
Resident Evil Village Bookworm Trophy Guide

Resident Evil Village Bookworm trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Read every single file in the story.

Here is the Resident Evil Village Bookworm Trophy Guide helping you read every single file found throughout Resident Evil Village. There are 47 files to be found in the game all of which will require you to examine either a piece of paper, a book, a diary or something along those lines. Some files have more than one page to them which you can access by pressing Left or RightYou can check the files you have collected with Touchpad> Journal> Files. Here is a complete list of all 47 files:

File 1

Prologue> Fridge Memo.
This file can be found on the fridge door in the kitchen.

File 2

Prologue> Ethan’s Diary.
Place Rose in her cot then go into the room next door and interact with the laptop to find the file.

File 3

Prologue> Medical Checkup Report.
After finding Ethan’s Diary (File 3), look to your right and open the drawer in the cupboard to find this file.

File 4

Prologue> Old News Clipping.
Come out of the bedroom and go to the end of corridor to the spare bedroom then select the newspaper on the right side of the room to find the file.

File 5

Village> Mission Briefing.
After the cutscene when you wake up in the snow, turn around and look to the back of the crashed transport to find the file on the floor.

File 6

Village 1F, Maiden of War> Scribbled Note.
After speaking with the old women who closes the gate on you, go into the first house looking to your left on a table to find the file.

File 7

Village 1F, Graveyard> “Goat of Warding” Placard.
Go over to the altar with the glowing orange light then read the Placard under the Goat Of Warding.

File 8

Village 1F, Luiza’s House> Dangerous Creatures.
Once Luiza tells you to wait, look to the chair in the right corner to find the file.

File 9

Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Entrance Hall> Guest Book.
Once you’re inside the Castle look to the left where you will find the file on a table.

File 10

Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Merchant’s Room> The Labyrinths.
Head through the Castle to the Hall of the Four, go into the Merchant’s Room where you will find the file on a table.

File 11

Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Wine Room> Winemaking History.
Go up to the wine room from the main hall where you will find the file on the table.

File 12

Castle Dimitrescu B1, Basement> A Maid’s Diary.
Once you’re in the basement, look to the right when you land after being chased to see the file on a shelf.

File 13

Castle Dimitrescu B1, Chamber Of Solace> Treatment Candidates.
Continue through the basement until you see the torture table covered in blood, look to the right of the table to find the file.

File 14

Castle Dimitrescu B1, Chamber Of Solace> Observation Report.
Take a left from the torture table going through the cell, follow the path exiting the cell going into the cell directly opposite where you will find the file.

File 15

Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Kitchen> A Cook’s Diary.
Check the shelf to the left of the kitchen after defeating the first of Dimitrescu’s daughter’s in the small room.

File 16

Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Dimitrescu’s Chambers> Alcina Dimitrescu’s Diary.
Once you have made your way through the blood and see Lady Dimitrescu speaking with Mother Miranda on the phone go into the room once she leaves then look on the couch to find the file.

File 17

Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Opera Hall> Insect Observations Journal.
Found on the ground floor of the Opera Hall (before going up the stairs) on a table will be a book you can examine to receive the file.

File 18

Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Opera Hall> Grand Chambermaid’s Notice.
Go upstairs then look to the table to find the file.

File 19

Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Opera Hall> Further Observations.
Stay upstairs from where you collected file 17> Grand Chambermaid’s Notice then go into the room, examine the book on the table where you will find the file inside.

File 20

Castle Dimitrescu RF, Attic> Rumours Of A Dagger.
This file can be found on a table at the back of the attic.

File 21

Village 1F> Craftsman’s Notice.
After dealing with Lady Dimitrescu, you will be outside where you can look to the building on your right inside of which on a table will be the file.

File 22

Village 1F, Maiden Of War> Leonardo’s Message.
Look at the text on the map screen to find the house in between the Maiden Of War and the Fallow Plot areas then go into the house looking at the green table to find the file.

File 23

Village 1F, West Old Town> Note On The Luthier’s House.
After using the Crank to raise the tractor, follow the path to the end where the Lycans will ambush you.

At the end of the path, look left to find a set of blue padlocked gates, shoot the padlock then go through to the house where you will find the file to the left side of the door on the wall.

File 24

Village 1, West Old Town> Eugen’s Diary.
Come out of the blue gates from File 23 then cross the path to where the Iron Insignia Gate can be found, go through it then climb the ladder, drop down to the left, go to the left of the house, climb another ladder then drop through the roof into the house. Once inside take out the Lycan then look on the dining table next to the chest containing the Key piece to find the file.

File 25

Village 1F, Graveyard> Church Computer.
On your 2nd visit to the Village (after having defeated Lady Dimitrescu) you will now find a laptop inside the Church which you need to examine to acquire the file.

File 26

Village 1F, Garden> Gardener’s Diary.
On your way back from House Beneviento, you can access the Gardener’s House, inside of which to the left side of the bedroom on a small table will be the file.

File 27

Village 1F, East Old Town> Vasile’s Final Testament.
As you make your way towards Moreau you will be attacked by a Vârcolac during a cut-scene (can be skipped). The cut-scene will end with you in a house, turn around and look to the back of the house where you will see a corpse holding the file.

File 28

Village 1F, Reservoir> The Reservoir And The Giant Fish.
Exit the mine towards the boat you need to take to progress through the game. Just before you get to the boat there will be small wooden building to your right, go inside where you will find the file on the table to your right.

File 29

Village 1F, Reservoir> Changing The Cranks.
Come out of the building with the Sluice Gate Controls and the Duke to find an abandoned truck. On the driver’s seat will be the file.

File 30

Village 1F, Drowned Houses> Moreau’s Diary 1.
After you have drained the Reservoir via the Sluice Gate Controls, follow the path then Moreau to the first building.

Inside, there will be a chest of drawers on the right side, open the top left drawer to find the file.

File 31

Village 1F, Moreau’s Hideout> Moreau’s Diary 2.
After defeating Moreau you will need to make your way back to Moreau’s Lab in order to acquire the 6-winged Unborn Key. Next to the table on a small stool will be the file.

File 32

Village 1F, Moreau’s Lab> Moreau’s Diary Of Experiments.
After defeating Moreau and leaving the area, opposite the Windmill will be a gate you can open with the newly acquired crank (obtained before defeating Moreau as part of normal game progression). Go up through this area to the highest of the 3 buildings which you can gain access to round the back in a crawl-space. Once inside the building, go around to the right to find the file on a table next to a chest.

File 33

Village 1F, Lone Road> Analysis Results.
After defeating Moreau, you will have the Crank, go back to the Lone Road (the road leading back to the Village after having defeated Lady Dimitrescu) then go down to the jetty on the right side of the water. Use the crank to lower the drawbridge and take the boat down-stream to the dock. From here, go right into a cave with a laptop at the end which contains the file.

File 34

Village 1F, Otto’s Mill> Ernest’s Diary.
To get to Otto’s Mill, firstly, defeat Moreau then go follow the yellow signs to where you see one reading “Good Luck” just before a staircase leading up. Take a left before going up the stairs through the corn to find Otto’s Mill. Go through the water to the left side of the Mill shooting the padlock’s to gain entry, once inside, deal with the big guy then go through the red door with 3 padlocks to the back room. Inside this room on the table to the left will be the file.

File 35

Stronghold B1> Officer’s Diary.
Go through the stronghold then down the spiral staircase to where you will go through a small crack in the wall. In this next small room will be a barrel to your left, next to it on the floor is the file.

File 36

Stronghold B1> Experiment Notes.
After defeating Uriaș, go through to find a boat. Take the boat to the next docking point (there’s only 2) then take a left before going up the ladder, at the end of this section will be the file on a small wooden table.

File 37

Heisenberg’s Factory, MB4> Development Note 1.
Continue through the factory to where you find the Cog Mould in the suitcase. To the left of the briefcase on a table will be the file.

File 38

Heisenberg’s Factory, B2> Development Note 2.
After having stopped the large fan by shooting all 4 orange glowing power points, climb the ladder and go up the fan blades and staircase to a small office. Look to the left on a table to find the file.

File 39

Heisenberg’s Factory, B1> Sturm.
Use Heisenberg’s Key on the door near the B1 level elevator then go through the door in front of you, on the right side will be a speaker with the file sitting on top of it.

File 40

Heisenberg’s Factory, B1> Heisenberg’s Diary.
After defeating Sturm, head through to the control room, go round to the left where you will find the file on a small table.

File 41

Heisenberg’s Factory, B5> Chris’s Computer.
After Heisenberg’s knocks you down to the B5 level where you meet Chris again, go through the cut-scenes (can be skipped) then go to the laptop on the left side of the area to unlock the file.

File 42

Village, Mother Miranda’s Lab> Moreau’s Medical Report.
After discovering the Megamycete, continue forward where you will enter Mother Miranda’s Lab. In front of you will be a table upon which will be four books (which are 4 files) can be found. The first book on the table you need to examine on the page side to obtain the file.

File 43

Village, Mother Miranda’s Lab> Dimitrescu’s Medical Report.
The second book on the table as you enter Mother Miranda’s Lab, examine the book on the page side to obtain the file.

File 44

Village, Mother Miranda’s Lab> Heisenberg’s Medical Report.
The third book on the table as you enter Mother Miranda’s Lab, examine the book on the page side to obtain the file.

File 45

Village, Mother Miranda’s Lab> Donna’s Medical Report.
The fourth book on the table as you enter Mother Miranda’s Lab, examine the book on the page side to obtain the file.

File 46

Village, Mother Miranda’s Lab> Spencer’s Letter.
Go to the back of the room to find Spencer’s Letter on the white table.

File 47

Village, Mother Miranda’s Lab> Miranda’s Diary.
Just before opening the Cell in Miranda’s Lab, look to the right on a table to find Miranda’s Diary before shooting the padlock off the cell door.

Once you have found all 47 files throughout Resident Evil Village, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Resident Evil Village Bookworm Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you read every single file in the story.




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