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Remnant 2 The Trigger Guide

The Trigger
PlayStation Silver Trophy

20 G

The Trigger
Acquire 30 Guns

Here is the Remnant 2 The Trigger guide which will help you acquire 30 guns. Guns are your main form of offense in Remnant 2 and in total, there are 41 guns in Remnant 2 so you have plenty of opportunity here to go after a different gun if you’re struggling to acquire one of the more difficult ones. Guns come in 2 categories, Long Guns and Handguns with varying rates of fire, ammunition capacity, abilities, effectiveness and overall dps (damage per second). With guns ranging from 6 shooters to Shotguns, Rifles to Plasma weapons, electricity to fire and damn near everything in between you are well catered for regardless of your preferred playstyle.

There are several ways to obtain guns in Remnant 2, you can purchase them from vendors, loot them out in the World(s), craft them at Ward-13 or receive them as rewards for completing certain actions out in the World(s). Here is a breakdown of every gun you can acquire by their respective World which you can then find a link taking you to a given World breakdown for how to obtain every gun in that given World. Pretty much every gun below has its own video attached to it to enable you to find it for yourself and with there being 41 guns in the base game and you only needing to obtain 30 of them you have plenty of scope if you’re struggling to acquire a particular weapon.

Guns in Remnant 2 are broken down in to 2 main categories which are long guns being your primary and main damage dealers and handguns which are your secondary or offhand firearms which are very useful in the right situations such as when you’re running low on ammo for your main gun or need to reload where you can, instead, switch to your handgun to put down the remaining enemies. There are 6 main Worlds you can obtain guns in Remnant 2 which are:

  1. Ward-13.
  2. Losomn.
  3. N’Erud.
  4. Yaesha.
  5. The Labyrinth.
  6. Root Earth.

Some weapons will be obtainable by defeating bosses in certain ways and if you make a mistake you will need to do a re roll in Adventure mode (you can re roll campaign but it costs you all of your progress) and start a given World again from scratch so ensure you read the guides carefully to ensure you don’t waste too much time.


Ward-13, is of course, the main hub World in Remnant 2, your safe zone essentially back on Earth and has more guns than any other World in the game. You will be given 2 guns in the tutorial then another 2 guns when you have chosen your Archetype, there are then a good number of guns you can acquire from Brabus in Ward-13 for Scrap which can be found throughout the World(s) giving you plenty of choice providing you can afford them. Ensure you travel back to Ward-13 at the first opportunity where you can acquire one of the best handguns in the game found behind a specific locked door, the MP60-R SMG. There are 14 guns to be acquired in Ward-13 which are:

  1. AS-10 Bulldog.
  2. Blackmaw AR-47.
  3. Coach Gun.
  4. Huntmaster M1.
  5. MP60-R
  6. Repeater Pistol.
  7. Service Pistol.
  8. Silverback Model 500.
  9. Sureshot.
  10. Tech 22.
  11. Western Classic.
  12. Widowmaker.
  13. Wrangler 1860.
  14. XMG57 Bonesaw.

You will also, upon starting the game have both the:

  1. Rusty Lever Action.
  2. Rusty Repeater.

Whilst these guns are next to useless out in the World(s), they till count towards the 30 required to unlock The Trigger.


Losomn is a tough Victorian, Cthulhu inspired World filled with flaming enemies, firearm wielding villagers and Fae who can fly around blasting you with magic, fortunately, some of the strongest guns can also be found in Losomn. There are, in total 7 guns throughout Losomn which are as follows:

  1. Crescent Moon (Long Gun).
  2. Deceit (Long Gun).
  3. Double Barrel (Handgun).
  4. Meridian (Handgun).
  5. Nightfall (Long Gun).
  6. Royal Hunting Bow (Long Gun).
  7. Rune Pistol (Handgun).

Check out the Losomn Guns guide for where you can find all 7 guns regardless of whether they need Dran power or Fae mastery.


N’Erud is a sci-fi explorers dream that can quickly turn in to a nightmare if you go in under prepared with heavy hitting Mechs, spectral Wraiths, cosmic Slugs and some of the toughest bosses in the entire game it’s a good job there are some fantastic, albeit hard to obtain guns for you to fight back with in N’Erud. There are 6 guns to be found throughout N’Erud which are as follows:

  1. Aphelion.
  2. Nebula.
  3. Plasma Cutter.
  4. Pulse Rifle.
  5. Rupture Canon.
  6. Star Shot.

Check out the N’Erud guns guide for how to acquire every firearm on this mech filled hell-scape.


Yaesha is a jungle filled utopia over run by the Root which has disrupted the balance of life. There are 7 guns you can acquire in Yaesha, 2 of which will require to kill World Bosses in certain ways or you will need to re roll and go through the entire World again before you can have another go. The 7 guns in Yaesha are as follows:

  1. Bolt Driver (Handgun).
  2. Crossbow (Long Gun).
  3. Ford’s Scattergun (Long Gun).
  4. Merciless (Long Gun).
  5. Sagittarius (Long Gun).
  6. Sorrow (Handgun).
  7. Twisted Arbalest (Long Gun).

Check out the Yaesha Guns guide for how to obtain every gun the Pan have to offer.

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth can be accessed once you have the Strange Object which is obtained once you have defeated your first World Boss on any of the 3 potential starting Worlds, Losomn, N’Erud or Yaesha. If you aren’t getting on with a given World, then re roll campaign and I do recommend going through Yaesha first as opposed to Losomn or N’Erud as the enemies are easier to deal with and you be able to get to grips with the games mechanics better. There are 3 guns to be found in The Labyrinth which are:

  1. Chicago Typewriter (Long Gun which is technically in Ward 13, however, you can only access the area from The Labyrinth).
  2. Cube Gun (Handgun).
  3. Enigma (Handgun).
Check out the, The Labyrinth Weapons guide for where you can acquire all 3 long guns in The Labyrinth.

Root Earth

Root Earth is end game content and can be accessed once you have defeated at least 1 World Boss per World throughout the main story in Remnant 2. There are 2 guns to be found in Root Earth which are:

  1. Alpha Omega.
  2. Hellfire.

Check out the Root Earth Weapons guide for how to acquire these 2 incredibly powerful specimens in the final area of Remnant 2.

That’s the Remnant 2 The Trigger guide complete, I hope it helped you acquire at least 30 guns throughout Remnant 2.




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