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Remnant 2 Yaesha Aberrations

Here we will go over where to find and how to take down all of the Remnant 2 Yaesha Aberrations which are essentially mini bosses although some of them may feel tougher than the actual bosses you can fight throughout Yaesha itself. An Aberration will, for the most part, be in the same place in a given area, however, given Remnant 2’s procedural generation mechanic, you may not always find a given location in your particular run.

That’s where Adventure Mode comes in to play, when you beat a World boss for any of the 3 main World(s) in Remnant 2: Losomn, N’Erud and Yaesha, you can then access Adventure Mode allowing you to re roll as many times as you need to without affecting your campaign progress. Usually, an Aberration will have special abilities attached to it which are detailed under the Aberrations health bar and depending on what the modifiers are for a given fight, they might not do a lot or they might exponentially increase the difficulty of an encounter with an Aberration. In total, there are 7 Aberrations you can hunt and take down in Remnant 2 which are the:

  1. Defiler.
  2. Fester.
  3. Mantagora.
  4. Root Nexus.
  5. Rot.
  6. The Weald Stalker & The Gnarled Archer.
  7. Wither.


Location: Yaesha, Forgotten Field.
Rewards: Reinvigorate Mutator, Scrap x300.
Defiler is a very powerful enemy found in one of the rarest biomes on Yaesha, The Forgotten Field. Once you’re there, speak with the tree who is locked in a Root Nexus which needs defeating then get ready for a tough, non stop fight against an Army of Rot. Check out the complete Defiler aberration guide for the best way to take down the Defiler and its entourage.


Location: Yaesha, Endaira’s Ends secret maze.
Rewards: Vampire Blade Mutator, Scrap x300.
Once you manage to find Endaira’s End which is a biome that doesn’t seem to spawn very often on Yaesha, head all the way through to the end and access the secret maze where you will be ambushed by Fester in a random room. Check out the complete Fester aberration guide for everything you need to find and take down this cloning menace.


Location: Yaesha, Imperial Gardens.
Rewards: Scrap x200, Momentum Mutator.
Mantagora is a strange aberration as it seems to fly around Imperial Gardens, however, no matter what I do it just won’t engage in combat meaning you need to take pot shots whenever it appears rather than having a proper fight with it. Check out the complete Mantagora aberration guide for how best tackle this overgrown bug.

Root Nexus

Location: Yaesha, The Withering Weald.
Rewards: Scrap x100, Blood Bond Trait (Summoner), Hallowed Egg Amulet (Underneath Blood Tree).
The Root Nexus won’t actually attack you, however, it will summon a lot of enemies that come in waves so deal with the mobs then focus fire on the Root Nexus to have an easier time of it. If you try and avoid the mobs and just take down the aberration, you’re going to be in for a very bad time of it here. Check out the complete Root Nexus aberration guide for where to find, what you’ll face and how best to tackle this overgrown tree trunk.


Location: Yaesha, The Chimney.
Rewards: Extender Mutator, Scrap x300.
Rot is a powerful Reaver who has a nasty displacement mod which can glitch your screen placing you in a random location in the arena, usually right in front of the Reaver just as it’s attacking. Check out the complete Rot aberration guide for how to tackle and counter this hulking menace in the crypts of Yaesha.

The Gnarled Archer & The Weald Stalker

Location: Yaesha, The Expanding Glade.
Rewards: The Gnarled Archer: Bandit Mutator, Scrap x200. The Weald Stalker: Corrupted Lumenite Crystal x2, Ordinary Revive Speed Relic Fragment, Cracked Healing Effectiveness +4 x1.
There are some ruins in The Expanding Glade you can access by dropping off the ledges carefully then once you’re on the lowest floor you will be ambushed by 2 aberrations at once which is not a good time. Check out the complete The Gnarled Archer & The Weald Stalker Aberration guide for how to deal with a 2 on 1 battle in the ruins of The Expanding Glade.


Location: Yaesha, The Lament.
Rewards: Scrap x300, Koklet’s Razor Quest Item x1, Overdrive Mutator x1.
The Lament is a tough, trap filled area which does get easier once you’re through the initial section with the arrows. Wither on the other hand is a very hard hitting enemy you need to put down for good to stop it respawning. Check out the complete Wither aberration guide what you can expect in this tough, potentially never ending fight.

That’s where to find all of the Remnant 2 Aberrations, which was the toughest or most enjoyable for you?




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