
Remnant 2 The God Gambit Guide

Remnant 2 The God Gambit trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

30 G

The God Gambit
Defeat Many Faces

Here is the Remnant 2 The God Gambit guide which will help you defeat Many Faces who is actually the Corruptor located in The Great Bole on Yaesha and is a tough fight.

Taking down Corruptor will conclude the Empress’ questline you can start in The Red Throne starting point on Yaesha and will take you through the toughest areas Yaesha has to offer and for me, I did this on Adventure Mode (I’m unsure if this is possible in campaign). Re roll Adventure Mode until you get Yaesha, The Red Throne as a starting point then go through the first passage to the end, bang on the door and speak with the Empress.

If you are antagonistic choosing the “Not Interested” dialogue option, you will be arrested where you can then go and collect the Royal Broadsword melee weapon from the 3rd floor of the prison. Regardless of how you answer the Empress, as long as you talk to her you will be tasked with taking down the Abomination residing in Yaesha causing the corruption of the World.

Remnant 2 is procedurally generated which means some areas appear in different locations for different players so I’ll tell you the route I took just be aware it may not be the same for you, the locations will be the same but they might not appear or may be in a different point to where they were for me but be aware, the starting point has to be The Red Throne then go through the following biomes:

  • The Withering Weald.
  • The Twisted Chantry where you will need to take down the Legion boss.
  • The Far Woods.
  • The Widow’s Court.
  • The Great Bole.

Most of the above areas are tough and hard to navigate with The Twisted Chantry and The Far Woods being especially tough areas so ensure you use checkpoints wherever possible to restock your gear as needed.

Once you’re at The Great Bole, equip your highest damage dealing gear, Archetypes and abilities then head through the fog gate to face off against both the Corruptor and the Corruptor’s guardian, a multi-armed Golem who won’t stop hunting you until its disabled so focus fire on the head and arms when they detach. You also need to watch out for the Corruptor’s laser which will fire a beam leaving you with the bare minimum of health if any at all so jump to a different platform using the stair cases and continue firing.

With the Guardian down, the Corruptor will raise up to repair it revealing a large weak spot on its underside. Focus your heaviest attacks in to the weak spot inflicting as much damage as possible then if its still alive, repeat the steps until the Corruptor falls where you will have killed the Abomination for the Empress.

Your achievement will unlock once the Empress is down, however, if you return to The Red Throne, the Empress’ assistant will gift you Zohee’s Ring for your efforts.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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