Remnant 2 The Red Prince Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Remnant 2 directory.
Here is the Remnant 2 The Red Prince boss guide which will help you find and take down one of the toughest bosses in the entire game which you will need to do depending on your luck as you progress towards The Nightweaver from Morrow Parish on Losomn.
Location: Losomn, Gilded Chambers.
Rewards: Forlorn Fragment x1, Lumenite Crystal x3, Tome of Knowledge x1, Scrap x500.
You will need the Morrow Parish starting point on Losomn then head through to the Asylum and through the portal on the top floor of the Asylum which is accessible after you have obtained the Third Floor Asylum Key out in the courtyard once you have taken down the Ripsaw Aberration, you can then go through to Nimue’s Retreat. Given the procedurally generated nature of Remnant 2, you will need to take down 1 of 2 bosses before you can access the Soulkey Tribute which is a quest item you need to obtain in order to get the World boss, The Nightweaver.
One of the bosses is Magister Dullain in the Shattered Gallery, however, you also have a 1 in 2 chance of stumbling into a very deadly boss who we’re going to look at here: The Red Prince who is the source of Losomn’s power for both Fae and Dran making the Red Prince comparable to a God and he certainly fights like one. Head through the Gilded Chambers and rest at the mini checkpoint before going up the stairs where the Prince will ask for tribute. If you are underpowered, simply give him 3 Crimson King Coins which drop from the Special Knights throughout the Gilded Chambers biome, however, in this guide I’ll go over how to take him down.
Refuse to give him Tribute where he will then initiate the fight which is tough as the Prince is a very skilled, high hitting Pyromancer who can easily remove your entire health bar if you get caught in a flame combo. Attack wise, the Prince will send out a series of arrows that you need to avoid as they come back just as hard as they went out after a few seconds, he will slash at you with every successful attack dealing heavy fire damage as well as being able to spawn clones, which, whilst they have low health can still hit just as hard as the main boss.
One of his nastier abilities is when he drops to around 50% health, he will summon a giant fire storm with the only “safe” section being the middle of the central platform, however, both the Prince and his clones will still constantly attack you throughout and if you get close to the walls of fire you will burn dealing significant damage to your health bar.
Avoid the attacks and get in some of your where possible but focus on defence a lot more than offence until the firestorm subsides which can take a good few minutes then go back to focusing fire on the Prince and his allies.
Aim for the face as best as you can but given his speed and teleporting abilities, just hitting him will be somewhat of a bonus so do your best until you bring the Prince down. If you do die or if you just don’t have the skill or the gear to take him down, you can, upon re entering the arena, offer him tribute where you can then leave the arena and continue through the story.
That’s the Remnant 2 The Red Prince boss guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down one of the toughest bosses in Losomn.