
Remnant 2 Yaesha Melee Weapons

Here is a list containing all of the Remnant 2 Yaesha melee weapons. Yaesha is a jungle area filled with all types of beasts, bosses, traps, hidden paths and illusionary walls. You will be getting very familiar with Yaesha if you intend to get every melee weapon the Pan have to offer. Are you ready Paxultek?. Melee weapons are a lot more useful in Remnant 2 than they may first appear with many favouring guns over blades, however, when you have an enemy up close or you need to reload or have simply run out of ammunition a decent melee weapon can be incredibly helpful to carve and smash your way through enemies allowing you time to reload, scavenge ammo and compose yourself before moving forward. In total, there are 8 melee weapons you can acquire in Yaesha which are:

  1. Blade of Gul.
  2. Edge of the Forest.
  3. Feral Judgement.
  4. Krell Axe.
  5. Rebellion Spear.
  6. Red Doe Staff.
  7. Royal Broadsword.
  8. Stonebreaker.

Blade Of Gul

Location: Yaesha, Bloodmoon Altar.
Requirements: Blood Moon Essence x10, Scrap x1,250.
The Blade of Gul can be acquired at a Bloodmon Altar which randomly spawn on Yaesha in a random biome and will look like this on a map:

You will randomly get a Blood Moon as you move through Yaesha which spawns Blood Moon Wisps, purple pink glowing blobs that fly around. Shoot them to receive 1 Blood Moon Essence per kill. Do this 10 times then go to a Bloodmoon Altar to purchase the Blade of Gul.

Edge Of The Forest

Location: Yaesha, Imperial Gardens.
Acquired from: A secret room behind some vines.
Head through the Imperial Gardens to the mini checkpoint then go right in to the ruins, take a right along the passage then shoot the vines out of the way on the left allowing you through to a hidden room where you can collect the Edge of the Forest  from an Altar.

Feral Judgement

Location: Yaesha, Ravager’s Lair
Acquired from: Take the Ravager’s Maw to McCabe in Ward-13.
Once you get to the Corrupted Ravager boss fight, kill the Doe when prompted where you will receive the Ravager’s Maw which will allow you to craft Feral Judgement at McCabe in Ward-13.

Krell Axe

Location: Yaesha, Endaira’s End in the secret maze.
Endaira’s End is a randomly spawning biome on Yaesha, then when it does appear, head through to the end and collect the Endaira’s Endless Loop Ring from the table. Step to your right where you will stand on a hidden platform revealing a path through the wall in to a hard hitting maze. Follow the path in the video below to acquire the Krell Axe.

Rebellion Spear

Location: Yaesha, The Forbidden Grove.
Requirements: Complete Bedel of the Vaunnt’s questline.
Speak with Bedel in The Forbidden Yaesha (possible yaesha starting biome) where he will ask you to save the Doe. Head through Yaesha to the Ravager’s Lair (check out the Corrupted Ravager boss guide for how to gain access to the lair), then, once inside run through the dialogue with the Ravager where he will ask you to kill the Doe. Instead, go to the left side of the Doe and choose to Revive the Doe instead where it will then attack the Ravager instigating a fight against the World Boss. Once you have defeated the Corrupted Ravager, you will acquire the Doe’s Antler you can use to craft the Red Doe Staff. Head back to Bedel in The Forbidden Grove and speak with him where you will eventually be gifted the Rebellion Spear.

Red Doe Staff

Location: Craftable at Ward-13 once you revive the Doe
Items required: Doe’s Antler, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x1,000.
The Red Doe staff is a melee weapon you can craft with McCabe at Ward-13 using the Doe’s Antler. In order to acquire the Doe’s Antler you will need to revive the Doe in the Ravager’s Lair with one of your Relics once the Ravager asks you to kill the Doe and become eternal. Check out the Corrupted Ravager boss guide for how to access the Ravager’s Lair then once you have revived the Doe it will attack the Ravager snapping off one of its Antlers in the process which you will be reward with once you have defeated the Corrupted Ravager. Take the required items back to McCabe in Ward-13 and craft the very impressive Red Doe’s Antler.

Royal Broadsword

Location: Yaesha, The Red Throne prison.
Requirements: Disrespect the Empress’ Assistant.
Roll Yaesha on Adventure mode until you get the, The Red Throne as your starting point then head through the first passageway to the end and bang on the ornate doors. Go through the initial set of dialogue with the Empress’ assistant until you can select the “Not Interested” option. The Empress will curse you for insolence and have 4 of her guards attack you. Let them beat you down and if you’re a Challenger, go down again where you wake up in a prison cell. Once you’re out of the cell, go to the third floor and collect the Royal Broadsword on your way out of the prison.


Location: Craftable at Ward-13 after having killed The Corruptor without disabling the Guardian.
Requirements: Hollow Heart x1, Lumenite Crystal x7, Scrap x650.
Make your way through to The Great Bole by going through The Widow’s Court ensuring you have some very powerful hard hitting weaponry as you will need to take down the Corruptor without disabling the Guardian which is a challenge to say the least. Ordinarily, disabling the Guardian will cause the Corruptor to raise up allowing you some respite from the never ending onslaught of the Guardian as well as revealing a large weak point on the underside of the Corruptor.

Instead, take out the Guardians arms and leave the head alone then focus as much fire in to the corruptor with your best gear, none of which will do excessive damage as the only point you can hit is the face with minimal chance of critical hits. Eventually you will be able to take down the Corruptor then as long as you haven’t disabled the Guardian before killing the Corruptor you will be rewarded with the materials needed to craft the Stonebreaker.

That’s how to obtain all of the Remnant 2 Yaesha melee weapons. Which is your favourite?

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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