the Glittering Grotto starting point on Yaesha. To open the door you need to acquire the Echo of the Forest Amulet which is obtained from Dwell Ward 13 by giving him 3 Trinity Mementos, one of which can be found per playthrough from the Glittering Grotto starting point as that starting point will give you access to the Luminous Vale biome.

In the Luminous Vale biome you will be able to find 1 Trinity Memento. Given the procedurally generated nature of Remnant 2 the Trinity Mementos will be in random locations but they will always be in the Luminous Vale to make things easier so keep exploring until you find one then take it straight to Dwelll as if you re roll you will lose that Memento and need to find it again.

Once you have all 3, Dwell will give you the Echo of the Forest Amulet which you need to equip then go to the Glittering Grotto starting point, up the ramp pass the Snakes and double back on yourself where you can mantle up 3 ledges to your left. Carefully jump through the waterfall and drop down the ladder where you will be close to a biome gate. Look to your left to see a symbol on the wall you need to go close to which will open a section of floor allowing you to enter the secret room which holds the Trinity Crossbow. Refer to the Triple Takeover guide if you need any further information.

Melee Weapons

There are 2 Melee Weapons you can acquire throughout the Forgotten Kingdom DLC and to get them both you need to go through hell and back in a very tough area fighting through an Army of Root enemies as well as taking down 3 Root Nexus’ have some heavy challenges standing in your way including completing the main campaign after installing the DLC regardless if you have finished it previously or not.

You will need to rescue the World Boss which takes you on a different path to the usual way of completing the DLC story as well as needing to speak to the Keeper so if you have completed the campaign since you installed the Forgotten Kingdom DLC get the Polygun first then reroll campaign and work through to the Keeper in the Labyrinth who is found after you take down the Labyrinth Sentinel boss of course. The Melee Weapons in The Forgotten Kingdom DLC are:

Crystal Staff

Location: Infested Abyss.
Requirements: Loot the sarcophagus.
The Crystal Staff can be found in a very tough biome where you will unlock The Burden Hardest to Bear as well as where you acquire the Profane Heart Relic and will essentially see you go through hell as you need to defeat 3 Root Nexus Aberrations as well as Armies of Specials and normal enemies from both Yaesha and Root Earth. Once you have fought your way through all 3 Root Nexus Aberrations, drop down through the tree trunk to a room with a sarcophagus standing up against the back wall inside of which will be the Crystal Staff.


Location: Goddess’s Rest / Ward 13.
Requirements: Free Lydusa.
Throughout the Forgotten Kingdom DLC on your One Shot Adventure you will be able to find a new biome on Yaesha called Goddess’s Rest which you need to go through all the way to where you will find a sealed door in front of the mini checkpoint. Make your way through the biome in search of 5 Altars which you can find the locations for in the, The Bloodless Heir Aberration guide who you will fight once you’re in the tomb.

With the doorway open and if you haven’t done so already go and get the Cherished Fracture by opening the way through the crying statue and take the Cherished Fracture back to Goddess’s Rest and place it in the bowl in front of the statue. This will cause Lydusa to awaken becoming peaceful where she will remove the curse placed on you earlier in the DLC as well as giving you the Blossoming Core which you can take to McCabe in Ward 13 to craft the very powerful Mirage.


Location: Ward 13.
Requirements: Purchasable from Brabus.
The Shovel is the standard melee weapon for the Explorer Archetype you can unlock by completing the main game having taken down the Annihilation boss. With the release of the, The Forgotten Kingdom DLC you can now purchase the Shovel from Brabus for 500 Scrap.

That’s all of the Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC Weapons. Which one is your favourite?.




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